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What Class (Main) is the most convinced of itself?

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > Rofl is this even for real, I vote we change the name of this thread to

> > >

> > > "pls anet, the thief touched me in my no-no place"

> >

> > Why? Thief isn’t in the lead, warrior is.


> By 2 votes, and tbh that surprises me. As a thief main myself I definitely feel thief wins this one.


> Reason being that I have lost all patience for spvp teammates anymore after hundreds of games of "2 thief? one of you reroll to a class you don't want to play and/or aren't good at or I will afk and throw" and basically just tell people to go kitten themselves in half my games anymore.


> Like when I switch to mesmer I do a much kitten job of helping my team because I'm not as good at playing the class, but even if I played like complete kitten everyone will still blame the other thief because he's the thief of the team. Perpetual scapegoat class. I mean I've done some insanely stupid kitten on my mesmer (I always switch to mesmer if I do have to change) and people are just like "THIEF GOD YOU SUCK LOOK HOW YOURE MAKING US LOSE" to the one who didn't switch


> Yeah idk man. Care factor 0


> # thiefmainproblems


I tend not to blame the thief if they’re backing capping, +1’ing, spiking down low health players in between points etc.

if there are two thieves I won’t say anything but I REALLY hope they aren’t both deadeye.

I will blame the thief when they’re trying to 1v2, face tank mid, etc.

lately I’ve been blaming the people playing reaper because they’re a free kill.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> _"What Class (Main) is the most convinced of itself?"_


> Revenants. They're _convinced_ their class sucks and the whole game is out to get them.


> ~ Kovu


The class has been objectively suffering for multiple balance patches now. I lol every time someone implies that revenant mains are playing their class wrong, can you show us how to do it plz? YouTube video soon thnx

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > _"What Class (Main) is the most convinced of itself?"_

> >

> > Revenants. They're _convinced_ their class sucks and the whole game is out to get them.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> The class has been objectively suffering for multiple balance patches now. I lol every time someone implies that revenant mains are playing their class wrong, can you show us how to do it plz? YouTube video soon thnx


I _implied_ that they whine the loudest.


No, I'm not going to record, edit and upload a video on, in this case, a class I barely play anytime someone thinks there's something I need to "show" to the internet. That would be a fulltime job. The counterpoint I could make is to have _you_ post a video on how the other eight professions are top tier when compared to Revenants. They (Revenants) may yet be the worst of the nine professions. As a ranger main I find them generally more annoying to deal with than elementalists and necromancers for certain, (the latter being one of the most bitched about professions in the game) and some of the other professions (guard, engi, other rangers) depending on the day and the quality of the player behind the desk.


~ Kovu

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Thieves and warriors, because they can have the biggest impact on the outcome of the game while having the least contribution to team fights. Warrior excels at 1v1 duels and 1v2 decapping, pulling enemies away from teamfights and giving their team the advantage. A warrior ideally should not be teamfighting outside of cleanup work.


Thieves should be decapping/backcapping and +1ing, occasionally +1ing teamfights if an enemy is out of position.


Both classes aren't (shouldn't be) regularly seen by the rest of the team in fights, so it's assumed that they're often not contributing. A well played thief can have a bigger impact than a well played warrior, but a mediocre warrior will do significantly more than a mediocre thief. Both classes rely heavily on knowledge of their class as well as knowledge of their opponents class, which breeds arrogance with moderate success.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > _"What Class (Main) is the most convinced of itself?"_

> > >

> > > Revenants. They're _convinced_ their class sucks and the whole game is out to get them.

> > >

> > > ~ Kovu

> >

> > The class has been objectively suffering for multiple balance patches now. I lol every time someone implies that revenant mains are playing their class wrong, can you show us how to do it plz? YouTube video soon thnx


> I _implied_ that they whine the loudest.


> No, I'm not going to record, edit and upload a video on, in this case, a class I barely play anytime someone thinks there's something I need to "show" to the internet. That would be a fulltime job. The counterpoint I could make is to have _you_ post a video on how the other eight professions are top tier when compared to Revenants. They (Revenants) may yet be the worst of the nine professions. As a ranger main I find them generally more annoying to deal with than elementalists and necromancers for certain, (the latter being one of the most kitten about professions in the game) and some of the other professions (guard, engi, other rangers) depending on the day and the quality of the player behind the desk.


> ~ Kovu


No you said "convinced" which clearly implies that you don't agree with them.


I couldn't even break plat t2 this season with rev. Now I joined the ez life and started to juggle druid, fb, and s/d thief and broke t2 ez, never even fell out of it again. And I haven't spent nearly as much time on any of those builds compared to my time on rev, except thief.


Must be my rev skillz, and totally not the fact that the last three patches have been SHIT for rev (rip Equilibrium and Impossible Odds). If you have trouble with revenant that is all on you lol.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > > _"What Class (Main) is the most convinced of itself?"_

> > > >

> > > > Revenants. They're _convinced_ their class sucks and the whole game is out to get them.

> > > >

> > > > ~ Kovu

> > >

> > > The class has been objectively suffering for multiple balance patches now. I lol every time someone implies that revenant mains are playing their class wrong, can you show us how to do it plz? YouTube video soon thnx

> >

> > I _implied_ that they whine the loudest.

> >

> > No, I'm not going to record, edit and upload a video on, in this case, a class I barely play anytime someone thinks there's something I need to "show" to the internet. That would be a fulltime job. The counterpoint I could make is to have _you_ post a video on how the other eight professions are top tier when compared to Revenants. They (Revenants) may yet be the worst of the nine professions. As a ranger main I find them generally more annoying to deal with than elementalists and necromancers for certain, (the latter being one of the most kitten about professions in the game) and some of the other professions (guard, engi, other rangers) depending on the day and the quality of the player behind the desk.

> >

> > ~ Kovu


> No you said "convinced" which clearly implies that you don't agree with them.


> I couldn't even break plat t2 this season with rev. Now I joined the ez life and started to juggle druid, fb, and s/d thief and broke t2 ez, never even fell out of it again. And I haven't spent nearly as much time on any of those builds compared to my time on rev, except thief.


> Must be my rev skillz, and totally not the fact that the last three patches have been kitten for rev (rip Equilibrium and Impossible Odds). If you have trouble with revenant that is all on you lol.


Putting words in people's mouths must be a full time job for you, you're certainly good at it. My saying that other people are convinced of some thing says nothing to whether I agree with them or not.

If it makes you feel any better I feel like the next loudest group of people are thief players, and I _know_ they're in a good spot. They tend to get cocky when they win, and cry pretty loud to their team when they lose. Best of luck on your Rev.


~ Kovu

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