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Gear choices for my necro. Primarily WvW, possibly some fractals on the side.


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"ZombieSlayeR.8702" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > lOl. iTs nOt SuPpOsEd tO Be A SuPpOrT OnLy BuIlD

> >

> > Aite TL;DR Your build is bad and you should feel bad.

> > kthxbye


> No its not. Its great. With the upcoming patch that build will be deleted. Yes. But right now its pretty strong.

> Even though i play zerker scourge right now. Way more fun to oneshot people xD.


> But if i went back to smallscale roaming, k would definetly go back to this build.


> And since you arent suggesting a better build... well that says everything about you, that has to be said


We literally mentioned 3 different builds that are plain better than urs but w/e

Have fun with ur op dmg curses build on apo/tb lmao


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> No i adress the whole point, you just dont understand it, and you are not even willing to do so. So i guess that doesnt make sense to discuss that build with you.

No, once again, all you replied to was me saying it's silly to rely on 25 stacks. I'm going to copy+paste this again for your benefit:

* **You only reach 1062 healing power if you're below 50% health**

* **Relying on being under 50% hp to reach a somewhat decent amount of healing power is not particularly sustainable, and does not make for a strong build.**

* **Even with 25 stacks, you get ticks of 596 at >75% hp. Once again, you shouldn't rely on being at half health to heal more.**

The only reason it makes sense for you to not discuss your build with me is because you can't argue any of the above bullet points. It's rather easy to say "you don't understand my build!!!" when you can't respond with a logical rebuttal.

> And once again. Lf isnt an issue if you are playing this build right.

> And a little bit higher cooldowns arent the issue as well. And thats only 1.8k health more, thats not even a half autoattack.

> Dhumfire is nice. But you get the same or even better dmg from curses. Making marks unblockable isnt sustain, thats dmg.

> But its also not needed.

Yes, LF isn't an issue if you use your F skills sparingly, use scepter 3 and torch 4 off CD and then camp staff autoattack for the rest of the time, because that's the only life force generation you have from skills. Clearly a scourge who has to ration out F skills - especially if they're supposed to be support - isn't going to be particularly useful. Scourge has expensive F skills and you need all the help you can get with that.

Also, it's somewhat amusing for you to talk about DPS with curses when you haven't even gone for Weakening Shroud. Hmm.

> Nope. Guess you have some wrong information here. Maybe you should try to build and play this build. You will definetly get more than 600 healing at full stacks. Also stacks are easy obtainable, so they arent a bad choice.

So, you stated that, with full stacks, you would _always_ get more than 610. I looked at your build again and according to the build editor, at 25 stacks you would have 1012. I couldn't reach the exact number, but 1036 is not that different. https://imgur.com/YmdIQR1

> It doesnt rely on 50% health. But in wvw, you wont be at full health all the time.

If you want to heal, it absolutely does. Then again, you can't even use transfusion all that much due to it's higher CD and you having less LF, _because you're not running soul reaping_

> Its a pretty good dmg source, sometimes even better than corrupting a kitten boon into weakness or something else that does no dmg.

Yeah weakness is pretty bad, amirite?

> Lol. Its not supposed to be a support only build. You didnt understand the purpose of it. It also has a decent killing power.

It's not a support-anything build, unless the entire point of it was the transfusion port function for ressing. You don't have enough healing power to support, half the time, and you do less damage than you could be doing.

> So i will stop discussing that with you. You are in your own little world called "but someone i know told me that my build is the best"

> **Not even trying out own builds**. Like i did. 100thousand times.

* "I actually tried a build similar to this a while ago, with around 700 healing power and condi damage. In all honesty, it was pretty bad haha."

* "I think I said already that I know from my own experience in playing a similar stat combo that this build is not good."

I suppose this explains why it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall, you're not even bothering to read what I write.


> So if you dont want to play it good. Dont do it. But let other players get their own expierence with this build and kick your kitten in any scourge 1v1 situation.


If players wish to try this build and see how it works for themselves, by all means, sure. But maybe my replies will save them a wasted gear set. Also, I'm really curious - Why would you ever duel on condi blood magic? :)



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> @"NekoNoKoi.9137" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > No i adress the whole point, you just dont understand it, and you are not even willing to do so. So i guess that doesnt make sense to discuss that build with you.

> No, once again, all you replied to was me saying it's silly to rely on 25 stacks. I'm going to copy+paste this again for your benefit:

> * **You only reach 1062 healing power if you're below 50% health**

> * **Relying on being under 50% hp to reach a somewhat decent amount of healing power is not particularly sustainable, and does not make for a strong build.**

> * **Even with 25 stacks, you get ticks of 596 at >75% hp. Once again, you shouldn't rely on being at half health to heal more.**

> The only reason it makes sense for you to not discuss your build with me is because you can't argue any of the above bullet points. It's rather easy to say "you don't understand my build!!!" when you can't respond with a logical rebuttal.

> > And once again. Lf isnt an issue if you are playing this build right.

> > And a little bit higher cooldowns arent the issue as well. And thats only 1.8k health more, thats not even a half autoattack.

> > Dhumfire is nice. But you get the same or even better dmg from curses. Making marks unblockable isnt sustain, thats dmg.

> > But its also not needed.

> Yes, LF isn't an issue if you use your F skills sparingly, use scepter 3 and torch 4 off CD and then camp staff autoattack for the rest of the time, because that's the only life force generation you have from skills. Clearly a scourge who has to ration out F skills - especially if they're supposed to be support - isn't going to be particularly useful. Scourge has expensive F skills and you need all the help you can get with that.

> Also, it's somewhat amusing for you to talk about DPS with curses when you haven't even gone for Weakening Shroud. Hmm.

> > Nope. Guess you have some wrong information here. Maybe you should try to build and play this build. You will definetly get more than 600 healing at full stacks. Also stacks are easy obtainable, so they arent a bad choice.

> So, you stated that, with full stacks, you would _always_ get more than 610. I looked at your build again and according to the build editor, at 25 stacks you would have 1012. I couldn't reach the exact number, but 1036 is not that different. https://imgur.com/YmdIQR1

> > It doesnt rely on 50% health. But in wvw, you wont be at full health all the time.

> If you want to heal, it absolutely does. Then again, you can't even use transfusion all that much due to it's higher CD and you having less LF, _because you're not running soul reaping_

> > Its a pretty good dmg source, sometimes even better than corrupting a kitten boon into weakness or something else that does no dmg.

> Yeah weakness is pretty bad, amirite?

> > Lol. Its not supposed to be a support only build. You didnt understand the purpose of it. It also has a decent killing power.

> It's not a support-anything build, unless the entire point of it was the transfusion port function for ressing. You don't have enough healing power to support, half the time, and you do less damage than you could be doing.

> > So i will stop discussing that with you. You are in your own little world called "but someone i know told me that my build is the best"

> > **Not even trying out own builds**. Like i did. 100thousand times.

> * "I actually tried a build similar to this a while ago, with around 700 healing power and condi damage. In all honesty, it was pretty bad haha."

> * "I think I said already that I know from my own experience in playing a similar stat combo that this build is not good."

> I suppose this explains why it feels like I'm talking to a brick wall, you're not even bothering to read what I write.


> > So if you dont want to play it good. Dont do it. But let other players get their own expierence with this build and kick your kitten in any scourge 1v1 situation.


> If players wish to try this build and see how it works for themselves, by all means, sure. But maybe my replies will save them a wasted gear set. Also, I'm really curious - Why would you ever duel on condi blood magic? :)





Well i think it was you, saying that cele was good?

Oh no, that was zombie

Else You would have fcked your own build by saying that 700 healpower isnt worth, which is exactly what you get from playing cele.


Ill try it one last time: the numbers were there. I rlly should have taken a screenshot, maybe it was a little bug or whatsoever. But the healing was definetly above 600 all the time at 25 stacks.


And again. This isnt meant to be a full support build. This is a build for players, that know what they do and that have a group, in which everyone runs a little bit of support.

So thats what i came up for and it worked pretty pretty well for us. We had queue on the map and didnt want to get a firebrand healer or ele. So we decided to go this way.


And yes. Running around with bloodmagic will surprise every other roaming necro.

But right now im playing zerker scourge, because im havin way more fun with it. More active, less passive gameplay.


So to say this one last time: this is a supporty dmg build. Which can do both. Dmg and id say good support.


Sure it really depends on your group. But if you want to do both. Dmg and support, this might be one of the builds out there.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> Well i think it was you, saying that cele was good?

> Oh no, that was zombie

> Else You would have fcked your own build by saying that 700 healpower isnt worth, which is exactly what you get from playing cele.

What are you talking about? Are you confused? lmao

> Ill try it one last time: the numbers were there. I rlly should have taken a screenshot, maybe it was a little bug or whatsoever. But the healing was definetly above 600 all the time at 25 stacks.

Actually you said "So you tried that build? You will always get 610 or more with full stacks", then probably realised you were wrong and backpedalled. Once again, **it is dumb to rely on stacks and 50% for worthwhile healing.**

> And again. This isnt meant to be a full support build. This is a build for players, that know what they do and that have a group, in which everyone runs a little bit of support.

> So thats what i came up for and it worked pretty pretty well for us. We had queue on the map and didnt want to get a firebrand healer or ele. So we decided to go this way.


> And yes. Running around with bloodmagic will surprise every other roaming necro.


You will get destroyed by any other scourge in a 1v1 (unless they're a pleb) because you're basically missing an entire traitline. Blood magic (and ESPECIALLY the traits you've chosen) are group oriented.

* You gain no benefit from trait 1, Ritual of life, because _there's nothing to res in a 1v1_

* You gain very little benefit from Vampiric Presence, to be honest


Yes, you have transfusion, but you're going to run out of LF very quickly because _you're not running soul reaping_ and you have crap LF generation.


> So to say this one last time: this is a supporty dmg build. Which can do both. Dmg and id say good support.

> Sure it really depends on your group. But if you want to do both. Dmg and support, this might be one of the builds out there.

I'm not trying to tell you to stop running your build, buddy, you do you. I'm explaining why it has numerous flaws.



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> @"ZombieSlayeR.8702" said:


> cele is a REALLY good stat combo on scourge cuz u can run axe on it ...


> Reaper is one of the better roaming classes out there atm and beats ALOT of current builds consistently


> cele/apo is better than tb/apo IF you want to play barrier scourge at all, but yes tb has higher dmg for havoc/scrims


What's a good build setup with Cele/Apo?



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