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Feedback: Official Living World Season 4 Episode 2 Feedback [May contain spoilers]

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Yup, the two boss were very bad designed, the exterminator golem seemed fun, but the whole fight was dying,reviving,dying,reviving,dying... and no advices or explanations about what to do, the timed success was far too short, within this time I only downed him to 50% health. The lonai battle was horrible too, can't figure what is happening around me... wheras the story and others instances were perfectly understandable step by step. What is awful is these kitten timed achievs: still haven't got the portals lab one.

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1. Nice and immersive story,

2. Very beatiful map, one of the most beatiful fo all gw2 to me,

3. I especially appreciated the cheap 32-slot bag and I hope for something like that in future releases too.



1. Bad replayability, unlike Istan, there's nothing to do here after completing both story and achievements,

2. Too long interval between this episode and the next one.

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Okay, let's talk about A Kindness Repaid. While I do like the story and the thematic atmosphere of the episode, the gameplay leaves so much to be desired that it must be said. First of all, when you're done getting the cubs to safety the game tells you to "hold the line". I assumed this meant kill all the inquest, so I whack away with ranged weapons at the golem standing outside the mission border, and then I get... pulled I think, it honestly happened so fast. I get moved to outside the border and have to redo the mission. Fantastic. I seriously suggest that you expand the border a bit so that enemy cc, of which there is way too much (honestly, it just feels like a difficulty crutch) doesn't force to you fail the mission like that.

Also, if you get knocked off the bridges (because again, tons of cc) then you have to swim all the way around because the bridges are curved upwards on the sides, preventing you from just jumping up on them. This serves no practical purpose and the aesthetic value just isn't worth the tedium. Somebody should have told the designers this.


But the big black elephant in the room is without a doubt the boss at the end. Where to start with this train wreck? First of all, he is way too spammy. He keeps blasting those bouncy death balls so much and so fast that it becomes nigh on impossible to reliably dodge them, and they do a ton of damage too. However, whenever you go down an invincible bubble envelopes you and brings you back to full health. This is bad on multiple levels, because one, it takes consequence and this tension away from the player, two, it makes the boss feel cheap and lazily designed, and three, it's just an insult to the player because it feels like the boss designers did not feel like we could handle a reasonably powerful boss that required strategy and risk taking to defeat. You know, things that would make it fun. As it is now, it just becomes complete tedium with going down and up again and again while scrounging charges from the bots, who randomly fade away for some reason, then slowly pelting away at the core that barely stays still long enough to do good damage to it. Logically speaking, should not more charges disable the core movement if it could do that to the murder bot housing the core? That would have been way more interesting and encouraged charge management.

And of course, the boss has minions which is also the key to defeating him. Old, worn out and uninteresting boss trope in all honesty.

This could have been a good fight. But instead we got shoddyness incarnate. I'd have a stern talking to with the boss designers if I were ArenaNet management.


Well, that's my 2 cents. Hope this doesn't get deleted by the mods because it contained negative feedback or something.

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Okay, second boss fight was friggen awesome! I was on my holosmith, so darkness and light was clashing vs the necromancer with weapons phasing in and out of existence at, well... light speed. Then when it was all over, I did not want to finish her. She was clearly a slave and would rather die than going back to serving Joko. She gave her all like a true warrior. Then Braham shoots her and takes the moment away. For serious, please don't let Braham shoot her. Let the player soak in the battle they just had and feel bad about killing a most honorable adversary. Moments like these are meant to be savored and felt properly, so don't rush them. Let the player take their time. They will get to the conclusion of the story you made when they're done.

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Please make sure that your achievements actually are able to be done... Did Golem one 4-5 times and never got credit with friends. Now most everyone is done it, and I'm still unable to actually know if it is possible without it being 'bugged'. Other than that enjoyed the story/map for the most part.

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IMHO story chapters should be more about... story. We already kill bosses and fight mobs, solve jumping puzzles and so on when playing the openworld. What we need more is more dialog, more lore, more interaction between characters and more drama.


And more Taimi. It was a bad decision to destroy Scruffy 2.0. She should be hanging with us. It was fun when she was.

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Well for me it's ok for now even if braham and taimi are still boring and annoying.


But the worst by far are the fights against those boss golems, i mean, they are just pointless, for example, that golem you fight in the charr village on the beach, the golem is basically an hp bag with broken attacks, and you can't die. I just experienced one of my worst game experience doing this quest. I mean, what's the point lol? You can't die and you just have to take down a hp bag and that throws balls right on your face removing half you life but you don't need to dodge since you're immortal, you just end up looking at a boring fight and barely playing it, waiting for that way too big hp bar to come down so you can FINALLY go to next quest, but you don't, caus' you just experienced something so tidious and boring you just felling like going to bed, and double that for me since i did it just after the fight against taimi's bot which is basically the same thing.


I think this type of fight has to be banished from the game because it justs makes it boring AF. Now I fear going for the next mission because I don't wan't to experience one of those fights again :(

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Mmh after all these complaints about the kindness repaid golem boss, here is my suggestion: After destabilizing the golem with ley line energy, make the golem core stay out the double of the actual time and multiply the damages dealt by the player by two, decrease the balls damage OR increase the the time between two attacks. Please, Anet consider this, telling that we don't know how to play will not solve the issue, this is constructive criticism, and that's the only point I want to be fixed (PS the bug with lonai fight at jormag too, it makes you stay infinitely, because she is dead and no shades have been created). Increase by 5 second the required time of portalforge lab achiev. Apart that, the rest is perfect no real difficulties.

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Hi all,

First time here,i got a problem with the new Achievement called "Redeeming IG-6417",and i was stuck on "Vanqush Branded Recording".


This one ask me to kill the boss on the end of meta in Vabii,but there is basiclly no one want to do that meta,Anet please,change this one to bind to other event,or i probably never got chance to finish this one :(

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The story and writing are markedly inferior than before PoF. Lots of cohesion problems, deus ex machina, and clunky dialogue. PoF and LWS4 have been quite disappointing if you like things like variety, consistency, quality control. And the content drought continues. Bounties are now the main meta for the last 6 maps. Nearly a year of bounties. Maps and the one, single quest are buggier than ever. Class balance is way off and useful specs are dwindling. And you guys are having trouble releasing things on time. Did you guys fire your talent? Seems the only thing that's on-point is that gemstore. Go figure.

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