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What's your opinion on Super Adventure Box availability?

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > @"FrizzFreston.5290" said:

> > > The amount of grind for stuff is substantial enough that we're probably better of that its available in smaller dosis only.

> >

> > That's kinda contradictory. You want smaller doses, but then people need to rush and farm it if they want to get the rewards in time.

> >

> > Were it permanent, people wouldn't feel forced to focus exclusively on SAB during the festival. You could do tribulation mode at your own pace, no hurries.

> >

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > > > @"vesica tempestas.1563" said:

> > > > > I love a going to a cafe and getting a high quality coffee. I could buy a machine at home to give me the same thing, but then going out to get a coffee wouldnt be as fun anymore :)

> > > >

> > > > That's a dumb argument, you don't stop going out just because you can drink at home anyway.

> > > >

> > > > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > > > > @"Lonami.2987" said:

> > > > > > And this game is really lacking regarding side-activities for that matter.

> > > > >

> > > > > 55 Non-seasonal Jumping Puzzles, 4 Activities, 15 HoT Adventures, 18 PoF Griffon Adventures, 7 Non-seasonal Mount Races

> > > > > This game may be lacking a few things. Side-activities is not one of them.

> > > >

> > > > How many of those are replayable, hm?

> > > >

> > > All of them. Every last one is replayable.

> >

> > We must have a different concept of what replayability is. For starters, I don't see any of those giving any meaningful rewards after the first completion. Some don't even have any meaningful rewards even in the first completion.


> Replayability means, by definition, the "ability" to be "played" repeatedly. Rewards for repetition are nice, I suppose, but are not necessary for something to be replayed.


The great news is that even by Lonami's own definition, the developers do not need to add to SAB at this point but only add a vendor/ticket system for existing side activities.

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I used to solo w2z3 trib mode. I loved jumping solo and really felt the loneliness and the danger. It was to me a real adventure! The zone was so dark, slippery, and it seemed hopeless & punishing while you were practicing & mastering each run alone. But once you got it down, it was a truly unique experience.


That said, it being temporary is part of the charm.


I hope world 3, if they implement it, will come with a new infusion!

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For those saying its a waste of resources. I could say raids are a waste of resources along with dungeons, living story, etc. However, I don't agree that a single aspect of the game is a "waste". Keep in mind the game isn't created for you. It's created to get as wide of an audience as possible, meaning they have to have a lot of everything to keep people playing. Sure, there may be a lot more people doing LS than SAB but there are some people like me who would play SAB year round in smaller increments so that the bauble grinding wasn't as tedious to get that shiny new boom box or enough furniture coins to decorate my guild hall. It would allow us to play a little SAB here and there instead of playing it until I hate something I love about GW2.


Simple answer would be to monetize it. ICC gives year round access for those who like it enough to purchase it and for those who don't like it, don't buy the coin or dont go in. It will in essence be that seasonal game or nonexistant topic for you.

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I can agree with those that want it to be seasonal only because they don't want SAB to grow stale. But at the same time there are those that love SAB enough to want to just spend most of their time in it whenever they want for as long as they want. If people want to pay for the option of having it permanent, I say just let them have it. It's not like those who want it to stay seasonal have to buy a permanent pass after all... If that's too much, perhaps a SAB themed convenience area (like the Mistlock Sanctuary) could help keep the SAB loving masses happy? Just throwing out ideas. =)

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SAB isn't really my cup of tea so don't care much for it, but I hope they don't add (more) skins or minis or that make ANNOYING SOUNDEFFECTS.


That said, I think it being a seasonal event is part of why it is special and popular. I'm not sure it would get so much attention if it would be permanently available.

It is also the only seasonal event in a city other than LA and DE. I kinda hope the other cities will get their own festivals at some point, but I doubt it will ever happen.

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  • 1 year later...

I'm begging you, bring back the adventure box! when it came out it was years ago and i was in a really tough spot in life, this part of the game is now part of my teenage life. It was so nice, when it left I left the game for a while... Please bring it back and keep it around all the time! You don't have to force people to play it just as a little side game.



Just look at this comment section, I know me and many others would be willing to pay as much as heart of thorns just for this to be around all the time.

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I have a few family members that bought GW2 just for Super Adventure Box and while they love it, they just will not play GW2 for the rest of the year. PLEASE bring SAB to us YEAR ROUND. While I think we'd love to have it for free, I think many people would actually pay something for a PASS to play this jewel.


**I know this is a game, but one person I know broke down and cried when they found out that they missed Super Adventure Box this year by just a week.** Honestly it's a bit cruel to limit such a unique game to being available once a year.

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> @"whitesmoque.2971" said:

> I'm begging you, bring back the adventure box! when it came out it was years ago and i was in a really tough spot in life, this part of the game is now part of my teenage life. It was so nice, when it left I left the game for a while... Please bring it back and keep it around all the time! You don't have to force people to play it just as a little side game.




> Just look at this comment section, I know me and many others would be willing to pay as much as heart of thorns just for this to be around all the time.


This is really touching. This is the kind of experience I've seen too with these folks I'm talking about. SAB is a special part of some peoples' lives... And just because you may not understand it or think that it makes it more special to have it available only yearly shouldn't diminish from these folks.


If you really want this game to be special for some folks, give those of us who want it year round the ability to buy the permanent pass while everyone else can get the yearly free access. **It's just that simple!**

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> @"Crossaber.8934" said:

> What i don't enjoy is the annoying SAB music, SAB guild decorations, SAB weapons... let alone if there will be SAB mounts in the future. I like them to be existing in SAB world only.


I had to quote it, because it is exactly my feeling about SAB.

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You say SAB is a waste of resources, I say pvp is a waste of resources. Maybe they should cancel pvp and put resources into something more important like SAB...yea.. You see how rediculous that sounds, well your suggestion sounds rediculous too.

And why do games continue to put in leaderboards when it is impossible to ever get #1 on them because of hackers and cheaters

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> @"ragingpuma.4618" said:

> You say SAB is a waste of resources, I say pvp is a waste of resources. Maybe they should cancel pvp and put resources into something more important like SAB...yea.. You see how rediculous that sounds, well your suggestion sounds rediculous too.

> And why do games continue to put in leaderboards when it is impossible to ever get #1 on them because of hackers and cheaters


For me, pretty much anything outside of open world is a waste of resources.

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> @"Blude.6812" said:

> Bring it back once a year for 1 month and charge 3000 gems for the pass. Then Anet could get info on those that really want and will commit to it. If Anet doesn't make money on it, they can put it away.


They bring it back 2 weeks every year for free, so why would anyone want to pay 3000 gems? I for one would not miss it if they removed it completely. The 8 bit weapons and now that ugly chair just ruin the landscape.

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> @"ragingpuma.4618" said:

> You say SAB is a waste of resources, I say pvp is a waste of resources. Maybe they should cancel pvp and put resources into something more important ....

The PVP and WvW communities believe that the developers have done exactly this. Actual content updates to these two game modes over the past two years have been sparse.

It's not ridiculous at all to think that SAB shouldn't get the same treatment. While beloved by a few it is still a very niche activity. As a consumer, vocalizing this is hardly unreasonable.


For me to say "I'd rather not see more of this content, it doesn't appeal to me" is not nearly as "rediculous" as you are trying to make it sound. Particularly when a post is made that calls for expansion of this content as "needed", attempts to paint a personal desire as a community one and throws shade on ANet for not doing it.


I play SAB for about 2 hours per year. I enjoy the campy goodness, take in how well crafted it is and then move on.

I spend a bit of money on this game to support it's ongoing development monthly. My voice deserves to be heard every bit as much as the entitled consumers who try and hyperbolze it's impact in yet another attempt to have the tail wag the dog.


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no the real hyperbole is entitled idiots thinking something should be rtemoved just because they do not like it. Why can't you guys just let people who enjoy SAB enjoy it and pvpers enjoy pvping. Sick of things getting removed and nerfed in pve just because people can't fight it in pvp/wvw. They should remain seperate.

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> @"Lonami.2987" said:

> There's been a few rumors since some time ago, about SAB 2018 maybe including World 3 with it.

None of those rumours originated anywhere close to Anet. The basis for all of them was always simply some people _wanting_ wore SAB worlds. They are all as reliable as consistent rumours of GW3 (or gw2 for consoles).


>We haven't gotten any jumping puzzles since long ago, and the guys working on them have been missing for quite some time. It's very, very suspicious.

Hmm, at least some of those people (including the one responsible for SAB) getting laid off at the beginning of this year sure is suspicious.

Or maybe not. Perhaps they've just simply got laid off, without it being part of some kind of a bigger plan.


> What have they been working at during these past months?

Considering they got laid off? Almost certainly nothing that has anything to do with GW2.



> Of course, this is just speculation, but if it proves to be true, we would be facing the eternal "temporary content" debate once again.


> Super Adventure Box isn't a "real" festival. Its amount of content far outweighs that of all the other festivals combined.

It's also the one that fits in the game the least.


> It's its own game inside the game, and could be a very good side-activity for players to chill and relax from the normal game now and then.

See above. Considering that it is a completely different game, one that appeals to a different group of players, it's as likely for players to chill and relax in some other games that aren't part of GW2.


> And this game is really lacking regarding side-activities for that matter.

Agreed, it could use more side activities, but i'd think they should be more tied to GW2, and less just an effect of an overblown April Fools Day joke that got a life of its own.



> So, what's your opinion? Do you think it's about time for SAB to become permanent?

Not really. The only reason why it has the population it has, is due to the time limitations. If it was available all the time, many people would not feel the pressure, and visit far _less_ often.


So, it should probably stay the way it is. I don't see the population being interested in it enough for anet to invest in making new worlds, and i don't think it would survive being accessible all the time. On the other hand, there are some players that like it, and keeping it as it is now doesn't really cost Anet a lot, so it can easily stay as the seasonal holiday we are already used to.


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I always wondered if it'd attract speedrunners and more attention for gw2 on twitch if it was permanent.

It also makes more sense lore-wise for him to invent a permanent game for people to play. You don't see Steam releasing VR games that are only playable for a month.

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