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How do you beat power rev?


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Just aking how because i got outplayed and trying to learn the weakness on my sword/dagger thief.


This morning i encountered a rev who seem to keep piling up buffs on himself teleporting a bit and doung melee ranged aoe attack that hit really hard.I kept trying to get away but i had trouble cause of cripples and other stuff. and i had no idea that revs hit so hard.


Just to be clear just asking advice, i do not want any nerfs to revs as i clearly think i was outplayed, just clearing that out.

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I still know too litte about rev to answer you (recently started playing him for real).

But i can certainly say that if you got victimized by cripples (i have no idea what on rev could cripple) or chills (now that, we have) as a thief, than this one is on you. Normally thieves have a buttload of skills that remove those as "side effect".

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It is hard to say what you should have done differently as we really have no idea what you tried to do, but the match up should be heavily in your favor if you play it right. Some general tips would be to try to use steal to interrupt unrelenting assault during the windup before the evades start, that is a 3/4 second window and is pretty easy to react in time for it, abuse the stolen ability essence sap, it is extremely strong/overpowered, hits for 4-7k from range with very little tell and inflicts 3 seconds of slow and can be used 4 times in rapid succession with improv + swindlers, when enchanted daggers are up try to dodge all of the next few attacks or take time to kite and wait them out which will almost entirely nulify the heal and don't attack when infuse light is up to nulify the other heal, remember most of their healing comes from life siphon so if they can't hit you they can't heal very well at all while you still can. Aside from that the typical make one and learn what all the animations are and what they do, rev has no instant damage (unless they run song of the mists which no one does) so you can dodge all the key abilities if you pay attention. If that fails you can just run a condi build equip spider venom press steal then random dodge around a bit and you win.

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After you get enough practice this should be a very easy matchup for you imo. Assuming you are fighting open world, staying at range until your cooldowns come up is a very easy strategy that works against revs. There are only a few things you need to watch for at range.


If you see the rev start to lunge toward you, this means they are using Phase Traversal to close the gap. Be very careful to dodge this and followups as a good rev can easily activate your 50% passive just like that.


Other tips: Revs pulse a lot of protection, you should be able to gain the upper hand by stealing it via sw3/steal. Since all your burst is unblockable, you should be able to counter any rev using staff 3, or if the poor soul used shield, to completely negate those blocks by simply spamming 3.


Double steal, poison and weakness uptime is what really finishes rev in this matchup. Your steal skill will hit an average armored rev for 4k in WvW (not sure of exact numbers in PvP) and you can spam it twice from 1200 range. Plus, it inflicts slow, completely ruining the rev's rhythm. Since the balance team thought it was a brilliant idea to give thieves the access to both double steal AND improvisation, assuming you don't miss a steal you can pop off 4 of these every 20 seconds.


Overall, kite the rev, don't get hit by phase, immediately dodge if they port onto you. Abuse mobility and unblockables, land 1 out of every 2 steals and this should be enough to beat most revs. This matchup is weighted heavily in your favor, goodluck!

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> I still know too litte about rev to answer you (recently started playing him for real).

> But i can certainly say that if you got victimized by cripples (i have no idea what on rev could cripple) or chills (now that, we have) as a thief, than this one is on you. Normally thieves have a buttload of skills that remove those as "side effect".




Rev only has 2 sources of cripple both on renegade so he probably means chill and is just confused.

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Rev is highly susceptible to interrupts. Almost every skill has a cast time - EVEN THE STUNBREAKS. Yes, you can interrupt the stunbreak skills lol.


If you are running S/D you should be running double steal and daze on steal. Against rev you should be exploiting that at all times. Don't just steal at random, steal to interrupt their attempts to fight back, and you end up winning this matchup. Also, use the stolen skill. Revs have garbage condi clear and slow is thus a major shutdown.

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Rev's burst is so predictable its ease to dodge/evade them. For example if u see the phase travel animation coming to your way just hit dodge right away and sword evade their following burst, steal daze and end them :P I play rev in wvw and interrupts are what kills me most of the time and when I meet condi classes I nope the f out of there.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Ah i'm a power thief.I'm a build used often to deal with firebrands for the unblockables, and other classes with blocks and stuff like that.


If you are an S/D you can literally steal the boons the rev has with steal and sword 3. Try to kite with your sword 2 and other ports. Watch for Glint heal, try to bait it by pretending to do a burst when he has a lot of life missing.

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I don't play thief, but I fight a lot of them and S/D Thief is by far the hardest to deal with.


Here are what hurts me the most coming from them:

- Smart use of boon stealing: Steal boons immediately after you see the Rev swap into Shiro stance, this will steal the 25 stacks of might/fury we had built up from Glint and any lingering protection. Really hurts our burst, and we usually can't get that 25 might stack back until we're back in glint, unless we want to waste all of our energy/cooldowns on needlessly spamming RS for fury.


- Abuse your sword teleport to make us waste energy: Depending on your build you might even have extra teleports too (gonna assume at least Shadowstep, maybe the deadeye one too if yer playing s/d deadeye.) Simply put, you have more teleports per second than a rev does, and rev's cost a good deal of energy to use... Sword 2/initiative regenerates faster and has skills/traits to instantly replenish it--rev's energy does not. You can use this to just outmaneuver the rev and make them burn their energy on movement skills trying to keep up with you. The best/most annoying s/d thiefs I fight just repeatedly hit and run with sword 2, trying to wear the rev down or make him get impatient and try to swap to Shiro and PT counter teleport you, which you can then teleport away from again, costing him 35 energy and leaving him stuck in Shiro with no energy/defenses for more than enough time to inflict unrecoverable damage.

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What exactly beat revs still?

DH 60/40

Thief(S/D) 85/15

Thief(D/P) 70/30

Condi mirage 90/10

Power mesmer 80/20

Condi Scourge 80/20

Druids 70/30 (if they can sustain themselves well and use their stealth frequently)

... Just about everything can beat a standard power herald. Other than the fact its still a +1 roll in spvp / power hammer herald in WvW, amongst all the meta classes and specs, it has a pretty even chance ( in terms of 1v1) against a spellbreaker and holosmith


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