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state of necro


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ok so ive been gone for a few months and am at a loss as to what happened, i see mixed topics regarding necro, also i noticed necro has the most topics out of all professions.


so LSS

what is the state of reaper

what is the state of scourge


in general, i do a lot of pvp wvw and pve.

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Its a complicated situation.


Scourge has condi in qt thats meta

Reaper doesn't.


Reaper has problems surviving in spvp, so good luck with that.Not sure about wvw now because its been a while since i last did wvw.

Scourge, well i don't have path of fire so no idea.


Depends on what kind of content you plan to do with reaper, but reaper is viable for fractals.Some bosses do better with pbaoes, like swamp , because tons of enemies.Others are fairly single target, like thourmanova boss.


Reapers can be useful for boon corrupt on later levels of fractals, because due to fractal instability, you get lots of boons on enemies and lots of condis on yourself.The more condi corrupt you can dish out, the better.It looks like scourge might be better at turning condis into boons, and also boons into condis.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Its a complicated situation.


> Scourge has condi in qt thats meta

> Reaper doesn't.


> Reaper has problems surviving in spvp, so good luck with that.Not sure about wvw now because its been a while since i last did wvw.

> Scourge, well i don't have path of fire so no idea.


> Depends on what kind of content you plan to do with reaper, but reaper is viable for fractals.Some bosses do better with pbaoes, like swamp , because tons of enemies.Others are fairly single target, like thourmanova boss.


> Reapers can be useful for boon corrupt on later levels of fractals, because due to fractal instability, you get lots of boons on enemies and lots of condis on yourself.The more condi corrupt you can dish out, the better.It looks like scourge might be better at turning condis into boons, and also boons into condis.


ya makes sense, i have only half of reaper and all of scourge, when pof came out i soloed all content with necro to master it love it its my main then they fixed the bug and it got hit soo hard i was booted from every raid group. tho i still see many necros running around and a lot of mesmers so im debating on switching for a few months, but i just feel like scourge is still good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Short and long of it: Don't come to the necro forums if you want good, valid information on the state of the class. Not that there isn't good info here, but we're just notorious for constantly complaining which can cast us in a more negative light than we actually are gameplay wise.


Not saying I'm not guilty of winging about the state of the class, nor that the things we talk about aren't valid, just that the forums is a better place to discuss what's wrong with the class rather than how it can be used in its current state.

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I tried to give fair analysis borvis, since i've played fractals and can vouch that reaper is viable there, but then again:aren't most classes viable in fractals?


You can probably bring reapers to raid too if you join a guild like vtm who brings classes to train them and have fun, and reaper did get a small buff.

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> @"Borvis.2486" said:

> Short and long of it: Don't come to the necro forums if you want good, valid information on the state of the class. Not that there isn't good info here, but we're just notorious for constantly complaining which can cast us in a more negative light than we actually are gameplay wise.


I honestly agree with you. I have been raiding with my scourge for months now and only some days ago i was kicked out of a PUG for being a "necro DPS" for the first time ever. I would halfway understand at KC since power performs indefinitely better on that encounter but having a discussion about necro on gorseval is just pathetic and I blame the permanent self victimization on the forums. Someone had to believe us at some point.

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Necro works great in open world,

Does alright in PvE, decent damage in most raid fights and can top dps in a few with epidemic

I have no idea about WvW cuz I dont play it

Needs help in PvP.

Necro has good damage in PvP but no sustain, few survival options and next to nothing for true defensive or disengage options. That's for all necro builds


Necro can put out good power damage, has some good Condi but it takes a while to hit, not like burn guard or Condi thief. Necro really needs teamates to distract and support with healing or rezzing.


Biggest problem for necro in the amount of focuses CC that it gets. A lot of other classes have nore useful stun breaks and defensive skills built into the class. Be it blocking or evading or invulnerability. Necro needs to be hyoer aware of burst combo potential and positioning to not get taken down

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Reaper generally sucks everywhere but T4 fractals since the nerfs. I shelved mine and honestly believe core necro is better at this point. I do not play open-world PvE, however. From what I understand, anything still works there.


Scourge isn't very good for PvE raids (necro in general isn't very strong here) but is on the OP side of sPvP, and completely and totally dominates everything in WvW except 1v1 against longbow rangers and rifle Deadeyes.

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> @"Lexan.5930" said:

> Necro works great in open world,


Translation: Necromancer is wonderfull if you want to tags mobs in open PvE.


> Does alright in PvE, decent damage in most raid fights and can top dps in a few with epidemic


Translation: It suck at burst but have what's needed for sustain dps (Most other profession can do the same but meta builds favour burst over sustain dps). _Epidemic_ gimmick can make the day.


> I have no idea about WvW cuz I dont play it


Overwhelm anything in zerg v zerg because it's a counter to the boon meta which is rampant there. Don't have any tool for roaming.


> Needs help in PvP.

> Necro has good damage in PvP but no sustain, few survival options and next to nothing for true defensive or disengage options. That's for all necro builds



Well that's wrong, necro do have sustain, a lot (The only defense as a necromancer is the ability to outsustain the damage you take through LF generation, life siphon, regen), however, it, indeed, doesn't have any defensive or disengage option. The tools that the devs give to the necromancer are very oppressive in PvP which make it understandable that the necromancer's defense/disengage is neglected. However, this create a gameplay that is perceived by other as "passive", leading them to see you as a noob with an overpowered profession and obvously, dying to someone that you see as a noob is frustrating. (Thought, holosmiths have the exact same gameplay as core and reaper, yet players think holosmith need more skills...)


> Necro can put out good power damage, has some good Condi but it takes a while to hit, not like burn guard or Condi thief. Necro really needs teamates to distract and support with healing or rezzing.



The necromancer always need a nanny, whatever it's spec or gamemode, it always need someone behind him.


> Biggest problem for necro in the amount of focuses CC that it gets. A lot of other classes have nore useful stun breaks and defensive skills built into the class. Be it blocking or evading or invulnerability. Necro needs to be hyper aware of burst combo potential and positioning to not get taken down



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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Lexan.5930" said:

> > Necro works great in open world,


> Translation: Necromancer is wonderfull if you want to tags mobs in open PvE.


> > Does alright in PvE, decent damage in most raid fights and can top dps in a few with epidemic


> Translation: It suck at burst but have what's needed for sustain dps (Most other profession can do the same but meta builds favour burst over sustain dps). _Epidemic_ gimmick can make the day.


> > I have no idea about WvW cuz I dont play it


> Overwhelm anything in zerg v zerg because it's a counter to the boon meta which is rampant there. Don't have any tool for roaming.


> > Needs help in PvP.

> > Necro has good damage in PvP but no sustain, few survival options and next to nothing for true defensive or disengage options. That's for all necro builds

> >


> Well that's wrong, necro do have sustain, a lot (The only defense as a necromancer is the ability to outsustain the damage you take through LF generation, life siphon, regen), however, it, indeed, doesn't have any defensive or disengage option. The tools that the devs give to the necromancer are very oppressive in PvP which make it understandable that the necromancer's defense/disengage is neglected. However, this create a gameplay that is perceived by other as "passive", leading them to see you as a noob with an overpowered profession and obvously, dying to someone that you see as a noob is frustrating. (Thought, holosmiths have the exact same gameplay as core and reaper, yet players think holosmith need more skills...)


> > Necro can put out good power damage, has some good Condi but it takes a while to hit, not like burn guard or Condi thief. Necro really needs teamates to distract and support with healing or rezzing.

> >


> The necromancer always need a nanny, whatever it's spec or gamemode, it always need someone behind him.


> > Biggest problem for necro in the amount of focuses CC that it gets. A lot of other classes have nore useful stun breaks and defensive skills built into the class. Be it blocking or evading or invulnerability. Necro needs to be hyper aware of burst combo potential and positioning to not get taken down




needs a nanny, i loled this made my day lol

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Yes, a nanny is the perfect term for it in PvP. Without a nanny the necro cant engage in most fights and has a hard enough time in 1v1.


This next season will be interesting with a lot of defensive trait cooldowns being reduced so that a necro might actually have a chance to wait out endure pain and such and be able to relaiate

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  • 3 months later...

Necromancer is a cancerous niche class. Many people I know simply have a Necromancer for PvP but the meaningful game content they play with other classes. Some people have their feelings hurt when I say that the Necromancer is simply a poorly and mindlessly designed and implemented class but this is how the class is overall played and perceived. Some fanboys excluded of course.

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> @"Jannie.2975" said:

> Necromancer is a cancerous niche class. Many people I know simply have a Necromancer for PvP but the meaningful game content they play with other classes. Some people have their feelings hurt when I say that the Necromancer is simply a poorly and mindlessly designed and implemented class but this is how the class is overall played and perceived. Some fanboys excluded of course.


Trying your luck at necroposting in the necromancer subforum?

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Reaper generally sucks everywhere but T4 fractals since the nerfs. I shelved mine and honestly believe core necro is better at this point. I do not play open-world PvE, however. From what I understand, anything still works there.


> Scourge isn't very good for PvE raids (necro in general isn't very strong here) but is on the OP side of sPvP, and completely and totally dominates everything in WvW except 1v1 against longbow rangers and rifle Deadeyes.


I play PvE reaper and let me tell you that if you plan to go core necro vs xpac content you're asking for it. Core necro has no business getting close to group of mobs if said group has hard cc, else it's gonna be a ragdoll show. And AoE is not that great. Reaper on the other hand has some proper stab and much better melee cleave. Also reaper's sustain eats core necro with a loud burp.


Scourge can also take on huge packs of mobs, despite low access to stab because his shades can be used even when cc'd. On top of that he doesn't use shroud mechanic, but barriers instead. They do not hinder healing in anyway, so scourge can heal himself up without any issues unlike core or reaper which lets him be the tank almost as much a reaper can.


To be fair however I still feel reaper is more fun of the two and if building for facing a strong enemy (like elite or a champ) reaper is better - both can be really tanky with crazy sustain if build and played right, but scourge be it power or condi will take a major hit to his damage. Condi tank scourge can't get expertise. Not if he wants some healing power and he'll need it. Power scourge is failing in crit chace dept - deadly perception is gimped by sand shroud mechanic (only 7s uptime + bigger cooldown), and decimate defenses is a reaper-only trait.


Reaper on the other hand, especially power reaper has no issues keeping a lot of his damage going while building real tanky, and healing up when shrouded is not longer a huge issue after recent Signets of Suffering rework (signet of vampirism is now suuupa powerful!).


So if it's open world PvE both scourge and reaper will rock your boat. For me the preference goes to reaper though.

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> @"Jannie.2975" said:

> Necromancer is a cancerous niche class. Many people I know simply have a Necromancer for PvP but the meaningful game content they play with other classes. Some people have their feelings hurt when I say that the Necromancer is simply a poorly and mindlessly designed and implemented class but this is how the class is overall played and perceived. Some fanboys excluded of course.


jfc dude this is an old post changes came, why beat a dead horse

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