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Deadeye damage


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> @Oxygen.5918 said:

> > @Jana.6831 said:

> > Deadeye is actually what Daredevil should've been: another playstyle. Just that stationary and thief doesn't work too well and just that the game is still unbalanced as kitten. They went overboard with Hot and that will remain a problem until they'll finally come around to remove some of the powercreep.

> >

> > Good to have you back, Zach ;)


> The wiki describes the thief as "Thieves are expert in the shadow arts. They utilize stealth and shadowstepping to surprise and to get close to their target. They're deadly in one-on-one combat using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal to overcome their enemies."


> I don't really like this description because it is rather generic. Here's mine: "Thieves are tricky, twitchy, and highly mobile. The nature of their initiative mechanic makes their damage bursty and frontloaded, which works well with their in-and-out style. Their limited access to raw defensive skills and low health means they must rely on dodging, evading, teleporting and stealthing to hope to survive, let alone thrive."


> Let's compare that to what the rifle (and malice) has to offer.


> Thieves are tricky: The rifle isn't all that tricky, except for Death's Retreat, which is pretty similar to Debilitating Arc (a skill that already exists). Everything else involves shooting bullets of varying quality at a target. Why?


> ...twitchy: The rifle is definitely not twitchy. None of the abilities are really reactive (think Headshot). Most of the time, you won't even be moving. Why?


> ...highly mobile: The rifle might be the least mobile weapon in the game, mostly because it roots you in place. Yes, a skill that roots you in place on the most mobile profession in the game. You also lose Steal, just for good measure. Why?


> The nature of their initiative mechanic makes their damage bursty and frontloaded: The rifle does the exact opposite; malice's damage bonus builds up over time, and Death's Judgement, the big button, incites you to build vulnerability, fury, and might stacks from the 3 preceding skills. Fortunately, they are each on hotkey 1, 2, and 3, respectively, so you don't mess up your rotation. Why?


> ...which works well with their in-and-out style:Except you won't go in, nor out, because you can't anymore. Also, you're standing still. Why?


> Their limited access to raw defensive skills and low health means they must rely on dodging, evading, teleporting: Deadeye loses the thief's main way of teleporting, Steal, and offers one only Death's Retreat for mobility. Too bad it can't be used while kneeling. Why?


> ...and stealthing to hope to survive, let alone thrive: Rifle literally has a skill that prevents you from stealthing. Yes, the profession that is about stealthing and using stealth attack prevents itself from stealthing. Why?


So you just went and made your own description of the class different from ANet's and then compared the spec **to your own description** and found it unsuitable. I'm sorry, but it doesn't make a lick of sense and only goes to re-affirm the idea that yes, this spec is introducing a different playstyle which is (shockingly!) different to what you expect from the class.

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> @Oxygen.5918 said:

> > @Jana.6831 said:

> > Deadeye is actually what Daredevil should've been: another playstyle. Just that stationary and thief doesn't work too well and just that the game is still unbalanced as kitten. They went overboard with Hot and that will remain a problem until they'll finally come around to remove some of the powercreep.

> >

> > Good to have you back, Zach ;)


> The wiki describes the thief as "Thieves are expert in the shadow arts. They utilize stealth and shadowstepping to surprise and to get close to their target. They're deadly in one-on-one combat using their agility, acrobatic fighting style, and the ability to steal to overcome their enemies."


> I don't really like this description because it is rather generic. Here's mine: "Thieves are tricky, twitchy, and highly mobile. The nature of their initiative mechanic makes their damage bursty and frontloaded, which works well with their in-and-out style. Their limited access to raw defensive skills and low health means they must rely on dodging, evading, teleporting and stealthing to hope to survive, let alone thrive."


> Let's compare that to what the rifle (and malice) has to offer.


> Thieves are tricky: The rifle isn't all that tricky, except for Death's Retreat, which is pretty similar to Debilitating Arc (a skill that already exists). Everything else involves shooting bullets of varying quality at a target. Why?


> ...twitchy: The rifle is definitely not twitchy. None of the abilities are really reactive (think Headshot). Most of the time, you won't even be moving. Why?


> ...highly mobile: The rifle might be the least mobile weapon in the game, mostly because it roots you in place. Yes, a skill that roots you in place on the most mobile profession in the game. You also lose Steal, just for good measure. Why?


> The nature of their initiative mechanic makes their damage bursty and frontloaded: The rifle does the exact opposite; malice's damage bonus builds up over time, and Death's Judgement, the big button, incites you to build vulnerability, fury, and might stacks from the 3 preceding skills. Fortunately, they are each on hotkey 1, 2, and 3, respectively, so you don't mess up your rotation. Why?


> ...which works well with their in-and-out style:Except you won't go in, nor out, because you can't anymore. Also, you're standing still. Why?


> Their limited access to raw defensive skills and low health means they must rely on dodging, evading, teleporting: Deadeye loses the thief's main way of teleporting, Steal, and offers one only Death's Retreat for mobility. Too bad it can't be used while kneeling. Why?


> ...and stealthing to hope to survive, let alone thrive: Rifle literally has a skill that prevents you from stealthing. Yes, the profession that is about stealthing and using stealth attack prevents itself from stealthing. Why?


TLDR: I changed the description of an entire class and now the subclass of that class doesnt fit my own personal description and thats the fault of the developers.

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e> @jaif.3518 said:

> > Rooting us in place and lowering our damage significantly when not kneeling was their way of balancing our competitive damage. Those were the trade offs for our good damage.


> **Burst** damage. You keep making the underlying assumption that it should be a high-end PvE weapon along with a high-end PvP/WvW weapon. I disagree strenuously. I don't want to see the focus on burst damage replaced.


> I think ideally every weapon should have a niche in GW2, but that's different than each weapon filling all niches.


> -Jeff


The weapon should do meh damage when you're not kneeling, and large amounts of damage while kneeling, enough to bypass other weapons we have (or at least be on par with Staff). Why? Because when you're kneeling, you're a sitting duck. Yes you can dodge, but the second more than one enemy gets on you the time has been reached to run because you're going to get taken out fast. The Rifle SHOULD be our glass cannon weapon, doing more damage than others at the cost of mobility. This gives it a niche as our best single target weapon set (should you be on DE), while not making it overly powerful since you'll still be susceptible to mechanics and large groups of mobs.

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> @LazerusKI.7485 said:

> Meanwhile Firebrands are happy with their 80k dps from Ashes of the Just...


> While i was happy at first because "finally a hard hitting rifle" i soon switched back to my Pistols to spam 3...


Ditto. You know there is something wrong with rifle when p/p does more dmg while letting you move.

I will keep saying it though; what they will probably do is nerf p/p to try force us to use rifle. I hope not, but that seems to be the more common thing for them to do.

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People wanted a ranged burst "sniper" stealth kit, this is what that is.

It doesn't do high DPS because it isn't meant to; like ranger longbow, it's meant to burst from range and provide tools to deal with engages or apply pressure from range, rather than just spewing high numbers, and it's not going to be balanced or done well, because the very nature of the concept of a stealth-mobile-sniper can't be well-designed for what the thief is already. Rifle, as a sniper weapon in terms of general viability, is a *bad idea* when it comes to proper game design in terms of GW2. Even in PvE, there's no risk in kneeling when range in it of itself is so safe based on how aggro works etc.


If you take issue with that design concept, you should have been here earlier, objecting to the multitude of threads which popped up every single day asking for this concept to be implemented, or supporting my ES proposal which offered substantially better ranged killing potential without cheese if that was what you are/were after.


The entire concept of rifle in its overarching design is a gimmick and people need to accept that. It can't be "balanced" by design. It is not a PvE weapon.

If you have other problems with other professions dealing too much damage... take it up with those other professions, not to keep infinitely powercreeping the thief.


Otherwise you're just complaining about the fact it isn't "GG-ez" OP with a low skill floor like Daredevil has.

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> @DeceiverX.8361 said:

> People wanted a ranged burst "sniper" stealth kit, this is what that is.

> It doesn't do high DPS because it isn't meant to; like ranger longbow, it's meant to burst from range and provide tools to deal with engages or apply pressure from range, rather than just spewing high numbers, and it's not going to be balanced or done well, because the very nature of the concept of a stealth-mobile-sniper can't be well-designed for what the thief is already. Rifle, as a sniper weapon in terms of general viability, is a *bad idea* when it comes to proper game design in terms of GW2. Even in PvE, there's no risk in kneeling when range in it of itself is so safe based on how aggro works etc.


> If you take issue with that design concept, you should have been here earlier, objecting to the multitude of threads which popped up every single day asking for this concept to be implemented, or supporting my ES proposal which offered substantially better ranged killing potential without cheese if that was what you are/were after.


> The entire concept of rifle in its overarching design is a gimmick and people need to accept that. It can't be "balanced" by design. It is not a PvE weapon.

> If you have other problems with other professions dealing too much damage... take it up with those other professions, not to keep infinitely powercreeping the thief.


> Otherwise you're just complaining about the fact it isn't "GG-ez" OP with a low skill floor like Daredevil has.


So your basically telling people not to ask for change? Like how dare they!? You aren't allowed to do that! DeceiverX says so!

Were would the game be now if nothing ever changed?

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> @Saraneth.6021 said:

> So your basically telling people not to ask for change? Like how dare they!? You aren't allowed to do that! DeceiverX says so!

> Were would the game be now if nothing ever changed?


It would be better.

In this case I agree with Deceiver. Rifle has to be designed the way it is.

A lot of other classes' specs are way overpowered in that regard and the game won't get better if you fight powercreep with more powercreep. That much should be evident by now.


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> @Saraneth.6021 said:

> > @Jana.6831 said:


> > It would be better.

> >


> I take it you didn't buy either expansion then?


I quit. Not because rifle didn't give me what I wanted but because anet have no clue what they're doing in general.

Had I the faith that they will make this game decent again I'd bought it no matter what.

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> @Jana.6831 said:

> I quit. Not because rifle didn't give me what I wanted but because anet have no clue what they're doing in general.

> Had I the faith that they will make this game decent again I'd bought it no matter what.


Hmm. All I can say is that it has only been a few days. Give them a chance. If you don't like something discuss it. Don't do what DeceiverX wants and stay quite. Be vocal. Being vocal about issues you are having is healthy. Just be nice about it.


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> @Saraneth.6021 said:

> Hmm. All I can say is that it has only been a few days. Give them a chance. If you don't like something discuss it. Don't do what DeceiverX wants and stay quite. Be vocal.


Oooohh I've been very vocal for 2 years - ask anyone on the forums. "What Jana that crazy kitten?! :-1: " I'm done with that.

Still: Crying for more power will in the end destroy your own game. Unless of course they finally separate PvE from the rest of the game and you only want to play PvE.


I'm still hanging around because I love forums in general, because most of what's written on the forums is a reminder why I quit and because finding a new game with decent controls is harder than imagined. And: because hope dies last, yes. I do hope anet will come around, see how the game was before June 2015 and balance the game how it is now on that. You can always nerf PvE mobs into oblivion - in case they don't want to separate the game modes.

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I don't want it to be more powerful and do some crazy 80k damage. I'd be happy if rifle dps were in the 30-35k range like the rest of the decent specs. That isn't power creep by the way, it's just not being bad.


Edit: and I won't be silent about my issues with this game. Frankly I'm kind of sick of people telling me how this game was designed like they had a hand in it. Don't try to lecture on game design until you have an Arena Net tag. As a customer I'm not happy and I won't let back seat game developers tell me to be quiet. Have a good one

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I played DE for a while as I mapped the first two maps. I wanted it to work. My thief is kind of themed as an AC assassin - being a sniper would have been perfect thematically. But in practice it's just too unwieldy. Too many times I'd get caught up in a fight and there wasn't time to find distance or high-ground to kneel and be effective, or to build up malice. I like the spontaneity of DD for being able to leap in or out of any situation. I like smacking things around with the staff at close range and, if things get too hot, leaping away and finishing it off with two pistols. It's fun and feels suitable assassinat-y (can that be a word?)


DE almost doesn't feel like it belongs in the thief class. Part of my disappointment is that I can't have DD and DE at the same time. It would feel right as an assassin to have melee and long-range weapons together. Heck, it'd be even nicer if I could carry the staff, pistols and rifle together - but I know, I know. It's not how the game works. I should go and play AC. Yadda, yadda. A man can dream.


Still, to be serious - I wish we could use the staff even when DD is not traited. It wouldn't benefit from DD traits but it could then be coupled with DE and it's traitline and make up for some of DE's shortcomings. Just my thoughts for the day.

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> @DeceiverX.8361 said:

> People wanted a ranged burst "sniper" stealth kit, this is what that is.

> It doesn't do high DPS because it isn't meant to; like ranger longbow, it's meant to burst from range and provide tools to deal with engages or apply pressure from range, rather than just spewing high numbers, and it's not going to be balanced or done well, because the very nature of the concept of a stealth-mobile-sniper can't be well-designed for what the thief is already. Rifle, as a sniper weapon in terms of general viability, is a *bad idea* when it comes to proper game design in terms of GW2. Even in PvE, there's no risk in kneeling when range in it of itself is so safe based on how aggro works etc.


> If you take issue with that design concept, you should have been here earlier, objecting to the multitude of threads which popped up every single day asking for this concept to be implemented, or supporting my ES proposal which offered substantially better ranged killing potential without cheese if that was what you are/were after.


> The entire concept of rifle in its overarching design is a gimmick and people need to accept that. It can't be "balanced" by design. It is not a PvE weapon.

> If you have other problems with other professions dealing too much damage... take it up with those other professions, not to keep infinitely powercreeping the thief.


> Otherwise you're just complaining about the fact it isn't "GG-ez" OP with a low skill floor like Daredevil has.


Rangers still have the ability to move and they have a pet. Deadeye has nothing like that, he is a sitting duck, so one would expect a glasscannon. You cant even talk about burst damage since the highest hitting stuff is locked behind malice, using the 4 without it is pretty much worthless. Every single other ability deals less damage for more Initiative than other weapons (like pistols). The "range advantage" is pretty much negated through the "sitting duck" mechanic.

Guildwars is also still a story driven game with lots of pve content, not a pvp focused one, so implementing a spec that is only decent in pvp is stupid. Every single weapons should be atleast decent in both modes, obviously there is always something that is "best", but in this case the rifle is worse than everything we had before...and that shouldnt be the case. Seriously, usually people say "dont use P/P, it deals not enough damage" now i read "dont use Rifle, use P/P instead"...sounds crazy right?

Obviously a melee class should deal more damage than a ranged class, high risk high reward. But what did the devs say again in the Deadeye introduction? He is the only ranged class that deals as much damage as a melee class because he cant move? Nice, where can i get that spec?

And its not even about powercreeping at all, take a look at the day one changes:


> @"Karl McLain.5604" said:


> * Three-Round-Burst (Kneeling): Reduced damage by about 16%


> For the most part, it's just bug fixes. We did feel that there was a more negative push with Three-Round-Burst in that pressing Death's Judgement was a bad decision, so we ended up slightly lowering TRB's damage. We'll continue to keep an _eye_ on this elite specialization, making changes and balance adjustments as necessary.


So basically "Deaths Judgement wasn strong enough, players used TRB instead, so we nerfed TRB into the abyss"


I just tested it, TRB deals around 5k damage (crit) for me. Meanwhile with the same build my Unload deals twice as much while i can still run around and recover Initiatve to spam it even more...and i dont even have damage sigils in my pistols! Oh and Deaths Judgement with 7 malice deals 15k crit while it takes several seconds before i can even reach that, usually i have exactly one use of it because i dont have Initiative anymore...where exactly is the burst damage again? oh yeah...on my pistols!

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> @LazerusKI.7485 said:

> Rangers still have the ability to move and they have a pet. Deadeye has nothing like that, he is a sitting duck, so one would expect a glasscannon. You cant even talk about burst damage since the highest hitting stuff is locked behind malice, using the 4 without it is pretty much worthless. Every single other ability deals less damage for more Initiative than other weapons (like pistols). The "range advantage" is pretty much negated through the "sitting duck" mechanic.

> Guildwars is also still a story driven game with lots of pve content, not a pvp focused one, so implementing a spec that is only decent in pvp is stupid. Every single weapons should be atleast decent in both modes, obviously there is always something that is "best", but in this case the rifle is worse than everything we had before...and that shouldnt be the case. Seriously, usually people say "dont use P/P, it deals not enough damage" now i read "dont use Rifle, use P/P instead"...sounds crazy right?

> Obviously a melee class should deal more damage than a ranged class, high risk high reward. But what did the devs say again in the Deadeye introduction? He is the only ranged class that deals as much damage as a melee class because he cant move? Nice, where can i get that spec?

> And its not even about powercreeping at all, take a look at the day one changes:


> > @"Karl McLain.5604" said:


> > * Three-Round-Burst (Kneeling): Reduced damage by about 16%

> >

> > For the most part, it's just bug fixes. We did feel that there was a more negative push with Three-Round-Burst in that pressing Death's Judgement was a bad decision, so we ended up slightly lowering TRB's damage. We'll continue to keep an _eye_ on this elite specialization, making changes and balance adjustments as necessary.


> So basically "Deaths Judgement wasn strong enough, players used TRB instead, so we nerfed TRB into the abyss"


> I just tested it, TRB deals around 5k damage (crit) for me. Meanwhile with the same build my Unload deals twice as much while i can still run around and recover Initiatve to spam it even more...and i dont even have damage sigils in my pistols! Oh and Deaths Judgement with 7 malice deals 15k crit while it takes several seconds before i can even reach that, usually i have exactly one use of it because i dont have Initiative anymore...where exactly is the burst damage again? oh yeah...on my pistols!


QFT! I couldn't have said it better myself!



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Er...actually Deadeye rifle can outdamage pistol unload, and you can do it in 4 to 6 second interval. Many people still think that rifle is another straightforward weapon like pistol, just spam 3 3 3 3 3 and win the prize. When you use the rifle, you need to develop a certain rotation instead of spamming 1 or 2 button in order to achieve maximum damage output. Based on my experience, choosing between maleficent seven and quickness A.K.A be quick or be dead will affect the rifle skill rotation. Once you found your skill rotation, it will be easy for you to deal 13k to 31k damage per shot in less than 10 second.


tldr; pick maleficent seven for damage output rifle, or be quick or be killed for quick burst that also work wonder on other weapon than rifle.

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> @Barzah.8019 said:

> Er...actually Deadeye rifle can outdamage pistol unload, and you can do it in 4 to 6 second interval. Many people still think that rifle is another straightforward weapon like pistol, just spam 3 3 3 3 3 and win the prize. When you use the rifle, you need to develop a certain rotation instead of spamming 1 or 2 button in order to achieve maximum damage output. Based on my experience, choosing between maleficent seven and quickness A.K.A be quick or be dead will affect the rifle skill rotation. Once you found your skill rotation, it will be easy for you to deal 13k to 31k damage per shot in less than 10 second.


> tldr; pick maleficent seven for damage output rifle, or be quick or be killed for quick burst that also work wonder on other weapon than rifle.


Sadly that 31k hit has nothing to do with dps. It isn't the 31k hits that's the problem, it's that most of the damage is front loaded using DJ with 7 stacks. The rest of the time we are sitting ducks doing wet noodle damage. You'll never be able to take rifle into a raid until changes are made.

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> @Barzah.8019 said:

> Er...actually Deadeye rifle can outdamage pistol unload, and you can do it in 4 to 6 second interval. Many people still think that rifle is another straightforward weapon like pistol, just spam 3 3 3 3 3 and win the prize. When you use the rifle, you need to develop a certain rotation instead of spamming 1 or 2 button in order to achieve maximum damage output. Based on my experience, choosing between maleficent seven and quickness A.K.A be quick or be dead will affect the rifle skill rotation. Once you found your skill rotation, it will be easy for you to deal 13k to 31k damage per shot in less than 10 second.


> tldr; pick maleficent seven for damage output rifle, or be quick or be killed for quick burst that also work wonder on other weapon than rifle.


Spot on. DE's rotation is much more 'sensitive' than DD. Spamming #3 isn't too efficient since it would exhaust all of our initiatives for double or, potentially triple Death's Judgment. Also it would stack might beyond 15, whereas perfectionist gives 10 might. 15 might is the max stacks you want before max malice,except we got steal strength from mark.


Stolen skills also crucial for DE's rotation, much more than vanilla thief since DE must use it between marking and target's death(or re-marking). With maleficent seven against big mobs, the best time to use it is when malice is on its way to 7 stacks, just right before DJ. Good thing they're instacast. Small mobs just dies in 1 second with mark(with mug)-cursed bullet-stolen skill-three round burst


What traits you use? Do you use deadly arts? Personally, i find that deadly arts is pretty good with DE. High sustain and insane burst with mug, good damage modifier, and revealed training is more reliable. The last trait is well.. rather hard to choose. Between the big ol' Trickery and somewhat powerful critical strikes. Ditching trickery means no triple DJ..

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> @Zalavaaris.5329 said:


> Sadly that 31k hit has nothing to do with dps. It isn't the 31k hits that's the problem, it's that most of the damage is front loaded using DJ with 7 stacks. The rest of the time we are sitting ducks doing wet noodle damage. You'll never be able to take rifle into a raid until changes are made.


I think that is the issue. People see some big numbers so they think it must be a good weapon while not understanding the overall DPS is abysmal.

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> @Riddle.2714 said:


> Spot on. DE's rotation is much more 'sensitive' than DD. Spamming #3 isn't too efficient since it would exhaust all of our initiatives for double or, potentially triple Death's Judgment. Also it would stack might beyond 15, whereas perfectionist gives 10 might. 15 might is the max stacks you want before max malice,except we got steal strength from mark.


> Stolen skills also crucial for DE's rotation, much more than vanilla thief since DE must use it between marking and target's death(or re-marking). With maleficent seven against big mobs, the best time to use it is when malice is on its way to 7 stacks, just right before DJ. Good thing they're instacast. Small mobs just dies in 1 second with mark(with mug)-cursed bullet-stolen skill-three round burst


> What traits you use? Do you use deadly arts? Personally, i find that deadly arts is pretty good with DE. High sustain and insane burst with mug, good damage modifier, and revealed training is more reliable. The last trait is well.. rather hard to choose. Between the big ol' Trickery and somewhat powerful critical strikes. Ditching trickery means no triple DJ..


Deadly art (mug and improvisation), trickery for initiative and interupt. For the Deadeye trait, i tend to switch between maleficent seven for rifle setup and be quick or be killed for quick burst from both rifle or my pistol whip. Mercy utility are much better for quickness tactic since you can reapply mark to generate quickness + boon with bountiful crime & theft trait.

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> @Saraneth.6021 said:

> Hmm. All I can say is that it has only been a few days. Give them a chance. If you don't like something discuss it. Don't do what DeceiverX wants and stay quite. Be vocal. Being vocal about issues you are having is healthy. Just be nice about it.

These types of comments are as useless as always, because they willfully ignore years of context. Thief has been neglected by the devs for a lot longer than "a few days", in fact they're currently repeating the exact same pattern of mistakes they made with Daredevil early on... actually, scratch that, Daredevil got more changes during HoT beta and release than Deadeye, which so far has been untouched from its original iteration (other than a few last minute nerfs!).


When they at least start _ACKNOWLEDGING_ feedback--let alone implementing any of it--I'll start giving them the benefit of the doubt. Until then...


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> @Barzah.8019 said:

> > @Riddle.2714 said:

> >

> > Spot on. DE's rotation is much more 'sensitive' than DD. Spamming #3 isn't too efficient since it would exhaust all of our initiatives for double or, potentially triple Death's Judgment. Also it would stack might beyond 15, whereas perfectionist gives 10 might. 15 might is the max stacks you want before max malice,except we got steal strength from mark.

> >

> > Stolen skills also crucial for DE's rotation, much more than vanilla thief since DE must use it between marking and target's death(or re-marking). With maleficent seven against big mobs, the best time to use it is when malice is on its way to 7 stacks, just right before DJ. Good thing they're instacast. Small mobs just dies in 1 second with mark(with mug)-cursed bullet-stolen skill-three round burst

> >

> > What traits you use? Do you use deadly arts? Personally, i find that deadly arts is pretty good with DE. High sustain and insane burst with mug, good damage modifier, and revealed training is more reliable. The last trait is well.. rather hard to choose. Between the big ol' Trickery and somewhat powerful critical strikes. Ditching trickery means no triple DJ..


> Deadly art (mug and improvisation), trickery for initiative and interupt. For the Deadeye trait, i tend to switch between maleficent seven for rifle setup and be quick or be killed for quick burst from both rifle or my pistol whip. Mercy utility are much better for quickness tactic since you can reapply mark to generate quickness + boon with bountiful crime & theft trait.


Any reason not using executioner instead of improvisation for deadly arts?

Yeah, mercy's unexpectedly good. Not only for quickness, but also potential 7 inits with maleficent seven. It effectively refreshes DE's rotation, converting DE's bursty nature to a more sustained DPS. Mark is 25 secs duration, so its downtime is only 5 secs. It won't leave my utility slot now :)

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> @Amante.8109 said:

> > @Saraneth.6021 said:

> When they start at least ACKNOWLEDGING feedback--let alone implementing any of it--I'll start giving them the benefit of the doubt. Until then...


That's not my problem with them. Personally I think that Deadeye is a good spec and that they did right with how they brought PoF into the game. They should give it some time for everybody to learn it until they start thinking about buffing or nerfing.

My problem is that they apperantly have got no idea what they're doing. Instead of nerfing, everything is buffed. So there's not just one or two major hits you need to evade but everything - and I don't know how they want to get back from that. The other (my main problem) is that they destroyed my power D/D build by putting CiS into elite and even nerfing it and not realizing that D/P has got 2 unblockable blinds - I've waited for 2,5 years for them to realize that CiS is not as OP as it was made out on the forums and they didn't. I'm not waiting another 2 years. Power D/D (if not signet build) has been the weakest spec for at least 4 years. And how often can I potentionally blind compared to how often D/P can spam 3 or 5? The other thing is that I play wvw and it's a mess because there's too many condis, too much damage and too much faceroll.


Tl:Dr: I want anet to know what they're doing - they don't need to listen to me as long as they know how to balance and apperantly they don't or don't care.


ETA: And I also strongly disagree with how they handle forced reveal. Too many classes get it, it's too easy to apply, vanilla specs get nothing in return, you'd have to waste an elite (but only as DE) to do something against something they should've never implemented the way they did.


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