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Are side quests are needed to add more replay value to core game and beyond?

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so I have been playing Guild wars 2 for about a year now and also played Guild wars 1, I them both enjoy it very much. that being. That being said I feel a real lacking in content to keep engaged in between season episodes and other content releases. I was thinking maybe add actual side quest/stories that could cover small lore aspects that don't fit well with main story but are worth telling more about. I would love to hear all of your thoughts on this topic. are side quest/stories a good idea? and if not what others things are there to keep me going during content droughts?

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My only thought was that any sort of "filler content" they add, will still have to take development resources, don't know how much. But that might actually mean that episodes could be forced to 4 months instead of 3 months, for example, just to have manpower/resources to create the filler quests etc.


So you might actually create more "dead zones" that way ? Depends on. But it is something to take into consideration when making the request.

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I think some of the events, and world boss events in particular, could use some revamps. They've become so often repeated that players get no excitement from the conflict. Just changing some of the dynamics every now and then might help mix things up.

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> I think some of the events, and world boss events in particular, could use some revamps. They've become so often repeated that players get no excitement from the conflict. Just changing some of the dynamics every now and then might help mix things up.


Like TA Forward/Up? Better to add content rather than remove/“change” it.

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