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Wasted My Time with Elementalist


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> @"FogAlien.9875" said:

> GW2 is my first MMORPG and My first and unique Character was an Elementalist , I did everything to make him strong . ascended , legendary ...AR ..sigil , runes ......

> lately I started to notice that he is not wanted , in Fractals , in Raids and they are right he is so slow with attacks , **and dies like any other environmental NPC animals .**

> So I created my first second character , a Ranger !! and I was surprised about the difference : health , weapons options , attacks and their speed , weapon swap .... may be other things i didn't discover yet .. .My only question why making professions weaker than other ?!!


Ele/weaver is not a good starter class profession tbh. To pull out the desired numbers in damage, their rotation can be complex(require fillers at times) and as you mentioned can be extremely fragile.


Seems like you found a class profession you're comfortable with, which I think its the most important of all. As for the question, I don't think Ele is weaker than Ranger especially in damage. (Encounters that requires burst e.g. Keep Construct makes Eles shine; like a sun :lol:)

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> @"Arheundel.6451" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > > @"Lunateric.3708" said:

> > > > > @"FogAlien.9875" said:

> > > > > GW2 is my first MMORPG and My first and unique Character was an Elementalist , I did everything to make him strong . ascended , legendary ...AR ..sigil , runes ......

> > > > > lately I started to notice that he is not wanted , in Fractals , in Raids and they are right he is so slow with attacks , and dies like any other environmental NPC animals .

> > > > > So I created my first second character , a Ranger !! and I was surprised about the difference : health , weapons options , attacks and their speed , weapon swap .... may be other things i didn't discover yet .. .My only question why making professions weaker than other ?!!

> > > >

> > > > Weaver is objectively the best global DPS the game has IF you know how to play it, can watch benchmarks and videos on its damage on snowcrows website.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > > > > @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > > > > > > > Uhm, no?

> > > > > > > > Ele is pretty wanted in both Fractals and Raids especially. Who have you been PvEing with...?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Apparently the same people a guild mate of mine tries to do raids with. She’s mained ele since beta and is being told it’s crap in raids, doesn’t do dps, is too squishy, etc and they won’t let her join.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Maybe Core Ele, but Weaver has the highest DPS in Raids, in the game.

> > > > >

> > > > > She’s running Weaver but like I said they won’t even let her attempt the raid on ele.

> > > >

> > > > That may be more about her performance on Weaver rather than the class itself. Weaver is one of the most wanted PvE DPS classes just like tempest was, because it's the best theoretical damage the game has had for months. Thing is most Weavers don't really know how to maximize potential.

> > >

> > > I’m not sure. She comes from a PvP/WvW background and she’s a good player there. So maybe that could be it, I’ve linked her the snow crows website but she’s being told that their benchmarks aren’t true and don’t relate to actual raid game play.

> > > Is there any other resources I can link to her?

> >

> > You're guild mate is just being stubborn or is ill-informed. Either way, she's wrong. If her expertise is PVP/WVW, then her opinion is questionable on PVE raiding. The benchmarks are true as they get; the question is how close a player can get to them; if you are good, you come close. The fact is that even if the absolute values are not accurate, the relative values are ... Weaver IS the highest.


> There are not relative values if based around top raid players with organized team runs if I am wrong...pls post a video of you reaching the same numbers in a pug raid run, we will count how many times you die compared to rest of the team..then decide if the OP is actually wrong and the guildmates of her friend are really wrong...or just wise.

> Ele has the highest dmg in the game? yeah..that comes at the cost of any sort of defense, HP, armor....a new player reading this forum would think ele is some kind of monster with 28k HP and 3200 armor dishing the highest dmg in the game from 1200 range and with 2-3 buttons lol


LAWLWUT? ... Ele is a top damage dealer, PERIOD. Yes, that comes at a cost to any sort of defense ... who cares if someone is healing you? These discussions **are** clearly about raids ... you do understand that someone is healing the team right? Maybe? Well, at least not by your comment.

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> @"Jace al Thor.6745" said:

> > @"Alatar.7364" said:

> > Uhm, no?

> > Ele is pretty wanted in both Fractals and Raids especially. Who have you been PvEing with...?


> Apparently the same people a guild mate of mine tries to do raids with. She’s mained ele since beta and is being told it’s crap in raids, doesn’t do dps, is too squishy, etc and they won’t let her join.


I would adivice to find another guild to raid with because either these guys doesnt know what they are talking about or they expect all of their members to be rly bad and instead of wanting them to improve they want them to pick noob friendly class just to get them kills.


Its true that golem dps is not realistic in raid but that aply to all classes. Mirage dossnt lose as much dps as elle but ele is still ahead. Maybe it has less defenses but if the boss is killed faster then they will take less damage. Also there are bosses that are just like golem, at least for dps player

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if anything, ele is one of the most satisfying classes to play in my opinion and I would put it on the stronger side of the meta. It has build diversity in terms of being a dps class, but doesn't have much role diversity. But if you prefer ranger, by all means play it. Druid seems to pretty sought after so you will be able to find group play easily.

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