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Spoilers Taimi and Blish


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Not so sure it's such a great idea. This was explored in the Asura personal story, and the Asura in question, ( [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Doxa](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Doxa "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Doxa") ), almost became a small blip in the AI of the golem. She became violent and a danger to everything and everyone. It was also revealed the Inquest does this on a regular basis and no one has ever been unfused from a golem except for Doxa... if the player chose to save her.

I doubt Taimi fusing with a golem would end well for her. And I don't think she'd even try it... But who knows, she's been totally sleep-deprived lately. I can just imagine her in some sort of caffeine-fueled delirium making a stupid irreversible decision like that.

But it'd be cool if Taimi did try this and Dynamics Asura characters could bring up their past experience, but it's unlikely.

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> @"Chorne.8195" said:

> Not so sure it's such a great idea. This was explored in the Asura personal story, and the Asura in question, ( [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Doxa](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Doxa "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Doxa") ), almost became a small blip in the AI of the golem. She became violent and a danger to everything and everyone. It was also revealed the Inquest does this on a regular basis and no one has ever been unfused from a golem except for Doxa... if the player chose to save her.

> I doubt Taimi fusing with a golem would end well for her. And I don't think she'd even try it... But who knows, she's been totally sleep-deprived lately. I can just imagine her in some sort of caffeine-fueled delirium making a stupid irreversible decision like that.

> But it'd be cool if Taimi did try this and Dynamics Asura characters could bring up their past experience, but it's unlikely.


I think she'll at least consider it. She's lost Scruffy like three times now and is defenseless outside of it. She's probably really scared because even inside Scruffy 2.0 she wasn't safe from Joko and was nearly killed.

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This could actually be a really interesting idea to explore. Not Taimi actually becoming a golem, but her desire for it.


I mean, just one episode ago, she was kidnapped and put through an extremely traumatic experience. While it's not explicitly stated, it's implied in some of her early dialogue that the experience is still weighing heavily on her, and that her attempts to cope (through constant, all-consuming work) aren't working very well. In her position, it's natural for her to feel extremely vulnerable. In the real world, a lot of people who go through similar stuff tend to linger on what happened to them, and the possibility that their attacker might come back to finish the job.


Right now, Taimi's probably thinking a lot about her illness, and how it leaves her completely unable to defend herself. In this situation, taking such a drastic step would be... tempting. And watching it play out would be a powerful story moment, even though she probably wouldn't go through with it. Stories put characters in horrific situations all the time, but they never explore how those characters cope with it. This might be a chance for Arenanet to do something really special here.

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One other thing that crossed my mind is that IIRC, there were indications early on that Taimi's condition was likely to take her to an early grave, although we haven't heard much about that since. So, for her, a consciousness transfer might be an alternative to death - something that she might consider particularly important if her illness progresses to a near-terminal stage while she still feels like she has unfinished business (helping to solve the dragon and magic imbalance problem, for instance).

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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> One other thing that crossed my mind is that IIRC, there were indications early on that Taimi's condition was likely to take her to an early grave, although we haven't heard much about that since. So, for her, a consciousness transfer might be an alternative to death - something that she might consider particularly important if her illness progresses to a near-terminal stage while she still feels like she has unfinished business (helping to solve the dragon and magic imbalance problem, for instance).


This is the key factor. A big part of Taimi's introduction was her potentially (maybe inevitably?) fatal wasting disease. She was supposed to get frailer and frailer but somehow that seems to have fallen out of continuity in favor of her just having a slight limp. I thought this time she was once again behaving like someone who's very aware of her own mortality and aware that she is very fragile. That could be because of the many extremely dangerous, life-threatening situations she's been in or it could be a reference to her established illness, or both.


Either way I think she's definitely considering golemhood as a solution. Also she appears to have some kind of history with Blish that if we ever heard about it before i must have missed. But the idea of them becoming a golem couple is definitely in there somewhere.

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