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Plat pride.

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Long story short - 4 man plat team, tourney about to start. I join them 10s before start, being literally their last chance to enroll on time. Nope. One guy "doesn't play with guys he doesn't know". Well congrats, you get to keep your platinum pride and 0 gold cause 4 man teams can't enter.


Don't be that guy. If you can't get a teammate 10s before start, stop being picky and grab anyone you can, cause even worse result then usual beats getting nothing at all.

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Meh probably dodged a bullet, people who cling to rating like that usually cheesed their way to it (ie Scourge/Firebrand duos).


See low/1 time FoTM Glads in WoW or Diamond 5 players in League.


In my experience people who naturally gravitate to high ratings are a lot more laid back as they don't feel they're defined by it anymore.



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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> Long story short - 4 man plat team, tourney about to start. I join them 10s before start, being literally their last chance to enroll on time. Nope. One guy "doesn't play with guys he doesn't know". Well congrats, you get to keep your platinum pride and 0 gold cause 4 man teams can't enter.


> Don't be that guy. If you can't get a teammate 10s before start, stop being picky and grab anyone you can, cause even worse result then usual beats getting nothing at all.


So, you're upset they didn't accept you when you didn't meet the required MMR to join the group?

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I've had this before and tbh I'd rather not enter the AT than have to carry a silver/ gold player who intentionally joins at the last moment with the intention of exploiting the imminent start and getting better players to carry them to more wins/ gold.

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> @"Meteor.3720" said:

> I've had this before and tbh I'd rather not enter the AT than have to carry a silver/ gold player who intentionally joins at the last moment with the intention of exploiting the imminent start and getting better players to carry them to more wins/ gold.


If this is not a pride thing, please elaborate, because i don't understand your logic behind this.

The way i see it:


1. it's not "exploiting" because he literally saves your chances of getting into tourney. No one else came, it's him or bust.

2. If you end up at lower spot because of him - the rewards on top aren't that bigger then ones below, and you spend less time on the tourney if you fall off before final.

3. unless you end up 17th or below - it's still relatively fast money.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > I've had this before and tbh I'd rather not enter the AT than have to carry a silver/ gold player who intentionally joins at the last moment with the intention of exploiting the imminent start and getting better players to carry them to more wins/ gold.


> If this is not a pride thing, please elaborate, because i don't understand your logic behind this.

> The way i see it:


> 1. it's not "exploiting" because he literally saves your chances of getting into tourney. No one else came, it's him or bust.

> 2. If you end up at lower spot because of him - the rewards on top aren't that bigger then ones below, and you spend less time on the tourney if you fall off before final.

> 3. unless you end up 17th or below - it's still relatively fast money.



A lot of people in plat - I'd say most maybe - don't do AT for gold. It's not worth the time. They do AT to play with similarly skilled people, which make fun games for them (excluding the curb stomps at the start).

They don't want their games to be less fun because they have to carry lower players. That ruins the point of entering the game for them.

I for one would rather not enter into to an AT - I don't care about the money - rather than enter into one with someone who ruins the AT for me and "traps" me into matches for as long as I win and carry them as I can't leave the AT.


The fundamental point is plat people play AT for the fun of it, not for the games. If you want money, join a team with your skill rating rather than being carried to higher rewards by throwing yourself on better players and forcing them to carry you at the last minute.


It's not pride - It's about legitimately trying to enjoy the games you have and one of the few times you can competitively queue as a team (unranked doesn't count).

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> @"Lotus.1682" said:

> Plat pride is pretty stupid if you ask me. With how broken matchmaking is, Gold 2 and Gold 3 players are being paired with/against Plat players anyway. I honestly don't see much difference in skill between gold 2/3 and Plat 1/2 players.


I'm guessing you're gold 1

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> @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > @"Lotus.1682" said:

> > Plat pride is pretty stupid if you ask me. With how broken matchmaking is, Gold 2 and Gold 3 players are being paired with/against Plat players anyway. I honestly don't see much difference in skill between gold 2/3 and Plat 1/2 players.


> I'm guessing you're gold 1


Nope - I'm gold 3.

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> @"BikeIsGone.8675" said:

> Plat pride Omegalul

> From my PoV there is no noticable difference in playerskill starting from gold 1 to plat 2.

> Mid plat2 is where people usually tend to realize that there actually is a minimap.


They’re all doing shit rotations but there is a mechanical difference. When your sb somehow loses a duel to a mediguard (hard countered) you realize this difference. > @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > @"Meteor.3720" said:

> > > I've had this before and tbh I'd rather not enter the AT than have to carry a silver/ gold player who intentionally joins at the last moment with the intention of exploiting the imminent start and getting better players to carry them to more wins/ gold.

> >

> > If this is not a pride thing, please elaborate, because i don't understand your logic behind this.

> > The way i see it:

> >

> > 1. it's not "exploiting" because he literally saves your chances of getting into tourney. No one else came, it's him or bust.

> > 2. If you end up at lower spot because of him - the rewards on top aren't that bigger then ones below, and you spend less time on the tourney if you fall off before final.

> > 3. unless you end up 17th or below - it's still relatively fast money.


> Simple.

> A lot of people in plat - I'd say most maybe - don't do AT for gold. It's not worth the time. They do AT to play with similarly skilled people, which make fun games for them (excluding the curb stomps at the start).

> They don't want their games to be less fun because they have to carry lower players. That ruins the point of entering the game for them.

> I for one would rather not enter into to an AT - I don't care about the money - rather than enter into one with someone who ruins the AT for me and "traps" me into matches for as long as I win and carry them as I can't leave the AT.


> The fundamental point is plat people play AT for the fun of it, not for the games. If you want money, join a team with your skill rating rather than being carried to higher rewards by throwing yourself on better players and forcing them to carry you at the last minute.


> It's not pride - It's about legitimately trying to enjoy the games you have and one of the few times you can competitively queue as a team (unranked doesn't count).


Yeah exactly. If one was actually this desperate for gold I’d go do PvE or item flipping etc.

It’s about not making into a ranked queue where you carry trash randoms.

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