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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"KevEveryDay.8163" said:

> > Just been messing around with chrono do they have any plans to fix this skill u cant throw it to your side without it canceling or behind :-1:


> Idk, that skill feels like garbage now.


Hahaha it is garbage wonder if they plan on fixing it

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Especially because instead of reverting the "now targetable"-change, they doubled-down on the broken design, had another patch where they "fixed it not casting while moving" and ... **well it didn't change anything at all, ANet**.


I still have to **both** stand still **and** stop interacting with the camera to target it to the sides, or it'll just abort. Why? Why break something **which already worked fine**? And leave it broken instead of applying a hotfix to at least revert the functionality? Why is your QA department apparently fired in its entirety and unable to do, well, QA?!

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> Alacrity over quickness seems like a bandaid fix on lack of alacrity from phantasmal change, but it alters this skill completely. The whole point of quickness on that skill is to allow player to quickly mount damage on enemies caught by the slow moving stun, now the two parts seem unrelated.

I agree with you. They should have put the needed alacrity somewhere else and left ToD as it was. Instead increasing the base alacrity duration of SoI or leaving the shield phants with a ~3sec pulse of alacrity instead of the current protection.


> @"Aurelius.6829" said:

> Just to clarify, you can cast it behind you.

No you can't. The character casts it after turning around and when moving it doesn't work at all.

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> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> > @"Aurelius.6829" said:

> > Just to clarify, you can cast it behind you.


> 1 out of 20 times. **Only while standing still**.


> To quote Apple in their stupidity: so bold! :open_mouth:


yes, thank you to clarify.

indeed you can only cast it behind you while you're standing still and the character need to turn around first, but it's not 1 out of 20.


just to make it clear, you can't use it behind your back while running away to juke your opponent.

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So where exactly is it not-incredibly-annoying compared to the previous implementation again? Which just... worked?


The solution might be usable, but it certainly fails in UX. Maybe a manager just needed to show off that pretty ground cursor they managed to build. By themselves!

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Yes, the shield on chrono feels horribly underwhelming now. Phantasm giving...protection? Yawn, that boon is a dime a dozen now. Replacing quickness with alacraty on a skill designed to capitalize on the stun? Very lame. The skill really felt important because you could instantly buff a group of people while also making an enemy immobile, this provided amazing synergy and really sold the "time mage" vibe in a SINGLE skill. Now we have a broken kit with a half working ground target change. Arenanet, this is just disappointing, fixing what IS NOT broken! Like, how in the world did anyone think alacrity was a good idea on this skill? Just keep quickness on ToT and a burst of alacrity on new shield phantasm. I am moving over to druid, a class with a functioning kit.

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