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Newbie questions regarding warrior and skills


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I used to play a bit of WOW a long long time ago but gave it up as it was to much of a time sink. Due to the lack of monthly sub I thought I'd give GW 2 a try.


I just created a warrior and am only at lvl 4.


When I mouse over the first attack in my skill bar it actually list 3 attacks (I forget what they were called) with different stats and descriptions but only 1 of them are active. Whats going on here, how can I select the other attacks?


When you get to max level do you unlock all traits and skills or do you have to make some choices?


I got a level 80 character boost when I bought the game but I'm thinking it might be better to level up naturally so I get a better idea of how the game works, is this a good idea?


Thanks in advance guys.



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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Most weapons 1st skill is what’s called a Chain Cycled attack. It will perform each of the attacks in the order specified, and repeat.


> Yes, levelling up the normal way is the best thing to get into how the game works, the combat mechanics etc.


As Haley said:


Basically if the first attack lands, the 2nd will follow and then the 3rd.


Edit: Under each skill will show a red range meter. If you are out of range for the skill to hit (red bar) the 2nd and 3rd attacks will not follow.

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> @"peter.4031" said:


> When you get to max level do you unlock all traits and skills or do you have to make some choices?


When you get to level 80, you will have unlocked all the traits and skills (for the core game, unlocking the traits and skills added by the expansions requires you to get Hero Points via map completion). The choices you make are which traits to select (you can only have 3 active trait lines and must pick 3 of the 9 traits in those lines) and which skills to equip.



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Yeah, at least get to the mid levels to get a feel for the combat system. Once you're comfortable with how the combat, traits, etc. work, you can always go in the PvP lobby and try out fully unlocked versions of different classes on target dummies (golems) to get a little taste of how they play before deciding what to boost. I think you can also stay in a trial zone for a bit when you actually go to use the boost (and if you're bought either of the expansions, or had the base game before the start of F2P, the login rewards also can get you tomes to grant levels to any of your characters).


As far as the auto-attack chain goes, you can also tell which hit is which by the animations. For example, if you use an axe on a warrior the first skill does one swing, the second skill does two, and the third skill does three hits before it starts over, so the entire chain looks like six attacks. If you move out of range or use a different skill, your auto attack will start over from the beginning (and the end of it usually does the most damage, so in some cases you'll want to finish the whole chain before hitting something else if possible).

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"peter.4031" said:


> > When you get to max level do you unlock all traits and skills or do you have to make some choices?


> When you get to level 80, you will have unlocked all the traits and skills (for the core game, unlocking the traits and skills added by the expansions requires you to get Hero Points via map completion). The choices you make are which traits to select (you can only have 3 active trait lines and must pick 3 of the 9 traits in those lines) and which skills to equip.




So you can always pick a different set of active traits without the need to totally respec?



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You do make some choices in regards to traits and skills: the priority/order of unlocking them as you level.


I’d highly recommend getting Strength or Defense traitlines unlocked fully first. Berserker’s Power in Strength and Adrenal Health in Defense greatly improves the performance of core Warrior, for damage and sustaine respectively.

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