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My list of WTF?

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Ok firstly why have time locks on crafting? I've been playing since GW1 and GW2 launch but fail to see what the point is in time lock crafting when materials are account bound for these items which means (if i got this shit why make me wait to use it)


Secondly map population caps? need mats from maps that you need to do a world (HoT) event to obtain but the map that has numbers is full and the other maps are just peeps pissed trying to join said map?


Currency conversion? You can stick the pushing you into areas to populate them etc crap because why cant people swap one currency for another at governed rate at all? (example i have to be pvp fodder to get pvp potions to advance my guild wtf)


The game is fulled with meta builds blah blah but what about people whole populate the areas they enjoy just being able to play what they want and not have to dedicate time to modes that others take seriously and enjoy themselves?


also seriously though, time caps on crafting items you cant sell, cant buy mats to make, i mean wtf is the point? really?


I think this is valid but alls welcome to voice their views on how it has a point in any system or game to enlighten me.

Thanks all

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Time locks on crafting: I find it good. Only a few items are concerned and that's mostly those needed for rare valuable items, logically needing a bit "suffering" to be obtained. Also, when I see how much gold I get on a daily basis by crafting then selling those items to BLT! Without time locks... B)


Map population caps: You seem to mean for meta events? Regarding this point specifically, for me, it is logic to have a population cap. I believe that events are scaled and required a population scaled accordingly to remain meaningful.


Currency conversion: Sorry, have not understood your point. I cannot comment.


Meta builds: Only two activities of the game requires specific equipment/build: Raids and fractals above level 20. For those two, without good enough equipment/builds, it is difficult to enjoy because we are on one side too weak to cope (dead all the time) and on the other side, too weak to support teamwork (spoiling it for the team). But well, nobody is forced to those two activities.

For all the rest, equipment and builds are free to chose. So, of course, if you go for better equipment and build, you do better work and survive better. This is logic. But nobody is forced to that. And of course too, there are always players who will require others to come with special builds into their teams, mostly because they have a specific objective: But then, it is easy not to go with them if we are not interested.


Side note: My answers for each point are just rough summary of how I see it things. My complete opinion would be too long (I am not as 100% happy as it can seem for each point! :# ).

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Time gates are meant to add value to crafting, giving you the option of selling your cooldowns to other people. Time gates on account bound items however are simply meant to keep you logging in.


Full maps are a player-made problem. A full HoT map contains enough people to complete the meta in at least 2 other maps, or 4 if they're decent players. If nobody abused LFG, each map would have more than enough to do it, but less people means you can't AFK it like you can in a full map. The commander mindset is another problem however, where if people don't see a tag per event, they assume it will fail. The funny thing is, these large events make the game feel dead, since they make the rest of the map empty. There are various ways ArenaNet could fix these problems of course, the simplest would be to stop. Dragon's Stand was very close. Put large scale events in their own instance and treat them like activities that you actually queue in to. At least that way they could occur at any time, would always be populated and the teams would already be there.

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Yes and no about the time limit in crafting. Yes you do have to wait a day to make mithrilium and spools etc. however you can buy deldomier ingots ( however you spell it). Elonian leather, Spirit wood planks, Ascended insignias, but not all. You can’t buy yaasith inscription or insignias. However you can always convert the armor or weapon when finished.


This is my opinion on servers. To release the cap of servers it means ArenaNet would have to just make 1 huge server. However doing metas and trains in pve and farming with squads, fps drop dramatically. Assuming if everyone who plays gw2 is in the same instance we would have to have some i9 intel and like 64 gigs of ram with a crazy graphics card.


I can understand that too cause both of these do irritate me also but the server is a good thing. Not so much for crafting though. I would complain more but gw2 is my first mmo. So I really don’t know about crafting in others. I have played other mmos but putting much time into crafting I haven’t done in others. But I do hear the grind is about the same in other mmos for crafting. But putting the daily limits I have noooo idea.

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I expected to see some kittens in here...or at least a list pf phrases that were made worse by the forum censor. Anyway...


Full maps are NOT a player-made problem. How many people you need in order to complete a meta is relative. Since "meta builds" are not needed in that content, you never know if the other 10 people are doing puppy dps or not, you can't even inspect them or do anything that'll give you an idea if those 10 people will actually be good enough to complete their part of the event. Naturally, because the game gives you no other choice, the only way to ensure success is to have as many people as possible. The second tier of the issue is the speed with which new maps are created. I've gone through 3-4 maps that had 5 people on south(Tarir meta) multiple times and a general number of players that is theoretically enough to complete the event if everyone knows what to do but we all know that's not happening. Some sort of a list of maps with current population and in order of creation could be a rather useful thing so that players can fill them in order.

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> @"Zilong.1407" said:

> I"m disappointed this thread wasn't about an in-game list of of the cats we've collected for our home instances.


[Here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Hungry_cat_scavenger_hunt "Here"), my favorite is the Ranger specific one in Caledon Forrest which is always accompanied by a Juvenile Frog :) You're welcome!



I agree that time gated crafting is annoying and a terrible way to create artifical "rarity" especially since I have about 5 times as much Mithril as I'll ever need and can't even convert it into Lumps of Mithrilium because I gather much much more mithril than what I can convert dayli. I also dislike non-tradable crafting stuff for artificial rarity, if I don't want to play DS and would prefer to buy my Crystalline Ingots, then let me - it's gonna be expensive as hell because I'm not the only one who doesn't want to play DS. Also Amalgament Gemstones are still expensive as well... I really enjoy playing the game as long as I can play it the way I enjoy playing it. And I don't enjoy DS, why force me into it for Crystalline Ore?


About Population caps, I do agree that it's annoying but it's rarely a problem. What bothers me is how hard it is sometimes to join the same map with your group and the fact that less populated maps become artificially spread out across multiple instances because new instances are beeing created instead of filling up others - this has happened to me many times when I joined a map together with two friends and every single one of us ended up on a different, almost empty, instance of the same map.


I'm not sure if I understand your point about Currency conversion but I don't think gametype-specific currencys neccessary for the Guild Halls are a problem, they aren't required for barely anything that isn't specificly related to exactly that Gametype - so if you need PvP-Potions for an upgrade then it is most likely for a PvP related upgrade in which case you're probably interested in PvP anyway? Yeah I'm not sure what your point is about there, I have a 3-player-guild and none of us play PvP but we have many upgrades that include PvP-Potions done already just because we'd occasionally fool around in unranked PvP and have some fun as a group. As long as you don't make your Guild Hall a too serious priority you should be able to progress at a decent rate :)


About Meta Builds: Ignore everyone. If you enjoy playing your build then you're doing great. Just try to improve doing what you enjoy doing, learn your class and the game mechanics and try to optimise whatever you're trying to achieve with your build and you will most likely perform better than 90% of the people who play "meta builds" since most of them have just been sent there by some angry random and have copied a build which they've never understood nor practiced.

I still play Scepter/Warhorn FA Tempest and I am 100% certain that I out-dps 99% of all Weaver's I've met in Fractals so far. (Not because my build is better but because I actually know what I'm doing)


Have a nice day! (It's kitten cold here...)

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