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Eerie Driftwood not spawning [merged]

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I milked all these nodes after completing full story day 1 and they have never ever returned as eerie driftwood, just bare logs. So when it comes to a later achievement requirement at it's 3rd stage (28 slot bag) that they are required, I am not able to complete. Surely a bit of "simple" coding to reset these nodes could be implemented without it being exploited by others (ie. if player has 8 of 9 parts complete rest eerie driftwood) Just want to move forward on this achievement PLZ fix.

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Yes. Very dissapointing. One week without being able to harvest the driftwood. My skrittish soul is bleeding. I gives me a bad feeling everytime the meta event is done and the message for additional loot on the beach pops up. It really hurts me deep inside. I will gather my fellow skritts and burn all driftwood. Because i hate it from now on.



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I've tried to get the Luminescent Seaweed as well and I'm stuck now because for some reason, the Driftwood is not appearing to be harvestable for me anymore. :/ And I remember Driftwood re-spawning for me. I don't know if it was the patch on the 12th or because I started the collection that requires the diftwood to be harvested after the Storm-Meta to get the collectible. But they haven't spawned for the last five days I've been trying to get the collectible and it's kind of frustrating. u_u

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> @"NanaIroNiji.1862" said:

> I've tried to get the Luminescent Seaweed as well and I'm stuck now because for some reason, the Driftwood is not appearing to be harvestable for me anymore. :/ And I remember Driftwood re-spawning for me. I don't know if it was the patch on the 12th or because I started the collection that requires the diftwood to be harvested after the Storm-Meta to get the collectible. But they haven't spawned for the last five days I've been trying to get the collectible and it's kind of frustrating. u_u


welcome to the club...some of us have not seen any since day of launch for "A bug in the system"...hopefully will be fixed soon

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Hello, it is now almost 15 days that my wife and I skim this coast in search of driftwood. We have transmitted at the bottom words more than 10 reports via the interface of the game. No news and especially no improvement. Yesterday evening, thinking of an error on our part or an oversight, we did the whole event with the LBM (french team), and good result nil .... still no driftwood.


Could you at least communicate on the subject?


And if the bug seems impossible to solve find a solution via the ingame mail to transmit this famous driftwood see through the seller against volatile magic .....


In short you would be kind enough to find a simple solution that reconciles "promise" and "result".


thank you



PS : Following the post of Dara Ptocska.8196 we look forward to this fix.


Thank you.





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Still no driftwood for me, tried on multiple characters, did the event from start till finish. All of my friends and guildies running around with 32 slot bags and I'm bottlenecked at the achievement. Can't you change it so people who have the same problem as me with the collection get the item via mail, so we can at least progress? Meanwhile Sandswept Isles is getting less and less populated so it becomes harder and harder to get the other collection parts done. This is all pretty frustrating, I understand you guys are workin' on it but it seems like a small issue making an entire collection run in the ground.

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> @"Ipomoea Jalapa.6897" said:

> They've acknowledged that it's still broken, in case you didn't see this from another thread:


> > @"Dara Potocska.8196" said:

> > Hey friends,

> > We're investigating why the driftwood is failing to spawn again. Thank you for your patience!


> At least all the *other* resources in Sandswept Isles seem to be resetting all the time. I have like 236098 cabbages now :).


Kian: "Stay out of my cabbages!"

StAy OuT oF mY cAbBaGeS!


One of the Olmakhan Cubs needs to do that reaction if they're in range of Kian yelling that.


+1 for the "eerie driftwood not respawning properly / not interactable for me since day 1" pile :c

As others have mentioned, can see the logs after Zohaqan is defeated, but they spawn in as if already harvested.

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