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revenant GS skills, utilities and traits


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lets design our next weapon skills


my theme is something from the gw1 ritualist - weapon spells. enhance our allies dmg for 10 sec and ends after 5 attacks....


**utilities- weapon spell**

Weapon of Warding - heal skill. unkeep -7 nrg. each second ally gain regen and vigor and have 50% chance to block any attack. when it ends ally gain health for each second the ward was active (max 10 sec) . end prematurely when ally attack. cd 30 sec


weapon of remedy - for 8 sec allies next 5 attacks give barrier and transfer condition to a foe. cd 20 sec 20 nrg

Brutal Weapon - for 8 sec allies attack does 20% more dmg and gave more 20% crit chance. ends after 5 attacks . cd 20 sec 25 nrg

Splinter Weapon - for 8 sec allies attacks does 20% more dmg to adjacent foes. ends after 5 attacks . cd 20 sec 25 nrg. break stun


Great Dwarf Weapon - elite - for 8 sec ally attack do 25% more dmg and have 25% chance to kd .ends after 5 attacks . cd 20 sec 40 nrg


**weapon - GS**

skill 1 - shadow strike - your first attack inflict blindness for 3 sec. number of target 3. your second attack steal life and the third attack put 2 stack of vulnerability. 0.5 sec

skill 2 - Aggression strike - put a spell on allies. for the next 5 sec the next attack steal life. number of target 3. 0.5 sec 5 nrg 5 sec cd.

skill 3 - Wielder's Strike - leap at your foe and your next 5 attacks gives allies 2 stacks of might, fury and regen for 3 sec. number of target 3. 0.75 sec 10 nrg 8 sec cd

skill 4 - Vital strike - block for 2 sec and allies gain barrier. if attacked was blocked cleanse 2 condition. 0.75 sec 15 nrg 15 sec cd

skill 5 - Wailing strike - cripple your foe and do dmg. for 5 sec your next 2 attacks daze. 0.75 sec 15 nrg 20 sec cd



Minor Adept - gain access to GS and weapon spells which enhance your allies attack for short duration.

Major Adept 1 - weapon spell skills also proc blind for 3 sec

Major Adept 2 - weapon spell skills reduce dmg taken by 10%

Major Adept 3 - using a weapon spell cleanse 1 condition


Minor Master - gain aegis for 5 sec when you use weapon spell skill

Major Master 1 - GS skills gain reduce recharge 20% do 20% more dmg but cost 20% more nrg.

Major Master 2 - weapon spell skills use also proc lighting field and do aoe dmg each second for 5 seconds

Major Master 3 - activate vital strike when you are cc


Minor Grandmaster - lose condition each second while nrg below 25%

Major Grandmaster 1 - ally gain quickness for 3 sec when you use weapon spell

Major Grandmaster 2 - ally gain barriers each second they have weapon spell on them (120 + 0.25*healing power).

Major Grandmaster 3 - weapon spell duration are increase by 25% and have 1 more attack.

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I mean, necros were given boon corrupt in a ranged auto attack. A blind in a slow, melee auto chain wouldn't be all that outlandish on its own, but together with that blind trait in salvation and the other defensive abilities and cc offered here it would simply be overpowered.


I don't know why people have such an obsession with getting greatsword on rev. Some of the weapon skills could be moved onto something like a focus instead with others being made into abilities stuck onto the f keys. This would would create some flexibility in builds, allowing for the use of a sword or mace as a main-hand while still getting the benefits of new aoe support abilities on an off-hand weapon instead of locking out an entire set of weapon abilities for what appears to be heavy support.

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> @"Arkaile.5604" said:

> I mean, necros were given boon corrupt in a ranged auto attack. A blind in a slow, melee auto chain wouldn't be all that outlandish on its own, but together with that blind trait in salvation and the other defensive abilities and cc offered here it would simply be overpowered.


> I don't know why people have such an obsession with getting greatsword on rev. Some of the weapon skills could be moved onto something like a focus instead with others being made into abilities stuck onto the f keys. This would would create some flexibility in builds, allowing for the use of a sword or mace as a main-hand while still getting the benefits of new aoe support abilities on an off-hand weapon instead of locking out an entire set of weapon abilities for what appears to be heavy support.


salvation trait line is focus on support thus the build would be support. choosing GS probably will be focus on sustain dmg and buff allies. so i dont think ppl will take both just for the blind and they lose 4 traits to choose from. also to proc blind you have to spam heal skill so you wont be able to spam also the AA.

also for me the design above the dmg will come from the utilities buff and not the weapon itself. so the AA can negate dmg but wont do much itself.


i think ppl wants GS because revenant are heavy armor front line with warrior and guard. so GS is the basic.

but i think our next weapon will be probably off hand warhorn. but i wish it would be GS.

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> i think ppl wants GS because revenant are heavy armor front line with warrior and guard. so GS is the basic.


Going somewhat off-topic here, but this is something which bothers me and I've seen it come up over and over and over.


I'm not saying you are doing this, but the people who seriously use that as a justification for wanting greatsword on Rev just seem dishonest or outright dim. What about the greatsword is more basic than, say, a main-hand sword? Moreover, by that same line of reasoning, we should have daggers as the next mesmer weapon and a shortbow as the next engi weapon. I don't look at those parts of the forums as much, but from what I have seen people aren't asking for those weapons to be made available on those classes quite as often, if at all. If people want greatswords on Rev because they like greatswords or if they want to use their Eternity on another character then, for the sake of honesty and respect, they should probably just say that instead.


Personally, I'm more concerned with getting weapons which fill roles which other available weapons do not; I care more about function than form. Could something interesting be done with a greatsword? Sure, and in that case I would welcome it to Rev's tiny list of available weapons, however, if it's just another power weapon, I'll be left wondering why I should use it over a sword. That's part of why I got into the whole 'make it a focus for flexibility' thing.

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> thanks 4 the feedback. you do know the rev with ventari can proc blind every 3 sec....


Slight difference between an auto attack causing blind and needing certain traits and Legends. That blind on auto attack is simply flat out broken. It doesn't matter if Ventari and Salvation can cause blind when moving the really annoying tablet every 3seconds.


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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > thanks 4 the feedback. you do know the rev with ventari can proc blind every 3 sec....


> Slight difference between an auto attack causing blind and needing certain traits and Legends. That blind on auto attack is simply flat out broken. It doesn't matter if Ventari and Salvation can cause blind when moving the really annoying tablet every 3seconds.



if you could elaborate why its broken? GS will need trait line to use and a weapon like you stated legend and trait line....

usually two hand weapon is much slower with about 1.5-2.5 sec rotation . so every 2.5 sec to put blind while other AA are much faster like 0.25-1.5 sec it means 0.33 dmg reduction.... like protection.... so with melee attack i dont see any problem with it.

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> if you could elaborate why its broken? GS will need trait line to use and a weapon like you stated legend and trait line....

> usually two hand weapon is much slower with about 1.5-2.5 sec rotation . so every 2.5 sec to put blind while other AA are much faster like 0.25-1.5 sec it means 0.33 dmg reduction.... like protection.... so with melee attack i dont see any problem with it.


Yes it will need the traitline to use the weapon, thats a given. However. Unlike Ventari which requires a specific legend and a specific trait and has an energy cost and a 3second cool down. Now compare that to a auto attack of a weapon, unless this auto attack has 3 attacks which have long cast times and an energy cost. You cant really compare them.


No class will get an auto attack that has such a strong controlling condition on it.



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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > if you could elaborate why its broken? GS will need trait line to use and a weapon like you stated legend and trait line....

> > usually two hand weapon is much slower with about 1.5-2.5 sec rotation . so every 2.5 sec to put blind while other AA are much faster like 0.25-1.5 sec it means 0.33 dmg reduction.... like protection.... so with melee attack i dont see any problem with it.


> Yes it will need the traitline to use the weapon, thats a given. However. Unlike Ventari which requires a specific legend and a specific trait and has an energy cost and a 3second cool down. Now compare that to a auto attack of a weapon, unless this auto attack has 3 attacks which have long cast times and an energy cost. You cant really compare them.


> No class will get an auto attack that has such a strong controlling condition on it.




i use in the AA suggestion 3 attack chain. the first blind the second life leech and the third vulnerability. if it will be like necro GS with 2.5 sec rotation i think it should be fine. remember rev shouldnt be like warrior/guard/thief. he is front line supporter (boons, healing , buff etc...)

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> @"Enzo Kensei.9850" said:

> I think the next weapon for the Rev is going to be a main hand one. We've got a dual hand (shortbow) and a off hand (shield) so the next logical weapon will be main hand. The question is, which one? Axe? Pistol? Scepter? Dagger?


scepter could be if they take the ritualist theme

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> i use in the AA suggestion 3 attack chain. the first blind the second life leech and the third vulnerability. if it will be like necro GS with 2.5 sec rotation i think it should be fine. remember rev shouldnt be like warrior/guard/thief. he is front line supporter (boons, healing , buff etc...)


Then no one would use it. I rarely see anyone with the GS on Reaper because its slow as hell to use lol

I would also disagree with Rev being support. Hes not. Hes damage. If you are Herald. Then you are damage with boon spamming, if you are Renegade you are dead lol



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although i like some of the ideas you've presented, what put me off from the start is the same problem that every rev elite spec thus far has presented; the whole heal-utility-elite is the same type of skill. This will make it not very flexible during combat and will present a lot of weaknesses and will result in the spec having the same complaints as every other one. The only reason heralds wasn't as bad as renegade was because the activation effects of the upkeeps were all different. In my opinion I would try and take some of your ideas but try and work in some other skill types that the original ritualist had. A signet perhaps, ash bundles, or a different form of spirit (maybe the spirits aren't there own unit, but instead a buff with a bound spirit visual on your character that grants a barrier and provides some kind of buff). And i know everyone wants a greatsword because they look cool, but gameplay wise these two handed weapons limit flexibility a little. I am all for getting both a scepter and a focus for the new spec though. A heavy armor caster like guardian, but less boring and more awesome. In fact, you could make an elite spirit weapon skill that give you new skills like engineer kits or ele conjures, which could either be a greatword, scythe, whip, whatever the hell.


Even with my differences, good job and a decently thought out idea!

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > i use in the AA suggestion 3 attack chain. the first blind the second life leech and the third vulnerability. if it will be like necro GS with 2.5 sec rotation i think it should be fine. remember rev shouldnt be like warrior/guard/thief. he is front line supporter (boons, healing , buff etc...)


> Then no one would use it. I rarely see anyone with the GS on Reaper because its slow as hell to use lol

> I would also disagree with Rev being support. Hes not. Hes damage. If you are Herald. Then you are damage with boon spamming, if you are Renegade you are dead lol




some ppl got back to it. necro weakness atm is not the weapon rather he needs group support the GS does huge dmg if you know how to play it but atm condi necro is much easier to play with.

this is why i put some quickness abilities with GS and you have also devastation line to proc it and sigils

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> @"ScottBroChill.3254" said:

> although i like some of the ideas you've presented, what put me off from the start is the same problem that every rev elite spec thus far has presented; the whole heal-utility-elite is the same type of skill. This will make it not very flexible during combat and will present a lot of weaknesses and will result in the spec having the same complaints as every other one. The only reason heralds wasn't as bad as renegade was because the activation effects of the upkeeps were all different. In my opinion I would try and take some of your ideas but try and work in some other skill types that the original ritualist had. A signet perhaps, ash bundles, or a different form of spirit (maybe the spirits aren't there own unit, but instead a buff with a bound spirit visual on your character that grants a barrier and provides some kind of buff). And i know everyone wants a greatsword because they look cool, but gameplay wise these two handed weapons limit flexibility a little. I am all for getting both a scepter and a focus for the new spec though. A heavy armor caster like guardian, but less boring and more awesome. In fact, you could make an elite spirit weapon skill that give you new skills like engineer kits or ele conjures, which could either be a greatword, scythe, whip, whatever the hell.


> Even with my differences, good job and a decently thought out idea!


thanks for the feedback. when i have checked past ideas over the last 4 years time to time i saw i had about good chance to being correct.

i would love to see scepter and focus with revenant playing like front line scholars.

i will try to come up with more ideas... thanks for inspire

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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> Saw blind on auto attack. Didnt bother looking at the rest. Wont happen. Ever.


I would like to compare it with GS AA from Ranger. There is no blind but a dodge. You get 1 sec dodge after 1 sec autoattack.

I know its not exactly the same, after blinding you can use other skills than AA but on the other hand you can dodge more hits than just one in 1 second.

I think 1 second blind would be okay for a slow AA.


The utility skills sound a bit uncreative imo, 3 of 5 skills increasing dmg. Why not a grandmaster trait like "increase dmg for allies by 10% for 5 seconds when usind a weapon spell (10 seconds cooldown)" and changing utility skills to something more usefull with more variety.


> weapon of remedy - for 8 sec allies next 5 attacks give barrier and transfer condition to a foe. cd 20 sec 20 nrg

Sounds okay for me, but 5 conditions is pretty much for 5 allies and 20s cd/20nrg.


> Brutal Weapon - for 8 sec allies attack does 20% more dmg and gave more 20% crit chance. ends after 5 attacks . cd 20 sec 25 nrg

Decrease the dmg to +10% and its fine i guess. Compare it to druids Glyph of Empowerment, its +10% dmg for only 6s. 10% + 20% crit chance for 8s/5 or 10 attacks looks good for me or cut the attack limit. Also other dmg increasing skills and traits are 5-10%, 20% is a bit OP.


> Splinter Weapon - for 8 sec allies attacks does 20% more dmg to adjacent foes. ends after 5 attacks . cd 20 sec 25 nrg. break stun

I like the idea of getting the Splinter Weapon from GW1 but the dmg increase is too repetitive and atleast most of the GW2 weapons do short range aoes on it's own. So maybe change it to a supportive skill, every legend have one.

Maybe something like - gain 1,5s Aegis for the next 5 attacks. Break Stun.


> Great Dwarf Weapon - elite - for 8 sec ally attack do 25% more dmg and have 25% chance to kd .ends after 5 attacks . cd 20 sec 40 nrg

Dmg increase again is too repetitive i think. 25% chance of kd sounds funny but is too much rng for a balanced gameplay. 5 kds in a row is too OP especially in pvp and 0 kds is just frustrating for the player.

Change the dmg increase to an extra strike (maybe aoe) and make it unblockable. Not just the extra strike, also your normal attacks.

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i think this is interesting. personally i don't want rev to get greatsword but i like the blinds in your idea. also i want the next elite spec not to aid allies because that's what the last few specs have done. i would prefer something that is a solo duelist for pvp that could have shiro power and condi mallyx builds. i like the brainstorming so keep it up.

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> some ppl got back to it. necro weakness atm is not the weapon rather he needs group support the GS does huge dmg if you know how to play it but atm condi necro is much easier to play with.

> this is why i put some quickness abilities with GS and you have also devastation line to proc it and sigils


It does good damage but most of the time, it will miss, especially 1 Vs 1 too easy to counter. too easy to out range. even if Condi Necfo wasnt easy, it would still be better than GS because its viable. Yeah GS is as well, in the right specific situations but roaming for example isnt one of them.



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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > some ppl got back to it. necro weakness atm is not the weapon rather he needs group support the GS does huge dmg if you know how to play it but atm condi necro is much easier to play with.

> > this is why i put some quickness abilities with GS and you have also devastation line to proc it and sigils


> It does good damage but most of the time, it will miss, especially 1 Vs 1 too easy to counter. too easy to out range. even if Condi Necfo wasnt easy, it would still be better than GS because its viable. Yeah GS is as well, in the right specific situations but roaming for example isnt one of them.




for roaming you have sword and shiro.

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> @"Karaha.3290" said:



> > weapon of remedy - for 8 sec allies next 5 attacks give barrier and transfer condition to a foe. cd 20 sec 20 nrg

> Sounds okay for me, but 5 conditions is pretty much for 5 allies and 20s cd/20nrg.

remember you have to hit the target in melee range to do the transfer or dmg increase.

if the enemy see you use the skill animation he can dodge evade block or just move away. necro mostly attack from range, mesmer also, engi also. so most condi class hit from range... so you have to run to them and hit them to cleanse. sure you can use hammer (range). also enemy can put in 5 sec more conditions so here comes the tactics games. if they burst me while i didnt use this skill they will get the transfer if they didnt dodge or move out my attacks. if they know i have the skill rdy they will go for sustain condi dmg until i use it than burst me with conditions...

remember also revenant is weak in the condition department. but if it seems too strong its easy to change for 3 attacks


> > Brutal Weapon - for 8 sec allies attack does 20% more dmg and gave more 20% crit chance. ends after 5 attacks . cd 20 sec 25 nrg

> Decrease the dmg to +10% and its fine i guess. Compare it to druids Glyph of Empowerment, its +10% dmg for only 6s. 10% + 20% crit chance for 8s/5 or 10 attacks looks good for me or cut the attack limit. Also other dmg increasing skills and traits are 5-10%, 20% is a bit OP.


revenant dmg got nerf couple of times. the idea here is to use it with a group in a specific moment for burst. ranger glyps has also 25% more healing cost no nrg. and hardly used :). again 8 sec when you have to connect 5 attacks probably 2-3 will. which means 14% more dmg in average. also its 5 attacks not full 6 sec which ranger can do with GS 9 attacks... again 10% in average dmg increase. (5/9*20%)


> > Splinter Weapon - for 8 sec allies attacks does 20% more dmg to adjacent foes. ends after 5 attacks . cd 20 sec 25 nrg. break stun

> I like the idea of getting the Splinter Weapon from GW1 but the dmg increase is too repetitive and atleast most of the GW2 weapons do short range aoes on it's own. So maybe change it to a supportive skill, every legend have one.

> Maybe something like - gain 1,5s Aegis for the next 5 attacks. Break Stun.


the idea here is while GS cleave the splinter dmg will hit further enemies from the cleave. thus doing 20% dmg to them even if you dont hit them. so if you hit your enemy for 1k dmg adjacent foes will take 200 dmg. its nice dmg increase idea. (not the the enemy you hit itself rather adjacent foe - wvw and pve mainly and in pvp with good group 3v3 etc...). also it will force enemies not to stand each other so enable you to split them. again tactic game of positioning.

aegis is a boon not common for rev rather guard. protection we already got from shield and other skills/traits. the healing skill i suggested give 50% chance to block and again with nice timing good healing abilities.


> > Great Dwarf Weapon- elite - for 8 sec ally attack do 25% more dmg and have 25% chance to kd .ends after 5 attacks . cd 20 sec 40 nrg

> Dmg increase again is too repetitive i think. 25% chance of kd sounds funny but is too much rng for a balanced gameplay. 5 kds in a row is too OP especially in pvp and 0 kds is just frustrating for the player.

> Change the dmg increase to an extra strike (maybe aoe) and make it unblockable. Not just the extra strike, also your normal attacks.

i enter here the rng espect because you share this with your team. in pvp usually with 3 ppl it mean 75% to kd some one so it could be too OP. so maybe like gw1 target other ally and the caster weapon can cause KD . so now it only has 50% chance which means 2.5 attacks can kd in average which is fine. if the kd is 1 sec.

almost like venoms of the thief....

rememeber that i didnt put the dmg on the GS so the base dmg can be average but with all the buff it can be insane for slow weapon. and also if working with a team like thief or ranger or mesmer it can shut down enemy fast. so more group and tactic play. like in gw1.


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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> for roaming you have sword and shiro.


Then what would the Greatsword be for? We have ranged weapons, we have melee weapons. In zergs and blobs Hammer is STILL going to the be the best even with the much needed nerfs to CoR. What role would Greatsword have that isnt already taken up?


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> @"ArmageddonAsh.6430" said:

> > @"messiah.1908" said:

> > for roaming you have sword and shiro.


> Then what would the Greatsword be for? We have ranged weapons, we have melee weapons. In zergs and blobs Hammer is STILL going to the be the best even with the much needed nerfs to CoR. What role would Greatsword have that isnt already taken up?



hammer is used from range back line mid line and not that effectively beside #2 which got nerfed. GS melee buff and cleave

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> @"messiah.1908" said:

> > @"Karaha.3290" said:



> > > weapon of remedy - for 8 sec allies next 5 attacks give barrier and transfer condition to a foe. cd 20 sec 20 nrg

> > Sounds okay for me, but 5 conditions is pretty much for 5 allies and 20s cd/20nrg.

> remember you have to hit the target in melee range to do the transfer or dmg increase.

But you can also use a range weapon.


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