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build help


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I like mirage more than chrono. I like wvw roaming. I really hate GreatSword and i don't like also scepter too much ( i prefer it to GS as playstyle anyway) . DO u have Any suggestion for a build for roaming that not involve gs ? (sword is for me quite mandatory for moving around... ) . For now i am using staff with sword torch marauder but i don't think it is the right setup... i tried sword sword staff as in pvp and it is really fun too .

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> @"EUmad.7645" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > You could try sword/pistol, axe/torch hybrid (grieving/cele), Mirage/Duelling/Illusions.


> i want to try this ..


You'll have to experiment a bit on your own, because I prefer playing a different build not using sword so wouldn't be able to nail down specific synergies for you. :)

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> You could try sword/pistol, axe/torch hybrid (grieving/cele), Mirage/Duelling/Illusions.


I admit, I haven’t had a chance to try pistol after the rework. From what I’ve seen from mesmers using it against me, It’s a tad bit underwhelming. Wouldn’t it work better as part of a chrono phant build?


Share some thoughts. Thanks.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > You could try sword/pistol, axe/torch hybrid (grieving/cele), Mirage/Duelling/Illusions.


> I admit, I haven’t had a chance to try pistol after the rework. From what I’ve seen from mesmers using it against me, It’s a tad bit underwhelming. Wouldn’t it work better as part of a chrono phant build?


> Share some thoughts. Thanks.


Oh I think pistol is kitten in any kind of pvp. And I'm a bit biased in that it's probably my least favourite mesmer weapon for the whole time of this game, and every time I've picked it up it's felt like a handicap.


And now with Mirage, pretty much almost hardcountered any pistol mesmer I've fought in wvw through Evasive Mirror and traited manipulations (note to Devs if reading, please sincerely, do **NOT** nerf, these traits are fine and require sacrificing more utility or damage output, and good projectile users can still hit you if they know how to play :) ).


Was only recommending it because Focus is worse untraited and EUmad wants to use Sword. Actually @EUmad.7645 you could try offhand sword if you like. I don't like it much but you may be better off than pistol depending on playstyle.


The thing with how I play is once I've iterated to a preferred build following any major balance/release changes it's usually for a reason in that deviating from it means I perform worse than sticking with it, so I'm not great at promoting variations to it.

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