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Mesmer PVP with Scepter?


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Hey Mesmers... I've been trying out some non META builds for fun, and I have been really enjoying scepter/torch. I made my first GW2 video to show my build/playstyle with it, and I'm always on the lookout for feedback and tips on improvement. Here is the video:

and if you have any suggestions let me know. Has anyone else tried Scepter for PVP? Did you like it?
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Sceptre is bad

because of:

1. The nerf to the block duration from 4 sec to 6 sec mad it less available .

2. The nerf to confusion damage made sceptre 3 and RNG Ambush less effective.

3. The hug nerf to the duration of the ambush skill made it useless if used by only the caster.

4. With viper and infinite horizon the staff is a monster compared to sceptre .

5. the AUTO attack is the worst in the whole game (you don't need the clone regeneration from it anyway)

About the video it's great and i subbed to yr channel gl.

Suggestions : You need to have fight's whit skilled players (plat2+) they will never die to those kind of dmg for example a good thief will sword 3(unblockable) if you block with sceptre and a good warrior can block your Ambush for retaliation and can have an eternity of resistance when having the ability to double swing with auto attack to kill you.

Conclusion mesmer in general is amazing when against normie players but against skilled players you need a lot more skills and juking to score a kill .

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> Sceptre is average

> because of:

> 1. The nerf to the block duration from 4 sec to 6 sec.

> 2. The nerf to confusion damage.

> 3. The hug nerf to the duration of the ambush skill made it useless.

> With viper and infinite horizon the staff is a monster compared to sceptre .

> About the video it's great and i subed to yr channel gl.


Thank you! Yeah, I was working on that video when the nerfs came in... I definitely have seen a drop in how fast I can down people with the confusion nerfs. I haven't been effected by the ambush skill as I seem to be able to use it quick enough. The staff is really good! I can't deny that... there's just something about playing a lesser used weapon set that I enjoy =)

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> @"joeherbert.6431" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > Sceptre is average

> > because of:

> > 1. The nerf to the block duration from 4 sec to 6 sec.

> > 2. The nerf to confusion damage.

> > 3. The hug nerf to the duration of the ambush skill made it useless.

> > With viper and infinite horizon the staff is a monster compared to sceptre .

> > About the video it's great and i subed to yr channel gl.


> Thank you! Yeah, I was working on that video when the nerfs came in... I definitely have seen a drop in how fast I can down people with the confusion nerfs. I haven't been effected by the ambush skill as I seem to be able to use it quick enough. The staff is really good! I can't deny that... there's just something about playing a lesser used weapon set that I enjoy =)


I'm watching the whole video because it's high quality montage :D

And i added some more notes on my previous comment .....

And just for you to know i'm a plat mesmer whit sceptre in [EU] ;) but i can hold nods and 1v2 for fair time, but whit less mobility access and less dmg than you can do with this build.

i can destroy necros and fight warriors on the node the only counter to my build are bunkers and skilled thiefs .

skilled warriors you still can fight them off node.

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> Suggestions : You need to have fight's whit skilled players (plat2+) they will never die to those kind of dmg for example a good thief will sword 3(unblockable) if you block with sceptre and a good warrior can block your Ambush for retaliation and can have an eternity of resistance when having the ability to double swing with auto attack to kill you.

> Conclusion mesmer in general is amazing when against normie players but against skilled players you need a lot more skills and juking to score a kill .


Great suggestion. Sounds like a goal for me to be working up to!

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> Sceptre is bad

> because of:

> 1. The nerf to the block duration from 4 sec to 6 sec mad it less available .

> 2. The nerf to confusion damage made sceptre 3 and RNG Ambush less effective.

> 3. The hug nerf to the duration of the ambush skill made it useless if used by only the caster.

> 4. With viper and infinite horizon the staff is a monster compared to sceptre .

> 5. the AUTO attack is the worst in the whole game (you don't need the clone regeneration from it anyway)

> About the video it's great and i subbed to yr channel gl.

> Suggestions : You need to have fight's whit skilled players (plat2+) they will never die to those kind of dmg for example a good thief will sword 3(unblockable) if you block with sceptre and a good warrior can block your Ambush for retaliation and can have an eternity of resistance when having the ability to double swing with auto attack to kill you.

> Conclusion mesmer in general is amazing when against normie players but against skilled players you need a lot more skills and juking to score a kill .


THE MAjor flow of scepter is that you have to hit 3 auto for generating a clone .... it is really weak for a profession which is based on clone generation ... staff is much better in any context.... condi and power ...

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> @"EUmad.7645" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > Sceptre is bad

> > because of:

> > 1. The nerf to the block duration from 4 sec to 6 sec mad it less available .

> > 2. The nerf to confusion damage made sceptre 3 and RNG Ambush less effective.

> > 3. The hug nerf to the duration of the ambush skill made it useless if used by only the caster.

> > 4. With viper and infinite horizon the staff is a monster compared to sceptre .

> > 5. the AUTO attack is the worst in the whole game (you don't need the clone regeneration from it anyway)

> > About the video it's great and i subbed to yr channel gl.

> > Suggestions : You need to have fight's whit skilled players (plat2+) they will never die to those kind of dmg for example a good thief will sword 3(unblockable) if you block with sceptre and a good warrior can block your Ambush for retaliation and can have an eternity of resistance when having the ability to double swing with auto attack to kill you.

> > Conclusion mesmer in general is amazing when against normie players but against skilled players you need a lot more skills and juking to score a kill .


> THE MAjor flow of scepter is that you have to hit 3 auto for generating a clone .... it is really weak for a profession which is based on clone generation ... staff is much better in any context.... condi and power ...


I don't argue that. =) I just enjoy the challenge of using non META builds and trying to make them competitive, I find that it heightens my skills so that when I do play with the weaponset anet decides to give a little more love to I'm even better having worked hard without it. And you are right, 3 auto for generating a clone doesn't happen much in pvp, but clone generation while dodging does.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"joeherbert.6431" said:

> > > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > > Sceptre is average

> > > because of:

> > > 1. The nerf to the block duration from 4 sec to 6 sec.

> > > 2. The nerf to confusion damage.

> > > 3. The hug nerf to the duration of the ambush skill made it useless.

> > > With viper and infinite horizon the staff is a monster compared to sceptre .

> > > About the video it's great and i subed to yr channel gl.

> >

> > Thank you! Yeah, I was working on that video when the nerfs came in... I definitely have seen a drop in how fast I can down people with the confusion nerfs. I haven't been effected by the ambush skill as I seem to be able to use it quick enough. The staff is really good! I can't deny that... there's just something about playing a lesser used weapon set that I enjoy =)


> I'm watching the whole video because it's high quality montage :D

> And i added some more notes on my previous comment .....

> And just for you to know i'm a plat mesmer whit sceptre in [EU] ;) but i can hold nods and 1v2 for fair time, but whit less mobility access and less dmg than you can do with this build.

> i can destroy necros and fight warriors on the node the only counter to my build are bunkers and skilled thiefs .

> skilled warriors you still can fight them off node.


That's awesome to hear that you are doing so well with scepter - there's something about it I really like (probably the fact that it's not as used as other weapons, I'm always drawn to stuff like that). I've played GW2 for a long while, but only more recently (within the last few months) have I gotten serious about PVP and doing ranked matches.. (and with mesmer which I never played before until recently as well, I've always played other professions) so I have some more work to do for sure as I usually end up in gold and would like to work my up to making platinum a regular thing as I get more experience with it.

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I really do not know what to say ... if I laugh or see what is happening in that post is unusual.


Do not you realize that for many flowers and "applause" that you give with that video ... it is not more than a competitive low level pvp fight?


Try to use that same build (scepter and torch) that so much decides that you do well in competitive pvp at platinum level or higher, or better, try to face expert players, or rather, against other mesmer with builds power swords. The scepter is the worst weapon the mesmer has now, after the nerf that received the "Confusion" (Basically, losing the + 33% duration base of "confusion", from trait "Master of Misdirection"), there is nothing left that you can get something useful from there on the scepter now.


And, why did not you publish the video before the nerf? What's up? Do you want to win your desire for fame with the scepter? you are not the first to use it, many other mesmer (including me), we used since the release of Guild Wars 2 the scepter, and we know perfectly that right now the scepter has suffered a nerf of the worst, the scepter was much better before of the expansion PoF that after this last nerf.

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> @"Angel de Lyssa.4716" said:

> I really do not know what to say ... if I laugh or see what is happening in that post is unusual.


> Do not you realize that for many flowers and "applause" that you give with that video ... it is not more than a competitive low level pvp fight?


> Try to use that same build (scepter and torch) that so much decides that you do well in competitive pvp at platinum level or higher, or better, try to face expert players, or rather, against other mesmer with builds power swords. The scepter is the worst weapon the mesmer has now, after the nerf that received the "Confusion" (Basically, losing the + 33% duration base of "confusion", from trait "Master of Misdirection"), there is nothing left that you can get something useful from there on the scepter now.


> And, why did not you publish the video before the nerf? What's up? Do you want to win your desire for fame with the scepter? you are not the first to use it, many other mesmer (including me), we used since the release of Guild Wars 2 the scepter, and we know perfectly that right now the scepter has suffered a nerf of the worst, the scepter was much better before of the expansion PoF that after this last nerf.


Wow. Calm down. He said he was enjoying some non-META builds for fun and decided to share a video of it. Why are you that salty?


I liked the video. It was quite enjoyable :blush:

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> @"Imperadordf.2687" said:

> > @"Angel de Lyssa.4716" said:

> > I really do not know what to say ... if I laugh or see what is happening in that post is unusual.

> >

> > Do not you realize that for many flowers and "applause" that you give with that video ... it is not more than a competitive low level pvp fight?

> >

> > Try to use that same build (scepter and torch) that so much decides that you do well in competitive pvp at platinum level or higher, or better, try to face expert players, or rather, against other mesmer with builds power swords. The scepter is the worst weapon the mesmer has now, after the nerf that received the "Confusion" (Basically, losing the + 33% duration base of "confusion", from trait "Master of Misdirection"), there is nothing left that you can get something useful from there on the scepter now.

> >

> > And, why did not you publish the video before the nerf? What's up? Do you want to win your desire for fame with the scepter? you are not the first to use it, many other mesmer (including me), we used since the release of Guild Wars 2 the scepter, and we know perfectly that right now the scepter has suffered a nerf of the worst, the scepter was much better before of the expansion PoF that after this last nerf.


> Wow. Calm down. He said he was enjoying some non-META builds for fun and decided to share a video of it. Why are you that salty?


> I liked the video. It was quite enjoyable :blush:


^ This. As a mostly pve player, I really hope for drastic Scepter buffs/redesigns, because the weapon is simply terrible.

It doesn't mean I'm gonna hate on everyone using the weapon because then "Anet might get an impression that scepter is in a good spot game-wide". Like seriously, it's nice that some people have fun with it atm, it only means that they will be even happier when the weapon gets buffed. :wink:


@"joeherbert.6431" Really well-made video, high quality stuff is always nice to watch. Keep it up!


Edit: I'm so bothered with these Chaos Gloves clipping issues lol.

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> @"Angel de Lyssa.4716" said:

> I really do not know what to say ... if I laugh or see what is happening in that post is unusual.


> Do not you realize that for many flowers and "applause" that you give with that video ... it is not more than a competitive low level pvp fight?


> Try to use that same build (scepter and torch) that so much decides that you do well in competitive pvp at platinum level or higher, or better, try to face expert players, or rather, against other mesmer with builds power swords. The scepter is the worst weapon the mesmer has now, after the nerf that received the "Confusion" (Basically, losing the + 33% duration base of "confusion", from trait "Master of Misdirection"), there is nothing left that you can get something useful from there on the scepter now.


> And, why did not you publish the video before the nerf? What's up? Do you want to win your desire for fame with the scepter? you are not the first to use it, many other mesmer (including me), we used since the release of Guild Wars 2 the scepter, and we know perfectly that right now the scepter has suffered a nerf of the worst, the scepter was much better before of the expansion PoF that after this last nerf.


Oh God! What a Salty Person.

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> @"Angel de Lyssa.4716" said:

> I really do not know what to say ... if I laugh or see what is happening in that post is unusual.


> Do not you realize that for many flowers and "applause" that you give with that video ... it is not more than a competitive low level pvp fight?


> Try to use that same build (scepter and torch) that so much decides that you do well in competitive pvp at platinum level or higher, or better, try to face expert players, or rather, against other mesmer with builds power swords. The scepter is the worst weapon the mesmer has now, after the nerf that received the "Confusion" (Basically, losing the + 33% duration base of "confusion", from trait "Master of Misdirection"), there is nothing left that you can get something useful from there on the scepter now.


> And, why did not you publish the video before the nerf? What's up? Do you want to win your desire for fame with the scepter? you are not the first to use it, many other mesmer (including me), we used since the release of Guild Wars 2 the scepter, and we know perfectly that right now the scepter has suffered a nerf of the worst, the scepter was much better before of the expansion PoF that after this last nerf.


True, scepter is not as strong as other mesmer weapons.... I still enjoy it, and do well with it. I'm not the type of player who enjoys rotating to the latest flavor of the month in META in order to capitalize on whatever imbalances there are. I like to work on my craft regardless of the META, it's just how I enjoy playing. To answer your questions: publishing before the nerfs would make it instantly outdated. the sky is up. no interest in fame with the scepter. never claimed to be the first to use it. If you have any more questions, just let me know. Thanks.

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> @"joeherbert.6431" said:

> > @"Angel de Lyssa.4716" said:

> > I really do not know what to say ... if I laugh or see what is happening in that post is unusual.

> >

> > Do not you realize that for many flowers and "applause" that you give with that video ... it is not more than a competitive low level pvp fight?

> >

> > Try to use that same build (scepter and torch) that so much decides that you do well in competitive pvp at platinum level or higher, or better, try to face expert players, or rather, against other mesmer with builds power swords. The scepter is the worst weapon the mesmer has now, after the nerf that received the "Confusion" (Basically, losing the + 33% duration base of "confusion", from trait "Master of Misdirection"), there is nothing left that you can get something useful from there on the scepter now.

> >

> > And, why did not you publish the video before the nerf? What's up? Do you want to win your desire for fame with the scepter? you are not the first to use it, many other mesmer (including me), we used since the release of Guild Wars 2 the scepter, and we know perfectly that right now the scepter has suffered a nerf of the worst, the scepter was much better before of the expansion PoF that after this last nerf.


> True, scepter is not as strong as other mesmer weapons.... I still enjoy it, and do well with it. I'm not the type of player who enjoys rotating to the latest flavor of the month in META in order to capitalize on whatever imbalances there are. I like to work on my craft regardless of the META, it's just how I enjoy playing. To answer your questions: publishing before the nerfs would make it instantly outdated. the sky is up. no interest in fame with the scepter. never claimed to be the first to use it. If you have any more questions, just let me know. Thanks.


Again, I say again, the scepter of mesmer is my main weapon, I've been playing and using it since Guild Wars 2 came out, with this I have nothing more to add, I even enjoy it more than you. Yes, one thing is to enjoy, and another is to do the "all is well" when the scepter right now is not after the nerf.


And then come all the others behind you, applauding. No, it's good that you enjoy and have fun, but also give have to a reason that the scepter right now needs buff, because it seems that you do not it and act as if you were trying to prevent Arenanet from buff or reworking the scepter, justifying with a video edited of gameplay that does not need rework.


And I do not have to ask you anything, thanks.

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> @"Angel de Lyssa.4716" said:

> > @"joeherbert.6431" said:

> > > @"Angel de Lyssa.4716" said:

> > > I really do not know what to say ... if I laugh or see what is happening in that post is unusual.

> > >

> > > Do not you realize that for many flowers and "applause" that you give with that video ... it is not more than a competitive low level pvp fight?

> > >

> > > Try to use that same build (scepter and torch) that so much decides that you do well in competitive pvp at platinum level or higher, or better, try to face expert players, or rather, against other mesmer with builds power swords. The scepter is the worst weapon the mesmer has now, after the nerf that received the "Confusion" (Basically, losing the + 33% duration base of "confusion", from trait "Master of Misdirection"), there is nothing left that you can get something useful from there on the scepter now.

> > >

> > > And, why did not you publish the video before the nerf? What's up? Do you want to win your desire for fame with the scepter? you are not the first to use it, many other mesmer (including me), we used since the release of Guild Wars 2 the scepter, and we know perfectly that right now the scepter has suffered a nerf of the worst, the scepter was much better before of the expansion PoF that after this last nerf.

> >

> > True, scepter is not as strong as other mesmer weapons.... I still enjoy it, and do well with it. I'm not the type of player who enjoys rotating to the latest flavor of the month in META in order to capitalize on whatever imbalances there are. I like to work on my craft regardless of the META, it's just how I enjoy playing. To answer your questions: publishing before the nerfs would make it instantly outdated. the sky is up. no interest in fame with the scepter. never claimed to be the first to use it. If you have any more questions, just let me know. Thanks.


> Again, I say again, the scepter of mesmer is my main weapon, I've been playing and using it since Guild Wars 2 came out, with this I have nothing more to add, I even enjoy it more than you. Yes, one thing is to enjoy, and another is to do the "all is well" when the scepter right now is not after the nerf.


> And then come all the others behind you, applauding. No, it's good that you enjoy and have fun, but also give have to a reason that the scepter right now needs buff, because it seems that you do not it and act as if you were trying to prevent Arenanet from buff or reworking the scepter, justifying with a video edited of gameplay that does not need rework.


> And I do not have to ask you anything, thanks.


Shill dud ! the Sceptre is my main too, and i know that's it's in a very bad situation it's the worst weapon in the whole game. the auto attack is so bad the Sceptre 3 is not good at all slow and lost his confusion burst dmg, and the block got nerfed after removing the trait that reduce cooldown on illusion regeneration skills, so yeah sceptre is bad and i advice you to make a post about it and ill be there backing you up .

But your reaction on this great video montage wise and idea and everything is realy bad you have to calm down, Anet know's that the sceptre is bad but for them to actually do something about it they need a lot of people asking for it like what happened with axe .

They gonna nerf the mesmer to the ground anyway next patch so at-least make a post about the bad things on mesmer so they nerf here and buff there .

I would have made a post my self but i have a bad reputation in this forum when talking about mesmer so if i do so it's gonna be bad for mesmer LoL.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> Sceptre is bad

> because of:

> 1. The nerf to the block duration from 4 sec to 6 sec mad it less available .

> 2. The nerf to confusion damage made sceptre 3 and RNG Ambush less effective.

> 3. The hug nerf to the duration of the ambush skill made it useless if used by only the caster.

> 4. With viper and infinite horizon the staff is a monster compared to sceptre .

> 5. the AUTO attack is the worst in the whole game (you don't need the clone regeneration from it anyway)

> About the video it's great and i subbed to yr channel gl.

> Suggestions : You need to have fight's whit skilled players (plat2+) they will never die to those kind of dmg for example a good thief will sword 3(unblockable) if you block with sceptre and a good warrior can block your Ambush for retaliation and can have an eternity of resistance when having the ability to double swing with auto attack to kill you.

> Conclusion mesmer in general is amazing when against normie players but against skilled players you need a lot more skills and juking to score a kill .


This, all the way!!! Absolutely no reason to pick scepter/X over staff in any scenario. The poor utility just kills it, the damage after the duration nerfs is lackluster. Just below average at best.

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Hey, great video. It shows many basic strategies as well as what you can still do with scepter and "non-Meta builds".


But you need to stop posting this in any thread you can find. That's annoying and really this is no build I would recommend to a beginner or someone looking for help. You need to know what you are doing, what your enemies are doing and most importantly what scenarios you want to fight and which wo flee.

You could copy a link to your signature.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > Sceptre is bad

> > because of:

> > 1. The nerf to the block duration from 4 sec to 6 sec mad it less available .

> > 2. The nerf to confusion damage made sceptre 3 and RNG Ambush less effective.

> > 3. The hug nerf to the duration of the ambush skill made it useless if used by only the caster.

> > 4. With viper and infinite horizon the staff is a monster compared to sceptre .

> > 5. the AUTO attack is the worst in the whole game (you don't need the clone regeneration from it anyway)

> > About the video it's great and i subbed to yr channel gl.

> > Suggestions : You need to have fight's whit skilled players (plat2+) they will never die to those kind of dmg for example a good thief will sword 3(unblockable) if you block with sceptre and a good warrior can block your Ambush for retaliation and can have an eternity of resistance when having the ability to double swing with auto attack to kill you.

> > Conclusion mesmer in general is amazing when against normie players but against skilled players you need a lot more skills and juking to score a kill .


> This, all the way!!! Absolutely no reason to pick scepter/X over staff in any scenario. The poor utility just kills it, the damage after the duration nerfs is lackluster. Just below average at best.


!!!! ....and that's what i was saying !!!!! ,but you still can pick the bad sceptre, depend's on your play style....

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