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Mac client crashes when moving between zones

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So I'm running the Mac client on MacOS Sierra (10.12.6). Since the new LW chapter was released, I've been mostly unable to switch between central Tyrian zones. Occasionally it will go through, but I'd say about 80-90% of the time my client just freezes.


What happens is that the loading screen comes up with the zone title, but no yellow "loading" circle in the lower right corner. (Whether the amount of map completion or the loading art shows up varies.) The game will just freeze like this without giving an error message and I'll have to force close it (quitting the normal ways doesn't work). When I log back in, I end up back in the zone I was trying to leave.


This happens when using waypoints & my LW3 portal tome, in Central Tyria and outside them.


Waypointing within a zone works as intended.


Is anyone else experiencing this?

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same problem here, started when new map came out <<< it just freezes on the load screen when switching between maps... I have spent the last few hours searching the net for a solution but no luck so far.


If I try to do the repair solution for the client found on the official GW2 page then it just says file not found, where you punch this line in to your terminal. When I look in this folder in the Application the only file in there is cider, so no wonder it can't find the file. I think the repair solution needs to be updated on the GW2 website.

/Applications/Guild\ Wars\ 2\ 64-bit.app/Contents/MacOS/GuildWars2 -repair


Anyways, following this post because I am sick and tired of relaunching the game every time I change maps QQ

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> @"Mighty.2853" said:

> same problem here, started when new map came out <<< it just freezes on the load screen when switching between maps... I have spent the last few hours searching the net for a solution but no luck so far.


> If I try to do the repair solution for the client found on the official GW2 page then it just says file not found, where you punch this line in to your terminal. When I look in this folder in the Application the only file in there is cider, so no wonder it can't find the file. I think the repair solution needs to be updated on the GW2 website.

> /Applications/Guild\ Wars\ 2\ 64-bit.app/Contents/MacOS/GuildWars2 -repair


> Anyways, following this post because I am sick and tired of relaunching the game every time I change maps QQ


Cider was the shell the 32-bit Mac app ran on. There is no longer any repair link for the 32-bit app, sadly. (And the old 32-bit repair link no longer works, if you manage to dredge it up from online.)


The repair link you posted works for the 64-bit client, as long as it is installed in the Applications folder. If you have installed it elsewhere (such as an external drive) you have to change the location address from 'Applications' to wherever it is now.


/volumes/NameOfDrive/Guild\ Wars\ 2\ 64-bit.app/Contents/MacOS/GuildWars2 -repair will work for external drive installations, if you change 'NameOfDrive' to the actual name of the drive it is installed on. If the app is inside a folder inside that drive, you will have to add that into the location address, too.

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