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Game slowing my computer after play sessions

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Along with many other issues like lengthy load times/assets not appearing for a long time, after I play GW2 my computer slows dramatically and can't handle simple things like browsing multiple pages or watching youtube until I restart. I've never had any issue like this with other games and my computer's performance without playing GW2 is normal.


I've always had performance issues with GW2, but recently it's gotten significantly worse and is now hampering my ability to use my computer after playing.


I've done research and nothing people have suggested has really fixed anything. I'm going to have to stop playing until this is fixed.


Any solutions / things I should try?


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Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to bring up the task manager, select the performance tab and look at your CPU, Memory and Disk usage when this is happening. For older versions of Windows, you'll need to open the resource monitor. If anything seems abnormal (the disk and CPU usage should be minimal with nothing major running), you can use the resource monitor to determine which process is the cause.


A high CPU usage is going to affect all processing. High disk usage on your system drive is going to slow down Windows, which will slow down everything else. If your memory was near capacity when GW2 was running, Windows will compress memory and use the disk instead, which will slow down programs that were already open.


If it's mainly affecting your web browser and it was already open, try restarting it. If you're running GW2 in full screen, try windowed full screen.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to bring up the task manager, select the performance tab and look at your CPU, Memory and Disk usage when this is happening. For older versions of Windows, you'll need to open the resource monitor. If anything seems abnormal (the disk and CPU usage should be minimal with nothing major running), you can use the resource monitor to determine which process is the cause.


> A high CPU usage is going to affect all processing. High disk usage on your system drive is going to slow down Windows, which will slow down everything else. If your memory was near capacity when GW2 was running, Windows will compress memory and use the disk instead, which will slow down programs that were already open.


> If it's mainly affecting your web browser and it was already open, try restarting it. If you're running GW2 in full screen, try windowed full screen.


Typically GW2 sits at 40~60% of my CPU while playing, occasionally spiking higher (I've seen up to 99%) and about 2.5GB of memory (I have 16GB of RAM which is PLENTY, but I'm suspecting I might have a RAM issue as well which I'm (hopefully) fixing now, unsure if the GW2 issue is related to it).


It affects more than just my browser, that was just an example I gave. If I try play WoW after GW2, WoW is unplayable until I restart my computer, but if I don't open GW2 at all there's no issue. Similarly, lower resource games/programs that were not open while GW2 was are dramatically laggier and difficult if I've played GW2 without restarting my computer.


Thanks for the explanation though, if something similar happens in the future I'll know to restart programs then :)

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> @"Wakthor Thorwak.2819" said:

> i have the same thing with gw2 that is slowing down twitch or youtube or any kind of site that can stream videos im not sure why but its fine agin when i close gw2 down


Your GPU can't handle both GW2 and video decoding. If you're playing in full screen, it's going to make it even worse for background stuff, so try windowed full screen. If your CPU isn't being capped, you can try disabling hardware acceleration in your browser. This seems to be more of a problem in Chrome, so if you're using it, you could try something else.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Wakthor Thorwak.2819" said:

> > i have the same thing with gw2 that is slowing down twitch or youtube or any kind of site that can stream videos im not sure why but its fine agin when i close gw2 down


> Your GPU can't handle both GW2 and video decoding. If you're playing in full screen, it's going to make it even worse for background stuff, so try windowed full screen. If your CPU isn't being capped, you can try disabling hardware acceleration in your browser. This seems to be more of a problem in Chrome, so if you're using it, you could try something else.


yeah i use chrome and i dont play on fullscreen and i use window mode but then its just half the screen becuse if i try to use fullscreen its get on the computer screen i dont want it on so i need a better gpu then?

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> @"Wakthor Thorwak.2819" said:

> so i need a better gpu then?


Chrome seems to be especially susceptible, so try a different browser, or disable hardware acceleration in Chrome to make it use the CPU instead.


To consider upgrading, you'd first want to find out your current GPU usage and the load on the bus interface. If either is capped, you're hitting a limitation. If the bus interface is capped, check what it's operating at vs what the motherboard supports.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Wakthor Thorwak.2819" said:

> > so i need a better gpu then?


> Chrome seems to be especially susceptible, so try a different browser, or disable hardware acceleration in Chrome to make it use the CPU instead.


> To consider upgrading, you'd first want to find out your current GPU usage and the load on the bus interface. If either is capped, you're hitting a limitation. If the bus interface is capped, check what it's operating at vs what the motherboard supports.


![](https://i.imgur.com/AL73gDC.png "")

gw2 seems to use alot of cpu and gpu and when i had twitch on my chrome it went up to 20+ cpu and gw2 can go up to 80+ cpu sometimes so yeah my cpu is defintly overhewating then how do i solve that?

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> These are the symptoms of a permanent, system-wide memory leak, probably in your graphics driver.


That doesn't seem all that surprising. I have a fairly old Radeon card which is no longer being supported with driver updates, and I've had occasional issues with graphics before.


Any solutions other than replacing the card?

If not, anything I could use to keep track of the damage?


Edit: Also any reason you think the big issues are tied to GW2 and not other games?



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> @"Wakthor Thorwak.2819" said:

> gw2 seems to use alot of cpu and gpu and when i had twitch on my chrome it went up to 20+ cpu and gw2 can go up to 80+ cpu sometimes so yeah my cpu is defintly overhewating then how do i solve that?


A high CPU usage doesn't mean it's overheating, though stock cooling can't really handle long periods of maximum usage. If it was overheating, it may slow down to compensate of simply shutdown. If you want to check the temperature, use hwmonitor. The maximum temperature limit will vary by CPU, but it should be less than 80C, 60C or lower optimally.


GW2 is CPU dependent, so it's going to require a lot from the CPU. You'll need to upgrade if you want to run more stuff. Alternatively, you could try lowering GW2's FPS, giving its process a lower priority or limiting which CPU cores it can use (task manager > details > right click the process > set affinity/priority).


> @"Gyousa.5609" said:

> Edit: Also any reason you think the big issues are tied to GW2 and not other games?


If there was a problem, it could be a problem with GW2 itself, or if it was the driver, it could be because GW2 is using DX9 or other calls that are poorly supported by the GPU, which other games may not be using. That's also why newer hardware and drivers aren't always better, as they may sacrifice support to optimize for newer games. For leaks, watch the memory usage. Once it hits its limit, it'll affect performance.


> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Don't mind me, I'm just tagging this post in case any posted solution might help me out with a seperate, but possible related, issue.


Use GPU-Z to monitor the bus interface. If it's damaged or not slotted properly, the bus speed could be changing, and although you may not notice it in other games, it will severely reduce the FPS in GW2. It should be operating at x8 or higher. The GPU running out of (primary) memory can also cause severe spikes.


There could be a problem with shader caching, which you could try disabling in your GPU's control panel.


AMD GPU? They had poor DX9 support a few months ago, which should be fixed now.


Windows 10? It's had a lot of problems. If you have a spare drive, do a quick install of Windows 7 to get a baseline.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"Gyousa.5609" said:

> > Edit: Also any reason you think the big issues are tied to GW2 and not other games?


> If there was a problem, it could be a problem with GW2 itself, or if it was the driver, it could be because GW2 is using DX9 or other calls that are poorly supported by the GPU, which other games may not be using. That's also why newer hardware and drivers aren't always better, as they may sacrifice support to optimize for newer games. For leaks, watch the memory usage. Once it hits its limit, it'll affect performance.



Downloading GPU-Z and using Asus's GPU monitor reveals that there isn't any kind of memory leak, the memory fluctuates as normal.

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> @"wanya.1697" said:

> maybe not all cores are unparked like in this screen shot http://postimg.org/image/seit09hmj/

> you could try "powercfg -setacvalueindex scheme_current sub_processor CPMINCORES 100"


Mmm, good thinking but all cores are running fine.


I did a whole lot of computer maintenance yesterday, and GW2 seems to run a little smoother with less of an effect, but I still notice delays here and there.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> There could be a problem with shader caching, which you could try disabling in your GPU's control panel.


This may not entirely have fixed my isuses, but it definitely made it a lot less worse.


Should I be worried about my GPU pooping out on me or something? Or is it just a GW2 quirk?

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Should I be worried about my GPU pooping out on me or something? Or is it just a GW2 quirk?


Caching saves on processing by calculating shaders once and storing them. These shaders may be constantly read from the disk, so if your drive is slow, it can cause stuttering.

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