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worldly impact shouldn't root


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I think that it would be nice, but if they made it a targetable AoE or a leap to target, the damage would probably get nerfed. It would probably give Soulbeast too much mobility potential too. Its current implementation can be clunky but it also makes it rewarding when pulled off successfully.

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Yeah, the animation is so slow and obvious that, without stealth or a lockdown, it’s nigh impossible to land.

Personally, I hate ground targeting. I’d prefer if it became just a short leap at whatever you’ve targeted. If there’s nothing targeted then it just does the same thing it does now. Or speed up the animation/cast time. Or OR OR - [Live Fast](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Live_Fast "Live Fast") could activate at the start of casting a Beast ability instead of after.

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That skill was designed as a no rooting leap, you can see it in one of the promotional videos and that’s way the combo is a leap and not a blast.


However I think it was removed because the animation looked really bad (you cansee it in the video too), I think because the person in charge couldn’t achieve an elíptic movement and instead the got an straight flying move which seemed like the ranger was levitating instead a jump.


Personally I wouldn’t mind the rooting effect in this skill If the traits would trigger when the beast skill is triggered and not after the cast. I think this beast ability needs to hit harder instead, the attack is not punishing enough when you have CoR a ranged skill in a heavy armor which can hit for 15k or warriors greatsword swings hitting to 9K in much lower CD.


Something like being unblockable and ignore armor would be in order (ignore armor so it’s easier to balance and doesn’t do an absurd amount of damage to light sets)


Traits like live fast would increase the actual usability of those skills, beastly warden would have its uses too.


**I think we are the only class in the game which has half of all its traits to become useless when the specialization is used.**


Anyhow I think it would be great if the primal cry would be some kind of leap and the effect changed. A couple of bleeds and some vulnerability does not justify that beast skill....


The same for the prelude lash. That skill is really useless, a pull + 2 seconds immob is not enough or even usable for an spec which doesn’t have a reliable burst.

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Personally I wouldn’t mind the rooting effect in this skill If the traits would trigger when the beast skill is triggered and not after the cast. I think this beast ability needs to hit harder instead, the attack is not punishing enough when you have CoR a ranged skill in a heavy armor which can hit for 15k or warriors greatsword swings hitting to 9K in much lower CD.


> Something like being unblockable and ignore armor would be in order (ignore armor so it’s easier to balance and doesn’t do an absurd amount of damage to light sets)


When Maul hits harder than Worldly Impact, :). All F3 should have been unblockable, so at least Prelude Lash would be useful. Yes, the traits shoud def work at the activation and not after you landed it.


> I think we are the only class in the game which has half of all its traits to become useless when the specialization is used.


Feels like SBeast was not well thought tbh. It feels disjointed. I mean, why they buffed the feline beastmode Bite damage and yet it still hits 1 target ? Barely doing more damage than a sword AA. Why would I stop my AA chain, that will finish faster and do more damage at the end, to do an awful animated Bite that will remove the momentum of the AA ? If you judge just the Beastmode skills, you know how lacking the development of SBeast has been.

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> @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > It would probably give Soulbeast too much mobility potential too.


> Mobility on non-Druids is really not an issue.


> ~ Kovu




When I run owl in WvW, I feel like I have great mobility. Too much? No, but I don't want WI to become too strong. I like using it at just the right moment, and if it gets mobility, I would fear for a damage nerf. If it had a tracking range of like 300-400, it would probably be acceptable.

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > @"Kovu.7560" said:

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > It would probably give Soulbeast too much mobility potential too.

> >

> > Mobility on non-Druids is really not an issue.

> >

> > ~ Kovu

> >

> >


> When I run owl in WvW, I feel like I have great mobility. Too much? No, but I don't want WI to become too strong. I like using it at just the right moment, and if it gets mobility, I would fear for a damage nerf. If it had a tracking range of like 300-400, it would probably be acceptable.


I too use Owl in wvw for my soulbeast and i fear WI will get some nerf in order to trade for some mobility. It needs some improvement yes but i rather not if it will cost some nerf.


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> @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> I don't get it ... since when worldly impact root ? because I don't see the meaning of the post title ...


The fact that you have to stay in one place in order to cast the skill for example mual you can move while casting while whirling defense you have to be stationary hence "root"

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"Dragonzhunter.8506" said:

> > I don't get it ... since when worldly impact root ? because I don't see the meaning of the post title ...


> The fact that you have to stay in one place in order to cast the skill for example mual you can move while casting while whirling defense you have to be stationary hence "root"


sorry , I understand now the meaning :) and I am agree that the casting time shouldn't be so long.

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> @"So Fuzzy Pop.1384" said:

> Yeah, the animation is so slow and obvious that, without stealth or a lockdown, it’s nigh impossible to land.

> Personally, I hate ground targeting. I’d prefer if it became just a short leap at whatever you’ve targeted. If there’s nothing targeted then it just does the same thing it does now. Or speed up the animation/cast time. Or OR OR - [Live Fast](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Live_Fast "Live Fast") could activate at the start of casting a Beast ability instead of after.


stop whining. That skill isnt supposed to be spammable. that skill is all about high risk high reward. do you not realize how much easier it can be to pull it off properly by just immobilizing the enemy with your heal skill + trait?


Or you could use it while in stealth.


Or you could taunt them first with Protect Me


Youre not even "rooted". you can cancel the animation by moving or casting anything else. you can do 90 % of the animation and still cancel at the last second.


You guys are asking for way too much making such a high damage skill a leap or ground targetable. get over yourselves. Soulbeast is strong enough as it is.

If Soulbeast gets that kinda buff you can bet other nerfs will follow. Soulbeast is currently top 3 or 4 solo roaming specs.

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> @"bigo.9037" said:

> > @"So Fuzzy Pop.1384" said:

> > Yeah, the animation is so slow and obvious that, without stealth or a lockdown, it’s nigh impossible to land.

> > Personally, I hate ground targeting. I’d prefer if it became just a short leap at whatever you’ve targeted. If there’s nothing targeted then it just does the same thing it does now. Or speed up the animation/cast time. Or OR OR - [Live Fast](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Live_Fast "Live Fast") could activate at the start of casting a Beast ability instead of after.


> stop whining. That skill isnt supposed to be spammable. that skill is all about high risk high reward. do you not realize how much easier it can be to pull it off properly by just immobilizing the enemy with your heal skill + trait?


> Or you could use it while in stealth.


> Or you could taunt them first with Protect Me


> Youre not even "rooted". you can cancel the animation by moving or casting anything else. you can do 90 % of the animation and still cancel at the last second.


> You guys are asking for way too much making such a high damage skill a leap or ground targetable. get over yourselves. Soulbeast is strong enough as it is.

> If Soulbeast gets that kinda buff you can bet other nerfs will follow. Soulbeast is currently top 3 or 4 solo roaming specs.


Your right till you said too, all theif specs I'd say are over soulbeast, warrior all specs (remember wars never got the PVP Regen nerfs, a zerker warrrior will demolish 1v1s forget spellbreaker)

Holos have fantastic 1vx potential, mesmers duh, and I'd say a tank druid will totally Outlast a soulbeast. Soulbeast is good but those inc nerfs will probably help it alot.

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> @"Eleazar.9478" said:

> > @"bigo.9037" said:

> > > @"So Fuzzy Pop.1384" said:

> > > Yeah, the animation is so slow and obvious that, without stealth or a lockdown, it’s nigh impossible to land.

> > > Personally, I hate ground targeting. I’d prefer if it became just a short leap at whatever you’ve targeted. If there’s nothing targeted then it just does the same thing it does now. Or speed up the animation/cast time. Or OR OR - [Live Fast](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Live_Fast "Live Fast") could activate at the start of casting a Beast ability instead of after.

> >

> > stop whining. That skill isnt supposed to be spammable. that skill is all about high risk high reward. do you not realize how much easier it can be to pull it off properly by just immobilizing the enemy with your heal skill + trait?

> >

> > Or you could use it while in stealth.

> >

> > Or you could taunt them first with Protect Me

> >

> > Youre not even "rooted". you can cancel the animation by moving or casting anything else. you can do 90 % of the animation and still cancel at the last second.

> >

> > You guys are asking for way too much making such a high damage skill a leap or ground targetable. get over yourselves. Soulbeast is strong enough as it is.

> > If Soulbeast gets that kinda buff you can bet other nerfs will follow. Soulbeast is currently top 3 or 4 solo roaming specs.


> Your right till you said too, all theif specs I'd say are over soulbeast, warrior all specs (remember wars never got the PVP Regen nerfs, a zerker warrrior will demolish 1v1s forget spellbreaker)

> Holos have fantastic 1vx potential, mesmers duh, and I'd say a tank druid will totally Outlast a soulbeast. Soulbeast is good but those inc nerfs will probably help it alot.


Are you talking about spvp? because im not. it might very well be true soulbeast isnt good in spvp, but thats not what im referring to.

with WvW balance and stats in mind, soulbeast is better than most specs in 1v1 and 1vX.

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I am for slight movement corrections in the 25% of movement speed section so you can correct the aim but i think its a strong skill and a one hit skill so i am not for full on ground targeted.

I mean you can run a eagle and you would be unstoppable regarding mobility, even stronger than now.

WD in comparison is a huge channel and needs movement to be better usable in more engaging content, worldy impact is already good to use and quiet fast at that.

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