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  1. > @"TVerhoeven.1350" said: > What outfit is this? Looks very nice ? It's the [Awakened Zealot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Awakened_Zealot_Outfit) outfit. :) On topic, though: this is a male human vs. a male sylvari. They're both wearing the exact same thing (sorry about the wonky colors for the sylvari; my bad). *floof* ![](https://i.imgur.com/mPxiN7n.png "")
  2. I use (or used to) the smallest, skinniest possible body type for one of my male sylvari - and he still had this problem. Given that he's a thief, I had practically nothing to wear except trench coats that balloon out at the hips, so I grudgingly got used to him running around in a ballgown (which looked especially bizarre, because it's the Whisper's medium chest...so he has two large wheels of very sharp knives riding on those hip-balloons). Off the top of my mind I can only think of two long chest pieces that *don't* bell out like that - Council Watch and Nightshade...and the latter doesn't really count as "long." So...just one, then. Sigh. [Edit: And then I checked the Council Watch chest piece from the side...okay, from the *front* it looks normal enough, but from the *side*, looks like the hip-balloons have migrated to the rear.] I guess all male sylvari just put invisible farthingales under their armor. :/
  3. So why don't you refrain from using a mount, to be courteous to your friend?
  4. Because the game's population is not stagnant. Every single player is not a veteran from launch - there are many new players who are just venturing into HoT or PoF for the first time and slowly getting the hang of things. I know I was a total newbie when I first stepped into HoT...got my rear handed to me more times than I could count, and it took me until somewhere around Tangled Depths to actually figure out how to play my chosen elite spec. Or they have a bad internet connection. Or a potato computer that renders gameplay at a speed of a snail glued to a glacier. Or they're distracted in real life. Or a myriad of other things. Bottom line: just because it's easy for you, doesn't mean it's easy for everyone else.
  5. The *difficulty* of both PoF and HoT is fine for me - I find them both to be equally challenging, but not too over the top to make combat a drag. What I could do without is PoF's absolutely ridiculous aggro range. I'd really like to just kill some Forged and not have to deal with the sand lions, dust mites, sand sharks, djinn, Branded, and a hydra who wandered by to see what all the excitement was. I'd also like to be able to run through the PoF maps and not have to *zoom* through them at top speed on a mount. Despite playing on them for about a year, I feel like I've barely gotten to *see* those maps because I have to keep constantly moving on my mount just so I don't get knocked off by the aforementioned lions, mites, sharks, djinn, Branded, hydra, harpies, cheetahs, pirates, Awakened, jacarandas, choya, and other various denizens of the desert. (All of whom seriously need anger management lessons.)
  6. It's not just a Deadeye - or thief - thing. Here's another thread on it: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/122230/my-daredevil-is-constantly-leaning-or-tilting-unnaturally-with-the-terrain It happens on occasion regardless of character, race, or profession, and it's been happening since January, I think. No clue *why*, since it seems to happen at random, but you're not alone. :)
  7. Happening here, too - I noticed it with my daredevil, but I haven't yet been able to confirm if it happens with other classes, too. In my case, it happens out of combat, just randomly standing on tilted surfaces. No enemy was around, nothing landed a CC on me...my daredevil just decided that cheerfully spitting in gravity's face was a fun new game.
  8. Hey, welcome back! I vote for sylvari, as well. Sure, sylvari don't have as much cultural connection to Cantha as a human would, but they have a natural curiosity about the wide world and are eager to learn all they can. Maybe your sylvari saw a far-away land in her Dream, echoes of a stone forest or a sea made of jade, and later, after listening to her Tengu teacher, realized she had seen a glimpse of Cantha. Or maybe her teacher's ideals resonated with her due to the similarities with Ventari's Tablet. ...or she's just intensely curious because - [stereotypical wide-eyed sapling mode engaged] - MUST LEARN ALL THE THINGS. :mrgreen: Plus the [sylvari cultural heavy armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sylvari_cultural_armor/Heavy) is gorgeous, and doesn't seem to be *too* affected by a sylvari's natural skin tone. My personal favorite is tier 2. :) Coincidentally, that happens to be some of the armor pieces the sylvari guardian PC is wearing at the start of character creation. Though [heavy armor in general](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sylvari_female_heavy_armor) looks pretty good on female sylvari, I think. As far as colors go, Blood Red Arachnid's correct: most heavy armor covers up darn near everything. Still, there's a small amount of armor pieces that show off a bit of skin - or bark, in this case. Fortunately, sylvari have *a lot* of options for their appearance, so finding something that looks good with armor or with the guardian's skills (being primarily colored in shades of blue or white) won't be difficult. [ahem] Soooo...yeah, sylvari gets my vote. [tapes "sylvari fangirl" sign on my back and skedaddles]
  9. Start the Path of Fire expansion; the first story mission will give you the raptor mount. From there, you have access to the other Path of Fire maps for the springer, skimmer, and jackal mounts, which you gain by leveling up mastery points (earned in the region) and completing renown hearts. There's also a hidden mount that's only accessible through collections after you've completed the Path of Fire story. For the rollerbeetle, warclaw, and skyscale mounts....I'm not really sure what you need to do to obtain those, so hopefully someone much more knowledgeable than myself can give you an answer! :)
  10. I personally like the male human VA, and think the female human sounds absolutely horrible. Some people here have said the male sylvari VA sounds awful, while I think he's the best one in the entire game, bar none. Some people can't stand Trahearne's voice. To me, he sounds wonderful - actually rather soothing, in fact. It all comes down to personal opinion. I think it's fascinating to see what other people like and dislike, and why. That said, I understand what you mean when it comes to immersion-breaking. The female charr and female norn VAs make me play those characters *very rarely*, because their bland, arrogant voices sound like fingernails on a chalkboard to me. Definitely not what *I* would imagine the Commander should sound like, and it jars me right out of the story (especially because I keep imagining my female norn/female charr to have different voices entirely) - but that's just my opinion. Others will disagree, and that's totally fine. :)
  11. ...oh. Duh. I *am* dense, then. :joy: Didn't even think about that. Thanks for the answer!
  12. Just an addendum to add to others' advice here: there's no rush to max level or the endgame. Do whatever you enjoy, whatever helps you learn the game, whatever catches your interest at the moment. There is no "right" or "wrong" way to level. :) Take your time exploring. Welcome to Tyria!
  13. > @"Randulf.7614" said: > It’s a beautiful skin. Do Guards use focus? It matches my guardian’s colour Yes, they can use a focus! I was thinking the same thing for my guardian... I really like this skin; it looks lovely!
  14. > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > @"Ashantara.8731" said: > > > @"Danikat.8537" said: > > > I thought it was only human females who got a stretch animation removed. Were they removed from other races/genders too, or are they getting a new one? > > > > I expect it to be a new one. > > > > > @"Fueki.4753" said: > > > I expect /stretch to be another meta achievement reward that I will not get. > > > > I enjoy emote rewards from achievements - they are fun. > > I don't think all the grinds involved in the meta-achievements are anywhere close to being fun. > They did it right with the prologue and added the emote as a PvP reward. > They didn't have to do it wrong with every other emote. Didn't they add the /playdead emote to a few vendors in Drizzlewood Coast? https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/%22/Playdead%22_Emote_Tome Or am I reading the wiki wrong?
  15. Yeah, male norn get *the* coolest tattoos...and very few options to actually show them off (though the cultural tier 2 medium armor is quite nice in that regard). I'm on board with this idea! :)
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