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Bought Game in 2012 -- Want Reduced Prices on Expansions

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If you had chosen to stick around, you would have found that ArenaNet _did_ acknowledge and reward their loyal playerbase. A free character slot for Vets with purchase and a free Outfit for Vets, no purchase necessary. Not to mention a discount on the bundle, and a lower price for PoF for everyone.


Sorry you missed out. Also, you are really late to the party; the big brouhaha was more than 2 years ago. It's pretty much dead and buried now.

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> @"DieN Cry.4890"


The logical explanation is this:

Your initial investment($60) covered the 1st ~3 years of access to the game. Not only does this include the content but also all the patches, maintenance and general upkeep of the game. How much you participated in the game was always up to you.

In 2015 the core content was made available for free to new accounts with some "drawbacks" such as fewer character and bag slots and chat limits. This was part of the marketing strategy to draw new players in and ultimately encourage them to purchase the HoT expac.

For players who purchased the core game, there were no downsides (my account was created 2012 so I am able to see). Everyone was offered new content in the form of HoT expac (and consequently PoF) for **the same price**. This is how much ANet decided this content cost to create and it is only fair that everyone contributes equally.


If we take your quote:

> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> I will have to have invested 110 dollars compared to the brand new player who only pays 50.


You paid 110 for 5+ years of access. That's 60 months (give or take - depends on exactly how long you've had the account).

110$ / 60 = 1.83$

So your investment ends up averaging under 2$ per month.


A new player right now pays 50$ for the same two expacs. They will need to be playing for at least 27 months (2years, 3 months) before they reach the same rate as you have right now.


TLDR: Game devs deserve to get paid for expac content they produce. Just because you bought their earlier product doesn't mean you should be outraged that there is no "loyalty card" system.

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Reality check. Most games, virtually all of them, go down in price over time. So if the game when you bought it was a "whopping" $60, three four years later, who'd expect it to be the same price.


The biggest problem MMOs have in attracting new players is the barrier to entry. It's hard to start an MMO late because you're so far behind. The logic is that people who are enjoying the game, who had the option to get 3 years of play out of $60, were paying $20 a year to play the game, or not much more than a single month of a subscription game.


If you played during that time you'd have gotten a lot of free content not available at all to people who are just starting now. That you didn't avail yourself of that content isn't really the game company's fault.


Most AAA MMOs have a sub or an optional sub. This game has neither. They provided years of updates for free. Then they come out with the expansion and you feel it's somehow disrespectful to you?


Most MMOS have subs, or they end up being pay to win. I think that the suggestion that somehow you should get more of a discount than the three years of content you could have played for free (whether you did or not) is simply unreasonable.

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By your logic, anything I bought at full price that is now discounted or price reduced is poor business practice by the company because I "had the audacity" to buy at full price.


Notice I said thing not game. This is how the economy works. When items are obsolete they get cheaper to attract people that would have never paid full price while their replacements are expensive as they are aiming at their target market.


Welcome to life.

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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > Again, you didn't support the game . . . you left. And now you want a discount for coming back after X-amount of years? Heck, where's my discount on the expansions for **staying**?


> you deserve the a discounted option if you initially bought in as well. And just because I didn't play doesn't mean I didn't support them. The investment from the customer base by buying the game on release IS SUPPORT. Just because I chose to play something else doesn't mean I didn't support them by buying the game. Guess what keeps the game studios lights on. MONEY! guess where they get the resources to produce new content. MONEY!


I think you should start your own dev studio, create a game like GW2 or even better and drive it with business model you are trying to promote here. Prove Anet wrong!

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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> I bought the game initially when it first came out for the whopping price of 59.99. I didn't play long because the group I was playing with moved on to something else. But recently a new group of friends decided to try the game out and they bought the Path of Fire DLC for 29.99. I hopped back on with them thinking that there must be a lower priced upgrade option for players who had the audacity to support the company at the release date or even a reward for being one of the early players who forked over 60 dollars. That is not the case at all I must pay the full price for the game meaning that in order for me to get the full content on the game I will have to have invested 110 dollars compared to the brand new player who only pays 50. Why would you mock the players who invested early, it is beyond me.


You wasted your money on something you never used. That happens sometimes.


But you got what you paid for initially though neglected to cultivate it. Now you are left with what could have been bigger than what you initially bought, which is at some points still more than what a F2P new player gets when he/she starts out. That last bit is the Legacy of your (neglected) initial purchase.


I've spent a small fortune on all kinds of games and software that are worthless now or where the makers/sellers wouldn't be able to remember me for the money i spent, even if they tried really hard.


Outdated software is not the same as antique furniture i'm afraid. :)

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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > Again, you didn't support the game . . . you left. And now you want a discount for coming back after X-amount of years? Heck, where's my discount on the expansions for **staying**?


> you deserve the a discounted option if you initially bought in as well. And just because I didn't play doesn't mean I didn't support them. The investment from the customer base by buying the game on release IS SUPPORT. Just because I chose to play something else doesn't mean I didn't support them by buying the game. Guess what keeps the game studios lights on. MONEY! guess where they get the resources to produce new content. MONEY!


Most of the income comes from microtransactions through the game store which means the active playerbase. The initial price we pay for the game, although helpful, isnt what provides the revenue for the game to keep going. A one time 30$ investment is very little when running a whole company and having monthly bills, salaries and whatnot to pay. Also u dont deserve a discount because u paid 60$ on release. Prices always go down with time and a lot of games end up f2p. For example a lot of people searched and waited for PoF discounts and made the purchase when the time was right to pay a bit less. Others who wanted to play the expansion ASAP bought it at the full price.


Last thing: These starter/bonus packs that u find in every game when purchasing are usually money grabbers. If u had the option to buy the game on release at a lower price and instead u paid much more for a "pack" then thats your problem.

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If they ban your account, remove all your stuff in bank, give out your character name to another player for not playing anymore. thats punishment.


It is a business model, and every player from launch get to pay the same price for the game, you are not the the only one, not the first one nor the last one. Game will be deserted if no more new blood and player leaving time by time. The said system is attractive to new player because they can try for free and help to keep the game healthy for longer time, everyone of us beneifit from it.


The core game IS free now, expension charge the same for everyone, its that sample.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> Um . . . you didn't support the company. You left. You want to discuss how much money we who stayed paid into the gemstore for various items instead? I can assure you, for most of us, it's _a lot_ more than one-hundred and ten dollars. And that doesn't include the expansions.


> Otherwise, welcome back to the game. ;)


Don't speak for everybody, I, too, stayed from day one but I did never buy gems with real money (and I never will), I'm completely against that (except expansions).

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > Um . . . you didn't support the company. You left. You want to discuss how much money we who stayed paid into the gemstore for various items instead? I can assure you, for most of us, it's _a lot_ more than one-hundred and ten dollars. And that doesn't include the expansions.

> >

> > Otherwise, welcome back to the game. ;)


> Don't speak for everybody, I, too, stayed from day one but I did never buy gems with real money (and I never will), I'm completely against that (except expansions).


But unlike the OP, you aren't asking for Anet to reward you for your non-spending.

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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> > @"EdgarMTanaka.7291" said:

> > I also bought GW2 at the 2 days pre-launch. I do not feel punished, I have alot of stuff new players could only dream to have also i have had the opportunity to play the game years before PoF or even HoT. I have had the chance to experience the true Living world of the game and had a blast playing dungeons when these where a thing.

> >

> > I am sorry but it is not Anets fault that you buy something and does not use it.

> >

> > Edit: also the price you pay for is not for the main game, you only pay for the expansion. The main game is free.


> yes I admit there are a few things available to me that aren't available to a free player

> 5 characters instead of 2

> 5 inventory bags instead of 3

> access to map chats and squad chats

> access to guild enhancements

> access to forum posts

> access to the trading post and bank


> Man that sure as hell looks like 60 dollars of content to me...

> Glad I invested early


Start adding it up. Just the character slots alone are $30. As many have pointed out you had access to all sorts of content that new players will never be. Your leaving the game for a few years is all on you, anet had nothing to do with that, and you were not supporting the game during that time.

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> @"costepj.5120" said:

> > @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > > Um . . . you didn't support the company. You left. You want to discuss how much money we who stayed paid into the gemstore for various items instead? I can assure you, for most of us, it's _a lot_ more than one-hundred and ten dollars. And that doesn't include the expansions.

> > >

> > > Otherwise, welcome back to the game. ;)

> >

> > Don't speak for everybody, I, too, stayed from day one but I did never buy gems with real money (and I never will), I'm completely against that (except expansions).


> But unlike the OP, you aren't asking for Anet to reward you for your non-spending.


In fact I wasn't trying to defend the OP, I was just pointing out that aspect.

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> @"Zaraki.5784" said:

> > @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > Um . . . you didn't support the company. You left. You want to discuss how much money we who stayed paid into the gemstore for various items instead? I can assure you, for most of us, it's _a lot_ more than one-hundred and ten dollars. And that doesn't include the expansions.

> >

> > Otherwise, welcome back to the game. ;)


> Don't speak for everybody, I, too, stayed from day one but I did never buy gems with real money (and I never will), I'm completely against that (except expansions).


But you played the game, helping to make it populated so that people that did buy gems didn't think the game is dying and leave. That is also a form of support, and a very important one.

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> @"Thobek.1730" said:

> wait, what? I got punished for buying at launch? when did this happen?


Actually this is kinda funny cause people today pre-purchase games months b4 they go out only to find they are complete kitten once they play them. The latest mass effect actually punished those who bought it early or on release and rewarded those who waited a bit to watch the footage only to realize the game wasnt worth buying at all.

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> @"DieN Cry.4890" said:

> > @"EdgarMTanaka.7291" said:

> > I also bought GW2 at the 2 days pre-launch. I do not feel punished, I have alot of stuff new players could only dream to have also i have had the opportunity to play the game years before PoF or even HoT. I have had the chance to experience the true Living world of the game and had a blast playing dungeons when these where a thing.

> >

> > I am sorry but it is not Anets fault that you buy something and does not use it.

> >

> > Edit: also the price you pay for is not for the main game, you only pay for the expansion. The main game is free.


> yes I admit there are a few things available to me that aren't available to a free player

> 5 characters instead of 2

> 5 inventory bags instead of 3

> access to map chats and squad chats

> access to guild enhancements

> access to forum posts

> access to the trading post and bank


> Man that sure as hell looks like 60 dollars of content to me...

> Glad I invested early


While you're being sarcastic, yes most of us are actually glad we invested early, it was very worth it. Look at all the comments disagreeing with you and all the upvotes on those posts.

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