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Mesmer get together?


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Hey there fellas,

I’ve been considering hosting a rather irregular mesmer get together in one of the guild halls. A place where Mesmers from all over NA can gather around and exchange ideas about builds and just plain duke it out. Kinda what I’ve been doing with @"Jace al Thor.6745" @"Solori.6025" and a few others.

How do you feel about it?

Please post suggestions for best days and hours to host, any recommendations and ideas in regards to format and such.


@"Jace al Thor.6745" the sauce is real in this one!!! :lol:

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> @"Beautilation.7915" said:

> reminds me, why is kitten not active anymore?


Cuz Kittens play scourge, walk over the keyboard and win. Mesmers take timing and patience :wink:


Edit: Unless you spec illusions for Mind Wrack ammo and go fool proof. I vote for nerf on that one btw, dumbest thing ANet has introduced since the rework.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Beautilation.7915" said:

> > reminds me, why is kitten not active anymore?


> Cuz Kittens play scourge, walk over the keyboard and win. Mesmers take timing and patience :wink:


i wrote O M F G the abbreviation for "Official Mesmer Forum Guild"

lol @anet for censoring that.


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Having a Mesmer dedicated guild promotes elitism in the long run. What I’m trying to do is more of a general meeting, stripped of “I’m the best there is” that encourages new players and gives them pointers as much as it allows veterans to exchange build ideas and put their shiny new specs to the test against equally challenging opponents.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> Having a Mesmer dedicated guild promotes elitism in the long run. What I’m trying to do is more of a general meeting, stripped of “I’m the best there is” that encourages new players and gives them pointers as much as it allows veterans to exchange build ideas and put their shiny new specs to the test against equally challenging opponents.


@"Pyroatheist.9031" :o

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> @"Beautilation.7915" said:

> > @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > Having a Mesmer dedicated guild promotes elitism in the long run. What I’m trying to do is more of a general meeting, stripped of “I’m the best there is” that encourages new players and gives them pointers as much as it allows veterans to exchange build ideas and put their shiny new specs to the test against equally challenging opponents.


> @"Pyroatheist.9031" :o


Of course it wouldn’t be a Mesmer get together without Pyro, I’m so used to him hovering over the forums as an omnipotent Mesmer God of Knowledge that I just assume he’s seen the thread. :smile:


@"Pyroatheist.9031" is the hero we deserve! Much like Reno Jackson.

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From my experience the guild only really sparks some discussion during patch day, other than that talks can be quite limited. I have the O M F G chat in my general but I only see discussions occasionally. Unfortunate fate of having a game over 5 years I guess...hard to explore more of the class without repeating same topics.


...also people are more active on forum here than on the guild :P


P.S. You know what? When WvW linking happens people should try mesmer only wvw raid. Or try mesmer only PvE raid if the guild hasn't done it before.

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> From my experience the guild only really sparks some discussion during patch day, other than that talks can be quite limited. I have the O M F G chat in my general but I only see discussions occasionally. Unfortunate fate of having a game over 5 years I guess...hard to explore more of the class without repeating same topics.


> ...also people are more active on forum here than on the guild :P


I’m not talking about a Mezz guild, just an open meeting hosted at a random guild hall, advertised here on the forum with an open invitation to anyone that wants to partake.

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> @"Arlette.9684" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > And yet again it's a shame cross region play isn't possible. :(

> >


> Told you, shame you’re on EU. Let me know if you wanna start a NA account. I’ll help out however I can.


Thanks for the PM, very kind.


If cross-region guesting never becomes a thing then yeah maybe having a second account is worthwhile - although I'm not looking forward to recrafting all the ascended gear and unlocking stuff! Nevermind no astralaria :( (will just have to accept that one because there's no way I'm going through the pain of making that again!). Will think about it today.

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In terms of wvw, not sure how things will go with the world changes that are planned and haven't played wvw for more than 3 weeks (hand surgery recovery), but I've enjoyed playing on Northern Shiverpeaks as a roamer for the last few years. There are quite a few other roamer regulars there, and any time I've felt like running with a bigger group, I've felt welcome.

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> @"eldenbri.1059" said:

> In terms of wvw, not sure how things will go with the world changes that are planned and haven't played wvw for more than 3 weeks (hand surgery recovery), but I've enjoyed playing on Northern Shiverpeaks as a roamer for the last few years. There are quite a few other roamer regulars there, and any time I've felt like running with a bigger group, I've felt welcome.


I was reading this thread (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25523/uncle-nsp-wants-you/p2) regarding NSP and it looks like fun. Going to read some more, but that's certainly on the shortlist. Hope your hand is recovering well. :)


Edit - ok decided to jump in NSP - I figured no point really faffing about because the restructure will be soon anyway and it's going to take me time to gear up properly. OH my god, all the keybindings... have to redo those as well, and other settings.

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> @"Purecura.1795" said:

> I’m down for this! And Pyro must come. To bad Chaos Archangel isn’t around anymore. Anywho I’ve Mained Mesmer since 2012. I’d love to share my advice etc...


Chaos, Biddle, Icy, Rylock, etc all great players. I miss dueling and subsequently losing with all of them. I especially miss Biddle’s comments on the forums. We lose them and gained Azuka and the other trolls. I believe we lost out big time in that deal.

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Question - is there any point buying HoT if not wanting to use Chrono? As there's no sale on I'm thinking of saving cost and just going with PoF. Was going to put this off till later hoping for a sale, but the level to 80 boost is a nice addition as well that will make things easier.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"eldenbri.1059" said:

> > In terms of wvw, not sure how things will go with the world changes that are planned and haven't played wvw for more than 3 weeks (hand surgery recovery), but I've enjoyed playing on Northern Shiverpeaks as a roamer for the last few years. There are quite a few other roamer regulars there, and any time I've felt like running with a bigger group, I've felt welcome.


> I was reading this thread (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25523/uncle-nsp-wants-you/p2) regarding NSP and it looks like fun. Going to read some more, but that's certainly on the shortlist. Hope your hand is recovering well. :)


> Edit - ok decided to jump in NSP - I figured no point really faffing about because the restructure will be soon anyway and it's going to take me time to gear up properly. OH my god, all the keybindings... have to redo those as well, and other settings.


I just recently went to NSP to get away from T1/2. I chose based on their middle of the road coverage across EST/PST NA coverage and that the general feedback was the community was overall of the maturer variety. We're perpetually outnumbered/in last place, but I'm having a ton more fun with the roaming and zerg harrassing without getting run over from all sides. Hit me up!

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> Question - is there any point buying HoT if not wanting to use Chrono? As there's no sale on I'm thinking of saving cost and just going with PoF. Was going to put this off till later hoping for a sale, but the level to 80 boost is a nice addition as well that will make things easier.


Well, the current sale (25 %) on the official website's been extended. Also applies to HoT when bundled with PoF, as far as I know:

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> @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > @"eldenbri.1059" said:

> > > In terms of wvw, not sure how things will go with the world changes that are planned and haven't played wvw for more than 3 weeks (hand surgery recovery), but I've enjoyed playing on Northern Shiverpeaks as a roamer for the last few years. There are quite a few other roamer regulars there, and any time I've felt like running with a bigger group, I've felt welcome.

> >

> > I was reading this thread (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25523/uncle-nsp-wants-you/p2) regarding NSP and it looks like fun. Going to read some more, but that's certainly on the shortlist. Hope your hand is recovering well. :)

> >

> > Edit - ok decided to jump in NSP - I figured no point really faffing about because the restructure will be soon anyway and it's going to take me time to gear up properly. OH my god, all the keybindings... have to redo those as well, and other settings.


> I just recently went to NSP to get away from T1/2. I chose based on their middle of the road coverage across EST/PST NA coverage and that the general feedback was the community was overall of the maturer variety. We're perpetually outnumbered/in last place, but I'm having a ton more fun with the roaming and zerg harrassing without getting run over from all sides. Hit me up!


It's gonna take me a while to gear so won't be stepping into wvw for a while! :o But yeah certainly - added you on the FL in game. Going to work on unlocking mirage again first!


> @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > Question - is there any point buying HoT if not wanting to use Chrono? As there's no sale on I'm thinking of saving cost and just going with PoF. Was going to put this off till later hoping for a sale, but the level to 80 boost is a nice addition as well that will make things easier.


> Well, the current sale (25 %) on the official website's been extended. Also applies to HoT when bundled with PoF, as far as I know:


Oh yeah, nice one! :D Thank you for that - I thought the sale was over.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > @"eldenbri.1059" said:

> > > > In terms of wvw, not sure how things will go with the world changes that are planned and haven't played wvw for more than 3 weeks (hand surgery recovery), but I've enjoyed playing on Northern Shiverpeaks as a roamer for the last few years. There are quite a few other roamer regulars there, and any time I've felt like running with a bigger group, I've felt welcome.

> > >

> > > I was reading this thread (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25523/uncle-nsp-wants-you/p2) regarding NSP and it looks like fun. Going to read some more, but that's certainly on the shortlist. Hope your hand is recovering well. :)

> > >

> > > Edit - ok decided to jump in NSP - I figured no point really faffing about because the restructure will be soon anyway and it's going to take me time to gear up properly. OH my god, all the keybindings... have to redo those as well, and other settings.

> >

> > I just recently went to NSP to get away from T1/2. I chose based on their middle of the road coverage across EST/PST NA coverage and that the general feedback was the community was overall of the maturer variety. We're perpetually outnumbered/in last place, but I'm having a ton more fun with the roaming and zerg harrassing without getting run over from all sides. Hit me up!


> It's gonna take me a while to gear so won't be stepping into wvw for a while! :o But yeah certainly - added you on the FL in game. Going to work on unlocking mirage again first!


> > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > Question - is there any point buying HoT if not wanting to use Chrono? As there's no sale on I'm thinking of saving cost and just going with PoF. Was going to put this off till later hoping for a sale, but the level to 80 boost is a nice addition as well that will make things easier.

> >

> > Well, the current sale (25 %) on the official website's been extended. Also applies to HoT when bundled with PoF, as far as I know:


> Oh yeah, nice one! :D Thank you for that - I thought the sale was over.


Gear? All you need is dire and condi duration runes, isn’t that what everyone runs? Jk, I know everyone runs the meta all trait line, perma invulnerable, 4K Power and condi damage with 100% crit.


And good luck on getting everything. If you need assistance just holler.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Purecura.1795" said:

> > I’m down for this! And Pyro must come. To bad Chaos Archangel isn’t around anymore. Anywho I’ve Mained Mesmer since 2012. I’d love to share my advice etc...


> Chaos, Biddle, Icy, Rylock, etc all great players. I miss dueling and subsequently losing with all of them. I especially miss Biddle’s comments on the forums. We lose them and gained Azuka and the other trolls. I believe we lost out big time in that deal.


Icy actually resurfaced some time last year for a bit, Guild Panel says last seen 10 months ago tho. ?

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > > @"eldenbri.1059" said:

> > > > > In terms of wvw, not sure how things will go with the world changes that are planned and haven't played wvw for more than 3 weeks (hand surgery recovery), but I've enjoyed playing on Northern Shiverpeaks as a roamer for the last few years. There are quite a few other roamer regulars there, and any time I've felt like running with a bigger group, I've felt welcome.

> > > >

> > > > I was reading this thread (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25523/uncle-nsp-wants-you/p2) regarding NSP and it looks like fun. Going to read some more, but that's certainly on the shortlist. Hope your hand is recovering well. :)

> > > >

> > > > Edit - ok decided to jump in NSP - I figured no point really faffing about because the restructure will be soon anyway and it's going to take me time to gear up properly. OH my god, all the keybindings... have to redo those as well, and other settings.

> > >

> > > I just recently went to NSP to get away from T1/2. I chose based on their middle of the road coverage across EST/PST NA coverage and that the general feedback was the community was overall of the maturer variety. We're perpetually outnumbered/in last place, but I'm having a ton more fun with the roaming and zerg harrassing without getting run over from all sides. Hit me up!

> >

> > It's gonna take me a while to gear so won't be stepping into wvw for a while! :o But yeah certainly - added you on the FL in game. Going to work on unlocking mirage again first!

> >

> > > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > Question - is there any point buying HoT if not wanting to use Chrono? As there's no sale on I'm thinking of saving cost and just going with PoF. Was going to put this off till later hoping for a sale, but the level to 80 boost is a nice addition as well that will make things easier.

> > >

> > > Well, the current sale (25 %) on the official website's been extended. Also applies to HoT when bundled with PoF, as far as I know:

> >

> > Oh yeah, nice one! :D Thank you for that - I thought the sale was over.


> Gear? All you need is dire and condi duration runes, isn’t that what everyone runs? Jk, I know everyone runs the meta all trait line, perma invulnerable, 4K Power and condi damage with 100% crit.


> And good luck on getting everything. If you need assistance just holler.


Ta will do, added you as well. :) I just got PoF with that discount. Shame not to have gliding but tbh in wvw gliding is free and I can't see myself doing any kind of in depth map exploration requiring either gliding or the griffon.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > @"Tinnel.4369" said:

> > > > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > > > @"eldenbri.1059" said:

> > > > > > In terms of wvw, not sure how things will go with the world changes that are planned and haven't played wvw for more than 3 weeks (hand surgery recovery), but I've enjoyed playing on Northern Shiverpeaks as a roamer for the last few years. There are quite a few other roamer regulars there, and any time I've felt like running with a bigger group, I've felt welcome.

> > > > >

> > > > > I was reading this thread (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/25523/uncle-nsp-wants-you/p2) regarding NSP and it looks like fun. Going to read some more, but that's certainly on the shortlist. Hope your hand is recovering well. :)

> > > > >

> > > > > Edit - ok decided to jump in NSP - I figured no point really faffing about because the restructure will be soon anyway and it's going to take me time to gear up properly. OH my god, all the keybindings... have to redo those as well, and other settings.

> > > >

> > > > I just recently went to NSP to get away from T1/2. I chose based on their middle of the road coverage across EST/PST NA coverage and that the general feedback was the community was overall of the maturer variety. We're perpetually outnumbered/in last place, but I'm having a ton more fun with the roaming and zerg harrassing without getting run over from all sides. Hit me up!

> > >

> > > It's gonna take me a while to gear so won't be stepping into wvw for a while! :o But yeah certainly - added you on the FL in game. Going to work on unlocking mirage again first!

> > >

> > > > @"ovinnik.9216" said:

> > > > > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > > > > Question - is there any point buying HoT if not wanting to use Chrono? As there's no sale on I'm thinking of saving cost and just going with PoF. Was going to put this off till later hoping for a sale, but the level to 80 boost is a nice addition as well that will make things easier.

> > > >

> > > > Well, the current sale (25 %) on the official website's been extended. Also applies to HoT when bundled with PoF, as far as I know:

> > >

> > > Oh yeah, nice one! :D Thank you for that - I thought the sale was over.

> >

> > Gear? All you need is dire and condi duration runes, isn’t that what everyone runs? Jk, I know everyone runs the meta all trait line, perma invulnerable, 4K Power and condi damage with 100% crit.

> >

> > And good luck on getting everything. If you need assistance just holler.


> Ta will do, added you as well. :) I just got PoF with that discount. Shame not to have gliding but tbh in wvw gliding is free and I can't see myself doing any kind of in depth map exploration requiring either gliding or the griffon.


It just hit me, you’ll be rolling without any WvW rank pts, for a while. Ouch!

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