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[Feedback] What I would like to see in future content...

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- **The return of facial expressions and proper lip movement in dialogue.** Seeing my character mechanically move his/her jaw is almost as bad as GW1's closed mouths.

- **Original male Charr and male Norn PC voice actors back.** I know they have become unavailable, but the new voices are just annoyingly deep and strangely monotonous (and slowwww.... Zzzz). I preferred the colorful old ones in tone and expression (that didn't sound like Darth Vader or any other actor with a deep, bellow bass).

- **Personal story content.** Simply content like in the original campaign that gives me choices which let me choose my path (with various options, all leading to the same ending, of course) or at least takes into account my race/profession for a bit more variety.

- **A repair of the character selection screen.** It has been bugged for ages, scaling your character by width, thus making male Norn appear overproportional and all Charr even partially cut out from the screen. (The same goes for all Preview windows in-game, by the way.) Also, I want neutral lighting back and I want to see my characters' feet again!


How about you guys?

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1) The return of the Order emblems to the Character Select Screen.

2) Less emphasis on mining ore and cutting down trees to make gear - the new Golem repair and the Bandolier quest in Sandswept Isles is a good idea - lets have some drops to combine to make the stuff instead.

3) More quests - make the Quest team go play Guild Wars 1 for a few days.

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> @"Andy.5981" said:

> 2) Less emphasis on mining ore and cutting down trees to make gear - the new Golem repair and the Bandolier quest in Sandswept Isles is a good idea - lets have some drops to combine to make the stuff instead.

> 3) More quests - make the Quest team go play Guild Wars 1 for a few days.


I second those. :+1:

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> - **The return of facial expressions and proper lip movement in dialogue.** Seeing my character mechanically move his/her jaw is almost as bad as GW1's closed mouths.


Definitely want to go back to the visual-novel style dialogue screens. If only so I don't have to repeat these things when I replay them. I saw a rumor about skipping to particular parts of the story of Episode 2, but I haven't confirmed that.


> - **A repair of the character selection screen.** It has been bugged for ages, scaling your character by width, thus making male Norn appear overproportional and all Charr even partially cut out from the screen. (The same goes for all Preview windows in-game, by the way.) Also, I want neutral lighting back and I want to see my characters' feet again!


The entire character selection needs a revamp, and I've been saying it for years.

With pictures.

1. Frame the character properly.

2. Fit more/all the character options on the screen, with sorting capabilities. (Level, crafter, profession, last played, etc)


> How about you guys?


A new combat encounter design team with a huge balance pass on all existing critters old and new.

Many critters are way too simple.

Others littered with chain CC/blind spam that's built to be too frequent and therefore unavoidable.


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> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> 2. Fit more/all the character options on the screen, with sorting capabilities. (Level, crafter, profession, last played, etc)


...and age! Selecting a character to type "/age" isn't particularly user-friendly.

> @"Rauderi.8706" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > - **The return of facial expressions and proper lip movement in dialogue.** Seeing my character mechanically move his/her jaw is almost as bad as GW1's closed mouths.


> Definitely want to go back to the visual-novel style dialogue screens.


That is not what I meant. ;) While I liked them a lot (and do miss them), I would already be content to simply see my character's face muscles and lips move according to dialogue (making the character look lively and emotional). It is a pure WASTE to just have the jaw move slightly while they speak (not even in rhythm with the words spoken)...


What were facial expressions and lip movement implemented into the engine for when they are no longer being used in dialogue? As stated earlier, we could as well go back to GW1's closed mouths. :(

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I'd like to see permanent weapons (with weapons I mean stuff like the Frost Gun or the Magneton Hammer) which are not map bound (like the Brandstone Multitool). The Prototype Position Rewinder was already a big step in the right direction but that's not really a weapon, now they just need to follow up on it.


I also want to use mounts while being under the effect of a transformation tonic.


And speaking of transformation tonics: I want to see actual battle transformations, as in you transform into a monster or whatever and are able to use its skills to (actually) attack stuff.

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