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Charr player voice: Please don't!

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I am playing a male Charr (_not sure if the following is true for female Charr characters as well_), and everytime he talks I cringe.


There are these disgusting effects added to his voice that make me sick to the stomach. They sound like one of the following:

* he's got too much snot in his sinuses that he is choking on it; or maybe it's hairballs

* he is chewing on a crunchy dog treat, likely a bone


**Could Anet please refrain from using these disturbing effects in future dialogue?** Neither Rox nor Rytlock have them when they talk (Rytlock is occasionally snarling or contemptibly snorting, but that's different), neither do any of the Charr NPCs -- so why does my character have to have it? :(

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> I am playing a male Charr (_not sure if the following is true for female Charr characters as well_), and everytime he talks I cringe.


> There are these disgusting effects added to his voice that make me sick to the stomach. They sound like one of the following:

> * he's got too much snot in his sinuses that he is choking on it; or maybe it's hairballs

> * he is chewing on a crunchy dog treat, likely a bone


> **Could Anet please refrain from using these disturbing effects in future dialogue?** Neither Rox nor Rytlock have them when they talk (Rytlock is occasionally snarling or contemptibly snorting, but that's different), neither do any of the Charr NPCs -- so why does my character have to have it? :(


It's unique to male Charr in Heart of Thorns and later story dialog. My female Charr just sounds like she's hit the whiskey for too long after defeating Zhaitan.

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[Lex Lang](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lex_Lang) started playing the male Charr voice in 2016. Before that, it was [Ron Yuan](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ron_Yuan). Lang started off trying to match his predecessor, but in most recent episodes, has tried to give the character his own meow|growl|hiss|voice.


Some people like Lang better; some prefer Yuan. Some hate both, some love both. And many have no idea what the OP and initial respondent are talking about.

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The female charr PC voice has this effect too, although it may not be as noticable. I haven't actually completed the later parts of the story on a male charr yet so I don't have the best reference in this case.


The two S3+ episodes where I did play using a male charr, I was happy with what Lang had done. The female charr still have an unfortunately high-pitched voice, though it's not as bad as the release content. Many of the combat effects should have used big cat recordings as their major components too; the only one that has the right sound is an ambush spawn effect (you can hear this when you emerge from a skritt tunnel in the Silverwastes for example).

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> [Lex Lang](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Lex_Lang) started playing the male Charr voice in 2016. Before that, it was [Ron Yuan](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ron_Yuan).


While I preferred the former voice actor, those effects were _not_ added through voice acting... unless the voice actor has mucus. :/ Those are definitely additionally produced sounds that are being added artificially at the end of each part of a sentence, and I sincerely **hate** them.


> @"Celldrax.2849" said:

> I always thought those subtle noises were a nice touch.


If they _were_ "subtle", I wouldn't mind. But for the longest time now, they have been disgustingly, noticeably overdone. It makes no sense, since no other Charr other than the player character does that. :s If only they would have left things as they were -- some "improvements" are just unnecessary.


> @"Biff.5312" said:

> Charr? How about the Grawl? Whenever I'm at one of their village spots I feel almost ill due to the grody sex-noises they're always making. It's disturbing, is what it is!


Very funny. ;)


> @"EpicName.4523" said:

> Poor kitty has some fur stuck in its throat! That's not disgusting, it's alarming. Take your Garfield to the local veterinarian right now!


Now, _that_ was funny. (LOL) :+1:

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