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WvW Fun Gameplay Enhancements


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In light of new open-world pvp games on the horizon, some additions could be made to spice up WvW so it stays competitive:


1) Remember the guard stacks you could get via those WXP upgrades? Which was removed because it was unfair to low WXP players? Bring it back, make it available to all WvW players, and expand on it. Have a full level tree with perks available for doing different things (a roaming branch, zerging branch, etc) (where you also lose XP or levels when you die) .


2) Encourage players to spread out by making holding ruins have more of a strategic benefit. Such as, for example, if an enemy holds all the ruins in a territory then T3 fortifications get a weakened status that makes them equivalent to t2 instead of t3.


3) Allow something like claiming camps/towers/keeps/etc for individual players instead of guilds. Players maybe could use somekind of"wvw infusion" on a single claimable area, that while active multiplies your wvw rewards (the more risky the territory, the more reward). However, if an enemy group takes the area, they loot the infusions applied for themselves. This would encourage defending.


Comments? Any other ideas?

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1 was unbalanced and what you suggest only leads to griefing, 2 is applying negative effect to doing something positive and 3 is absolutely ridiculous and would lead to even more griefing because you have claimed "their" objective they wanted for farming or the enemy took it and you are to blaim. We have enough as it is with guilds, we dont need players to ride their high horses too.


I see nothing fun in any of the ideas.

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1. holds true to all of the other WvW masteries...play an alt account and realize it's pointless to pickup supply or man siege under fire. Don't forget you wouldn't start out with glide! Hue hue hue.

2. it already provides benefits of gliding space, and a small stat buff. Buffing an un-walled objective further is a bad idea.

3. No, needless complexity, and why would individuals be able to contribute that much? 1 person influences too much of an area/too many other players. It's about as bad as tactivators...1 input to stop 25 players? #CusGameDesign

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