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Best Class that uses Mace and Shield?


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Which among the heavy armored classes (or medium and light) if any, is the best at using a mace and shield?

I enjoy playing as a tanky support class while carrying a mace and shield. I've been maining revenant (ventari healer) for a really long time but the shield skills were never satisfying to me let alone the tons of problems with that class.


Thinking of switching to a new main for WvW and PvE. Any suggestions for a class that is amazing or at least decent when using a mace and shield? I have a full ascended set on my revenant currently so I'm well prepared to stat switch all of them to pass on to another class.

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I dont know why ppl always ask for "best class" .

There is no such thing as best class. Most often you can choose from multiple options.


Warrior: Has a long duration block on shield and CC on both mace and shield.

With spellbreaker you even get a full counter which reflects the next incoming attack.

Warrioir has also good mobility, good acces to stability and a skill that makes it immune to dmg.


Guardian: Mace of guardian is slower than warr bit it has a heal integrated into the AA and can produce a healing lightfield. It also can use a bubble that blocks the next attack and protects allies. Shield has projectile hate and AoE that dmg foes and buffs allies.

But i would also recommend guardian focus because it has a 3 hit block insta cast on it that also splashes fields and ignores stuns (it does not break it though). With DH you can additionally summon a shield in front of you that blocks all attacks from the front for its duration when you activate the 3rd virtue.


Revenant isnt the tanky type with mace. Mace is condi oriented and AoE oriented weapon that focuses on blasting fields and doing Area dmg.

Shield has a ranged heal that protects allies amd it has a "oh kitten" button that roots you, blocks all attacks and heals you. Rev shield is more on the tanky sit but revenant has not many other weapons options for that.


Id say use guard or warrior.

Warrior has high health pool, good counter against CC and condis and with spellbreaker it has an even more CC oriented and counter oriented E-spec.

Guard has many defensive supportive skills, needs more investment into health because its low base health. Guard has with shield, focus, mace and aegis spam one of the best block sources and if played right you can permablock with a DH. Guard has also many options to bump up its precision without investing in it on gear so it is more flexible with build craft and can do nice dmg even if it is tanky.




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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> I dont know why ppl always ask for "best class" .

> There is no such thing as best class. Most often you can choose from multiple options.


> Warrior: Has a long duration block on shield and CC on both mace and shield.

> With spellbreaker you even get a full counter which reflects the next incoming attack.

> Warrioir has also good mobility, good acces to stability and a skill that makes it immune to dmg.


> Guardian: Mace of guardian is slower than warr bit it has a heal integrated into the AA and can produce a healing lightfield. It also can use a bubble that blocks the next attack and protects allies. Shield has projectile hate and AoE that dmg foes and buffs allies.

> But i would also recommend guardian focus because it has a 3 hit block insta cast on it that also splashes fields and ignores stuns (it does not break it though). With DH you can additionally summon a shield in front of you that blocks all attacks from the front for its duration when you activate the 3rd virtue.


> Revenant isnt the tanky type with mace. Mace is condi oriented and AoE oriented weapon that focuses on blasting fields and doing Area dmg.

> Shield has a ranged heal that protects allies amd it has a "oh kitten" button that roots you, blocks all attacks and heals you. Rev shield is more on the tanky sit but revenant has not many other weapons options for that.


> Id say use guard or warrior.

> Warrior has high health pool, good counter against CC and condis and with spellbreaker it has an even more CC oriented and counter oriented E-spec.

> Guard has many defensive supportive skills, needs more investment into health because its low base health. Guard has with shield, focus, mace and aegis spam one of the best block sources and if played right you can permablock with a DH. Guard has also many options to bump up its precision without investing in it on gear so it is more flexible with build craft and can do nice dmg even if it is tanky.





Maybe I didn't word my title properly but I meant as in which class would be better at using that weapon combination. Thanks for the suggestions though!

What is a good stat for guardian that you would recommend? Is it better as condi or power?

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> Maybe I didn't word my title properly but I meant as in which class would be better at using that weapon combination. Thanks for the suggestions though!

> What is a good stat for guardian that you would recommend? Is it better as condi or power?


If you are going more tanky i would personally choose power over condi with DH. If you want to go condi you should rather consider to take FB.

Good setup i am using is sw/sh and m/f with a mix of valkyrie and cavalier gear. And 1 marauder backpiece. Core it has 5% crit chance but with certain traits and high fury uptime i hit 100% crit chance.


For FB id say m/f and a/sh. You could also use a scepter as a MH because fast hitting weapons are the go to condi weapons for guard. And probably virtue line because this would tune down your tome CD and would gives you buffs for using virtues.

You can also do core guard if the E-Specs dont appeal to you to much.


This is my DH open PvE setup. Probably not that bad for WvW. Needs a bit more mobility probably. Not recommended for raids or high fractals. Has overall good AoE, CC and aegis/block spam.

Crit chance: 5% base, 15% one handed training, 20% fury, radiant power 10% and rightious instincts 50%.

Spam aegis for retal and might and increased crit chance. The signet is a dmg reducer on passive and a dmg buff if activated. Foe always burns probably and you only have 1 handed weapons.




Its very nice to face tank. Most of the time i am on the sword set for gap closing and burst. If stiff gets ugly i swap to mace focus, turtle up and reheal. If needed i activate virtues to tank or get out if trouble. Its weak on condi cleanse, thats why i recommend a sigil that cleanses condis on hit or swap. Have fun using it and dont worry about the title formulation and my critique, i just wanted to point out that to many ppl ask such questions.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> As a Warrior main:


> Mace is garbage. It has some use as an off-hand but is honestly overshadowed by Axe (especially since Anet has no idea what to do with the class other than buff Axe every patch) or Shield.


So I guess guardian would be a better choice for my play style then. Thanks for the heads up!

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If you build a full support ministrel Firebrand wth Mace/Shield you can practically face tank anything. You won’t be doing any damage but hey, nothing short of a dedicated 5 man party tunneling you for 3 mins can take you down. I’ve been thinking about apothecary gear burn, healing hybrid but I haven’t gotten around to trying it.


If any of the Firebrand WvW gods wants to PM me with some pointers, I’d be grateful.


Yours truly, a bored Mesmer.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Mace is a garbage suboptimal weapon in any PvE spec at the moment, so good luck with "best class" using mace and shield, since the only meta spec that uses shield is chronomancer.


This game is the last game you should look for fantasy fulfillment, since so many of the weapons are completely underperforming.

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Axe/Axe + Mace/Shield Power Warrior is considerably useful against 2 specific Raid Bosses, but it doesn't have much use elsewhere compared to alternatives. So in PvE, Mace/Shield has limited usefulness on Warriors. They use practically the same stats as DPS Spellbreaker however, just replacing Mace/Shield with Greatsword, so you can swap that out easily.


on Guardians, as stated above, they're used in WvW Frontliner and PvP Support builds, since they offer massive sustain and support. Not all too useful in PvE, however. So if you enjoy PvP/WvW, Guardian is your best bet.

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> @"Zenith.7301" said:

> Mace is a garbage suboptimal weapon in any PvE spec at the moment, so good luck with "best class" using mace and shield, since the only meta spec that uses shield is chronomancer.


> This game is the last game you should look for fantasy fulfillment, since so many of the weapons are completely underperforming.


Yeah, Mace is a totally useless weapon for Condi Renegades. Kappa.

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Mace/Shield Guardian is basically a healer. You can comfortably take everything you need by grabbing Honor, Invigorated Bulwark, Pure of Heart and Writ of Persistence, giving yourself a strong sustain/healing support toolkit in a well-contained package. The Symbol buff is useful for all weapons other than Greatbow and Staff so you have plenty of versatility with your offset.


Mace/Shield Warrior is kinda garbage for anything other than breaking bars, but even then, Mace/Mace would be better. Give it a miss.


Mace/Shield Herald might be useful for WvW roaming but is not likely to be especially useful in large group play as you'll probably want to be using a Hammer most of the time there. I don't think you're likely to be competitive in high end Fractals or Raids, but in more casual content your boon support will be appreciated.


Overall I'd say it depends on what you plan to do. If you want to focus heavily on healing and tankiness in group play, play Guardian/Firebrand. If you want to be more offensive while also providing boon support to your friends, or more solo oriented, play Herald. Warrior is a waste of time for just about everything; maybe it'd be okay for Zealots in Vabbi but that's about it.

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> @"Ojimaru.8970" said:

> > @"Zenith.7301" said:

> > Mace is a garbage suboptimal weapon in any PvE spec at the moment, so good luck with "best class" using mace and shield, since the only meta spec that uses shield is chronomancer.

> >

> > This game is the last game you should look for fantasy fulfillment, since so many of the weapons are completely underperforming.


> Yeah, Mace is a totally useless weapon for Condi Renegades. Kappa.


Because revenants use mace and shield in the way the OP wants to play a class. Smart.

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> @"Tazdingo.7213" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > As a Warrior main:

> >

> > Mace is garbage. It has some use as an off-hand but is honestly overshadowed by Axe (especially since Anet has no idea what to do with the class other than buff Axe every patch) or Shield.


> So I guess guardian would be a better choice for my play style then. Thanks for the heads up!


Guardian mace and shield fits your description. As for its effectiveness, Fire Brand support build uses mace/axe and staff in sPvP and wvw. It is the only meta guardian build in both game modes, though you will probably end up using tomes more often than weapons.


It is useable in PvE, espically open world if you need extra sustainability.

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