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New to Fractal CM's what are the KP's for 99CM and 100CM?

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> @"Tony.8061" said:

> So if it is a 99CM and they want KP it's from the 100CM? :/


Some groups forget to remove "KP" from their LFG after they have run 100 CM while they need to search for a new player because someone left.

Only a few are requiring to post your KP from 100 CM for 99 CM.

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> @"Tony.8061" said:

> So if it is a 99CM and they want KP it's from the 100CM? :/


You're missing the point of offering/asking for _Kill Proofs_ in the first place. Players want their runs to be as smooth as possible and there's no way to know if a PUGling has the skill or gear for that. So folks try to find a simple proxy for past successes, on the theory that someone who completed the CM once is more likely to manage it again (and if one KP is good, then more KP is better).


As we know from ~~the stock market~~ long years of gaming, past performance is no guarantee of ~~future earnings~~ subsequently smooth runs. Still, it's enough for some people that it decreases the likelihood of a miserable instance.


With the goal of "show me that yur gud @games", then showing one title is useful, showing two titles is better, & showing rewards might be better still.


In the end, though, the only proof that someone can help your group succeed is whether the run goes smoothly, and you won't know that until you've invested some time playing with them.

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