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Getting to the Crystal Oasis without Story?


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Is it possible to get to the Crystal Oasis without using the story?

If not, it really should be. With new Elite Specs that means the need for Hero Point runs, and for people who intend to unlock both whether they are using it or not will require more than just the usual Heart of Thorns run and even if you do all of the Heart of Thorns Hero Points, you would still need to have at least done an amount of normal map completion to even begin the Path Of Fire specs. We are able to run to the Heart of Thorns maps, there should be a way to reach the CO without having to do the prologue every time. Maybe a teleport zone on the airship for people who have done the Prologue first part of the story to get to Amnoon already. Just something, hell even getting a teleport scroll to to add the the Living World tome and change it to "Portal Tome" instead or something.

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> @xarallei.4279 said:

> The Lily of Elona pass gets you there without the story. Of course, if you bought the cheapest version of PoF you don't get that pass...


Sorry but just to clarify in case others were wondering, only if you have done the intro story on a character first. The pass was the first thing I tried when PoF launched and it gave me an error message. I had to do the intro story on one character then the pass worked on the rest.

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> @Haoasakura.5784 said:

> for Hot they didn't do it, player needed to play the first mission of Hot, if u really want a work around the guild hall will work I guess, just wait for your guild to claim the new one


That's what I mean. I understand having one character needing to do the story, but not all every time just to get there without using TP to friend.

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> @Kreejaffa.3682 said:

> I was able to completely unlock the new elite without ever setting foot in PoF content.


So was I, but as I said, it involved having total base map completion and having nearly done every HoT hero points. Not all of my 18 characters are so fortunate to have map completion and all of the HoT hero points done.


> @xarallei.4279 said:

> The Lily of Elona pass gets you there without the story. Of course, if you bought the cheapest version of PoF you don't get that pass...


Thanks for this tip. I can fortunately do this. Sucks a for a lot of people who can't though.

Hopefully they consider an option of getting there without the story that doesn't involve wasting TP to friends.

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I don't know if it works yet, but it worked in testing. The easiest way to do it without the instance is to do the very first part of the instance, and then die as soon as you're able after arriving in Elona, then choose (exit to Amnoon) or whatever it says. I will most likely test it out later.


One thing to keep in mind: I have yet to find a way to get a raptor mount except by going through the instance. This might still be true, or not, but I haven't seen anything about it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @Ashabhi.1365 said:

> I don't know if it works yet, but it worked in testing. The easiest way to do it without the instance is to do the very first part of the instance, and then die as soon as you're able after arriving in Elona, then choose (exit to Amnoon) or whatever it says. I will most likely test it out later.


> One thing to keep in mind: I have yet to find a way to get a raptor mount except by going through the instance. This might still be true, or not, but I haven't seen anything about it.


The raptor mount needing to obtained through story I feel is necessary and should be this way.


However, after your first character you should be able to get to the maps without having to go through the first part of the story (including prologue) or need to have the Lily of the Elon pass. There should be someway to get there without, maybe the NPC Charr near the airship should offer an extra bit of dialogue to anyone who has done the first story section on at least one character that says something just like "Hey, did you need a ride to Amnoon? We are taking as much help as we can get." as if it is implying that you are currently not going there via the story and you are just one of an army of people coming to aid Amnoon.

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I'm not sure if this still works, but I believe you can simply take the airship to the desert, skip the cutscene and then leave the instance by leaving the instance area. For example glide off the air ship towards the ocean into the red restricted area. That should kick you out and get you directly to Amnoon.

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> @Feothyr.6072 said:

> I'm not sure if this still works, but I believe you can simply take the airship to the desert, skip the cutscene and then leave the instance by leaving the instance area. For example glide off the air ship towards the ocean into the red restricted area.


But that still means you have to begin the story and do the prologue and go out of order in the story just to get Elite specs on your characters.

That is ridiculous because sometimes after doing the story once in this game, you start taking it at a slower pace for some but they want all the Elite Specs.

Heart of Thorns was good for that, this game has not been. They finally offered an option for the LWS3 locations albeit it did come out after a while but it did come, albeit you had to pay for them, 1000 unbound magic each portal scroll and buy the living portal tome. You had to have gone their at least once to get them, which was the same premise as Heart of Thorns.

Considering we actually had to buy this expansion, I would like to see a free way without the story or teleport to friend to get to the Crystal Oasis if you have done the story once.


Edit: I don't even need it. I have the Lily of the Elon pass. It's mostly just a gripe.

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Wasn't there just a thread with this exact question?


You'll want to get an item called the spearmarshals plea, which you get naturally as a part of the griffon collections, so if you started that, you're in luck. It starts you in vabbi at the griffon roost so it's a little inconvenient, but at least you can hop on a griffon to get out of there if you dont own one yet. Works across all characters of all levels.


EDIT: didnt notice how old the thread was, so its understandable that no one knew about the spearmarshals plea. Hopefully thats common enough knowledge now.

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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> Wasn't there just a thread with this exact question?


> You'll want to get an item called the spearmarshals plea, which you get naturally as a part of the griffon collections, so if you started that, you're in luck. It starts you in vabbi at the griffon roost so it's a little inconvenient, but at least you can hop on a griffon to get out of there if you dont own one yet. Works across all characters of all levels.


I suppose that works. However inconvenient it may be.

Is it soulbound or account bound though?

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You don't need Path of Fire maps to unlock the elite specs. I was able to fully master Deadeye as soon as the patch dropped due to having every HoT and core Tyria HP completed on that character. For my other characters I just used the Lily of the Elon method.


There IS one other method available, but it requires clearing the entire story and starting a sidequest on at least one character first. That will give you an account-bound item that allows you to teleport to Vabbi at will, so you could use that to sneak your other characters in. Long route though.

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> @castlemanic.3198 said:

> Wasn't there just a thread with this exact question?


> You'll want to get an item called the spearmarshals plea, which you get naturally as a part of the griffon collections, so if you started that, you're in luck. It starts you in vabbi at the griffon roost so it's a little inconvenient, but at least you can hop on a griffon to get out of there if you dont own one yet. Works across all characters of all levels.


> EDIT: didnt notice how old the thread was, so its understandable that no one knew about the spearmarshals plea. Hopefully thats common enough knowledge now.


Oh thanks for that! I was googling how to get to Crystal Desert without doing the story and it never occurred to me I have the means right to hand! I already repeated the first instance once and I'd be very happy never to see it again. Coming back up from Vabbi may not be ideal but it's a lot better than doing Chapter One over and over on every character.

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> @"Tiny Doom.4380" said:

> > @castlemanic.3198 said:

> > Wasn't there just a thread with this exact question?

> >

> > You'll want to get an item called the spearmarshals plea, which you get naturally as a part of the griffon collections, so if you started that, you're in luck. It starts you in vabbi at the griffon roost so it's a little inconvenient, but at least you can hop on a griffon to get out of there if you dont own one yet. Works across all characters of all levels.

> >

> > EDIT: didnt notice how old the thread was, so its understandable that no one knew about the spearmarshals plea. Hopefully thats common enough knowledge now.


> Oh thanks for that! I was googling how to get to Crystal Desert without doing the story and it never occurred to me I have the means right to hand! I already repeated the first instance once and I'd be very happy never to see it again. Coming back up from Vabbi may not be ideal but it's a lot better than doing Chapter One over and over on every character.


Quick note on this, when you get to the path of fire maps for the first time via the spearmarshal's plea, you may find you have the very first waypoint unlocked, the waypoint that's right next to the entrance to the desolation. And if you enter the desolation from that waypoint, you may find that you have the waypoint that's right next to the elon riverlands, and the same in the elon riverlands as well.


That's what I discovered, so take a quick look, getting to the crystal oasis may be a lot simpler than it first seems.

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> @hellsqueen.3045 said:

> Is it possible to get to the Crystal Oasis without using the story?

> If not, it really should be. With new Elite Specs that means the need for Hero Point runs, and for people who intend to unlock both whether they are using it or not will require more than just the usual Heart of Thorns run and even if you do all of the Heart of Thorns Hero Points, you would still need to have at least done an amount of normal map completion to even begin the Path Of Fire specs. We are able to run to the Heart of Thorns maps, there should be a way to reach the CO without having to do the prologue every time. Maybe a teleport zone on the airship for people who have done the Prologue first part of the story to get to Amnoon already. Just something, hell even getting a teleport scroll to to add the the Living World tome and change it to "Portal Tome" instead or something.


Ive done the story on one toon ...


Use LFG and teleported to a squad in the Crystal Oasis to get the WP ... other than that without the pass I dont think you can get into POF

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There are multiple ways into the desert without the story.


The best option is the Lily pass obviously. If you want convenience, that's what the convenience item is for.


Second best option is to use your guild hall and simply run from there. This, of course, requires the guild hall.


The last option is to finish the story, and start the griffon collection. This will give you Spearmarshal's Plea, completely free with no cost or effort rather than getting to the sanctuary. It will teleport you to the sanctuary in Vabbi anytime you want, and is also account-bound, so it's a free teleport item for all your alts.

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