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> @"sorudo.9054" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > > > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > > > What I would love to see is the return of Guild Wars 1 dances. Maybe what they could do is sell a dance book that holds all the gw1 dances. When you select one your char is transformed to a standard gw1 char and starts that profession’s dance. Example: if you choose the male Necro dance you are changed to a gw1 male Necro wearing starter armor. This would allow all chars to use the dance as they don’t have to take race into consideration when adding this to the game.

> > > >

> > >

> > > It's not just about the dance though, it's the screenies of your own character doing them ;)

> >

> > No doubt. However it would mean redesigning each dance to fit this game’s races. Which would mean up to 90 redesigns, (9 gw1 professions x 5 gw2 races x 2 sexes) as we don’t know if the dances could even work with humans in this game without a redesign. This would make it too expensive. Having only one race (human) would bring down the cost to a reasonable level.


> most GW2 races are humanoid so the animations are easily adjusted, the challenge starts when you talk about the asura and charr.


That’s good to know. The hip wiggle elementalist dance on a female Charr or Asura would be interesting to watch.

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Ooh yes, more emotes! :D

/faint (character collapses in a sprawled heap on the ground)

/injured (similar to the downed state animation, or numerous wounded NPC's across the game)

/kiss (possibly depending on how far away the character is from the other person, /kiss could either blow a kiss or lean forward and mimic actually kissing someone)

/flirt (...if it could be different depending on race, that would be awesome. Though I'm honestly not sure I want to see what a male charr flirting with someone looks like...)

/blush (character ducks their head and gives a shy smile)

/embarrassed (character hunches their shoulders, turns away, stares at the ground and fidgets uncomfortably)

/giggle (a more...toned down...version of the howling laughter we already have. Every time the male human does that scream-laugh of his, I want to run for dear life. XD)

/joke and /taunt would be fun, too! (I can just picture the asura yelling, as their "taunt" emote, a quote from Corso Riggs in SWTOR: "Now you're dumb, ugly, AND dead!")*

Different /sit or /chair (a chair appears beneath the character so they can sit on it) emotes would be nice.


*Hey, actually, we already have "taunt" lines voiced in-game. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Critique The emote could just use those lines. [Edit: ...same with "flirt" lines, too. Look at the various lines for skills used in, of all things, [belcher's Bluff.](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Belcher%27s_Bluff "Belcher's Bluff.") Voiced /flirt and /taunt and /joke emotes could use those lines.)

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