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Suddenly I have some kinda weird """""lag"""" issues

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Hello, from the yestarday's patch I have some shitty random """lag""", I dont think it's internet issues, I never had that and my ping tests are ok. I press skills and takes 0-5 seconds (random) to start. I see the game correctly, I see my buddies and enemies moving and playing as it has to be but I cannot play properly, is like my kitten is drunk/high. Also, sometimes the map loading stucks and I have to relogin. I didnt do anything to my PC like settings, new applications, etc...

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

> Try to disable content streaming in your options and fully patch the game before starting it.


I will try, whatever my game is fully patches.


> @"Zaxares.5419" said:

> Whereabouts are you located, gonso? There's a bunch of us SEA/OCX players that are having similar issues. Our thread is here: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/30901/unusually-bad-connection-from-sea-high-ping-spike-disconnection#latest


Playing from Spain :expressionless:

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If you can see other players move and use their skills fine, but your skills are lagging, it's caused by a limited or throttled upload. You can easily cause this for example by uploading a file that maxes out your upload bandwidth. Monitor your network traffic to ensure you're not capping it. For throttling, you can try running the game on port 80 or 443 (-clientport 80), or using a VPN.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> If you can see other players move and use their skills fine, but your skills are lagging, it's caused by a limited or throttled upload. You can easily cause this for example by uploading a file that maxes out your upload bandwidth. Monitor your network traffic to ensure you're not capping it. For throttling, you can try running the game on port 80 or 443 (-clientport 80), or using a VPN.


i will try! but its strange because it started to happend suddenly!



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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> If you can see other players move and use their skills fine, but your skills are lagging, it's caused by a limited or throttled upload. You can easily cause this for example by uploading a file that maxes out your upload bandwidth. Monitor your network traffic to ensure you're not capping it. For throttling, you can try running the game on port 80 or 443 (-clientport 80), or using a VPN.


nothing, I made some tests and my upload is ok (300mbps, symetric download / upload) and I tried with port 80 and 443. The first minutes the game goes well but then PLOP....... I reset the router I switch it off and on....

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Could be traffic shaping by your ISP. Though I've not heard of this being done for years now.


Back in the days of more strictly limited bandwidth and combating Piracy was a big deal(You wouldn't download a car, would you?) some Service providers would look for data throughput that looked like Torrent programs. Specifically slow and steady upload/downloading.


MMO data logs look a lot like a torrent seeder, to the untrained eye(and that's all we have at most service providers). So you'd end up getting "Shaped", severely cutting down bandwidth to hinder the pirater/uploaders effectiveness.


You've said you've done tests, but for posterity sake, try [speedofme](https://speedof.me/ "https://speedof.me/") and report back the download/upload along with the latency.


If all looks clear after that, it might be time to give your ISP a call and see if they're blacklisting arenanet servers.

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> @"MrFayth.3546" said:

> Could be traffic shaping by your ISP. Though I've not heard of this being done for years now.


> Back in the days of more strictly limited bandwidth and combating Piracy was a big deal(You wouldn't download a car, would you?) some Service providers would look for data throughput that looked like Torrent programs. Specifically slow and steady upload/downloading.


> MMO data logs look a lot like a torrent seeder, to the untrained eye(and that's all we have at most service providers). So you'd end up getting "Shaped", severely cutting down bandwidth to hinder the pirater/uploaders effectiveness.


> You've said you've done tests, but for posterity sake, try [speedofme](https://speedof.me/ "https://speedof.me/") and report back the download/upload along with the latency.


> If all looks clear after that, it might be time to give your ISP a call and see if they're blacklisting arenanet servers.


Some other players are reporting it from the last patch (2 days ago). The same exactly issues, and only happens in Arenas, only inside a ranked :S

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I just sign in to explain that i have same problem here. I can play for a while with around 60 ms ping and then latency goes to 2000 ms.

I am also from Spain. My ISP says that they don't have any problem and they don't have any blacklist.

Yesterday, at night, speedofme also give me 2000 ms ping but today speedof.me gives 20 ms (on average); i am playing at the moment and i have the same ping issues since patch.

I have the problem not only in Arenas but all over the game. Very long loading screens and so on.

I check computer, fully patched and i don't have any idea which the problem is.

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> @"gonso.4268" said:

> Hello, from the yestarday's patch I have some kitten random """lag""", I dont think it's internet issues, I never had that and my ping tests are ok. I press skills and takes 0-5 seconds (random) to start. I see the game correctly, I see my buddies and enemies moving and playing as it has to be but I cannot play properly, is like my kitten is drunk/high. Also, sometimes the map loading stucks and I have to relogin. I didnt do anything to my PC like settings, new applications, etc...


Gonso, I'm also from Spain and I'm having the same problems like you. I play in pvp arenas and suddenly skills get laggy, I write in the chat and then appears 30 seconds later! Thats hige lag, and later I lost connection with the server and get the 1 hour penalization!

Is not problem of the computer and the IPS, its something that they fuk*d with the last patch because all the problems began since that day.

Hope they fix it soon.

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> @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> > @"gonso.4268" said:

> > Hello, from the yestarday's patch I have some kitten random """lag""", I dont think it's internet issues, I never had that and my ping tests are ok. I press skills and takes 0-5 seconds (random) to start. I see the game correctly, I see my buddies and enemies moving and playing as it has to be but I cannot play properly, is like my kitten is drunk/high. Also, sometimes the map loading stucks and I have to relogin. I didnt do anything to my PC like settings, new applications, etc...


> Gonso, I'm also from Spain and I'm having the same problems like you. I play in pvp arenas and suddenly skills get laggy, I write in the chat and then appears 30 seconds later! Thats hige lag, and later I lost connection with the server and get the 1 hour penalization!

> Is not problem of the computer and the IPS, its something that they kitten*d with the last patch because all the problems began since that day.

> Hope they fix it soon.


> @"Kalendil Istarion.4103" said:

> I just sign in to explain that i have same problem here. I can play for a while with around 60 ms ping and then latency goes to 2000 ms.

> I am also from Spain. My ISP says that they don't have any problem and they don't have any blacklist.

> Yesterday, at night, speedofme also give me 2000 ms ping but today speedof.me gives 20 ms (on average); i am playing at the moment and i have the same ping issues since patch.

> I have the problem not only in Arenas but all over the game. Very long loading screens and so on.

> I check computer, fully patched and i don't have any idea which the problem is.


What ISP u have? Movistar?

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> @"Kalendil Istarion.4103" said:

> Yes. Movistar is my ISP. Is it yours too?


> @"Axelteas.7192" said:

> > @"Kalendil Istarion.4103" said:

> > Yes. Movistar is my ISP. Is it yours too?


> Movistar too


We all have movistar, lol :SSS. I hope is not our ISP but a game bug :S...

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It's not even funny anymore. Every part of the game gets unplayable with this lag.

I normally run around with 40-60ms on EU servers and 100-120ms on NA. In the last few days my ping reaches from the normal area up to some-1000ms for a short time.

In EBG I'm in a fight, 5-10 seconds nothing happens and I end up dead.

In the alpine borderlands I charge at an enemy and he is completely elsewhere suddenly.

In spvp I bounce around like a ball by trying to get close to someone while he never shows at the position where he should be.

In pve I almost die on npc because my ping spikes, the game seems to freeze and my heal doesn't go off.


Sorry, but that's ridiculous and not fun at all.


I tried to change clientport to 80 already, that does nothing at all.

and if it helps:

country: Germany

ISP: Kabel Deutschland/Vodafone

200mbit/15mbit cable connection

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> @"MrFayth.3546" said:

> 3 People unable to play due to lag, all with the same ISP, and it's still anets fault.


> You guys are hilarious.


??? are blind? dozens of ppl are claiming problems from the last patch, a german guy claiming too in this thread. Sure, the ISP is throttling our connection from the last patch because the CEO doesnt like the new living season chapter.

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> @"gonso.4268" said:

> Sure, the ISP is throttling our connection from the last patch because the CEO doesnt like the new living season chapter.


It's entirely possible to be throttled simply for trying to play new content. Throttling can be triggered in various different ways depending on what the goal is. One way is to target specific types of traffic, like torrents or Netflix, so they monitor your connection for a certain sequence, and false positives are a possibility. Once triggered, they forcibly drop a percentage of packets to limit your speed, which ends up being very noticeable for real time communications. What exactly is affected however is dependent on how they're doing it, so it can range from affecting your entire connection, to just the specific IP and port. Trying to prove it is also basically impossible, and even if you could, your ISP would deny it and claim it was a bad connection, since it's a shady tactic and in some places illegal.


There's no guarantee that throttling is actually your problem however. You can try using PingPlotter to see if there's any general problems down the line. Either way, you'll likely need to use a VPN, whether it be to mask your connection or to avoid a bad network. TunnelBear is a popular choice by other plays, and ArenaNet has recommended ProXPN and WTFast in the past.


> @"gonso.4268" said:

> No one from Anet cant post a **** thread telling nothing about it. GG Anet.


You're expected to contact support. They generally only responds to a thread like this when it affects a large amount of people, and even then, they essentially only ask for traces.


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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"gonso.4268" said:

> > Sure, the ISP is throttling our connection from the last patch because the CEO doesnt like the new living season chapter.


> It's entirely possible to be throttled simply for trying to play new content. Throttling can be triggered in various different ways depending on what the goal is. One way is to target specific types of traffic, like torrents or Netflix, so they monitor your connection for a certain sequence, and false positives are a possibility. Once triggered, they forcibly drop a percentage of packets to limit your speed, which ends up being very noticeable for real time communications. What exactly is affected however is dependent on how they're doing it, so it can range from affecting your entire connection, to just the specific IP and port. Trying to prove it is also basically impossible, and even if you could, your ISP would deny it and claim it was a bad connection, since it's a shady tactic and in some places illegal.


> There's no guarantee that throttling is actually your problem however. You can try using PingPlotter to see if there's any general problems down the line. Either way, you'll likely need to use a VPN, whether it be to mask your connection or to avoid a bad network. TunnelBear is a popular choice by other plays, and ArenaNet has recommended ProXPN and WTFast in the past.


> > @"gonso.4268" said:

> > No one from Anet cant post a **** thread telling nothing about it. GG Anet.


> You're expected to contact support. They generally only responds to a thread like this when it affects a large amount of people, and even then, they essentially only ask for traces.



As i said, i made throttling tests and is ok, is the game, 100% sure ;)

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