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i dont know what to do anymore

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hey, i feel like im not enjoying the game anymore, while this is supposed to be my fav game. here are some things im stuggleing with:


- I have no friends who play this game and i dont like to play alone.

- i dont know if i should buy pof .

- i dont know which profesion and race i like to play.

- dont know how to make fun of this game


can someone give me some tips and help me out? thanks

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> @"Randy Pandy.2307" said:

> hey, i feel like im not enjoying the game anymore, while this is supposed to be my fav game. here are some things im stuggleing with:


> - I have no friends who play this game and i dont like to play alone.

> - i dont know if i should buy pof .

> - i dont know which profesion and race i like to play.

> - dont know how to make fun of this game


> can someone give me some tips and help me out? thanks


Depends what you want to do in the game. Do you want PvP, fractals, raids, open world, crafting legendaries? I do everything and just got into crafting my first legendary weapon apart from the legendary sPvP wings. You need to get a feel for what end game content is like in GW2, luckily I did so much PvP and earned so many exotic armour/weapon chests and tomes of knowledge I only had to level one character up in the open world, now I have 9 level 80's and a level 53 for opening bags. In the process of course I took each character through the HoT hero points and had a play around with them, I also played around with each in sPvP so I had a good feel for each profession.


So the only way I can see you deciding a profession is by doing a number of things. Try them in sPvP. Check out the metabattle.com site for the best builds in sPvP and fractals. You'll see all the top streamers names for twitch on metabattle, and you can check out the gameplay of the meta builds to see if you like it. Check out the top raid builds at snowcrows.com. When you know all the builds being used in endgame, get onto youtube and find videos of them being used in raids and fractals, and find DPS bench mark videos too. Just see what you think. I play all of my characters from time to time, at the moment I main between warrior (condition banner slave, or power spellbreaker banner slave) and druid (harrier healing). I have three sets of ascended in the bank waiting (IKR, for what??), so I'll gear my next chars/builds up when I've finished unlocking the PoF specs. I like to play all the classes, else I get bored.


As for race, well, everything but human female looks horrible to me, excluding the one male charr rev I have, but I couldn't have more than one male rev as there's only one combo of armour that looks good on him. Human female has loads of armour combos that look great. All 8 of my human females have the same face, same blonde hair and the same body shape (big hips, big ...., big ...).


For making friends, well I made a few back in my sPvP days, when people were less toxic and you could actually have a nice chat during games. Purely made the friends through communication and they thought I was good. Got into a nice guild, but got demoted for "giving advice" to a guild member during a game, so I left the guild after getting a mouthful. Then I started doing raids not so long ago, met some really nice friends there. Then I got sick of joining training runs that had clueless commanders, so I learnt every class and build in the game and their role in raids, learnt all of the raid mechanics, and learnt certain popular strategies from players in game. Started leading my own training runs and have met some really good friends now. Raids are a good place to meet people because you have to communicate, just try to find your end game content which is everything for me, and join a load of different guilds until you meet people who you can communicate with and have a laugh with.


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> @"Randy Pandy.2307" said:

> hey, i feel like im not enjoying the game anymore, while this is supposed to be my fav game. here are some things im stuggleing with:


> - I have no friends who play this game and i dont like to play alone.

> - i dont know if i should buy pof .

> - i dont know which profesion and race i like to play.

> - dont know how to make fun of this game


> can someone give me some tips and help me out? thanks


It sounds like you need to step away from the game for a while


Enjoy other things and once you get the bug again come back or its time to move on and appreciate the good memories

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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Itz Jay.8941" said:

> > @"Randy Pandy.2307" said:

> > hey, i feel like im not enjoying the game anymore, while this is supposed to be my fav game. here are some things im stuggleing with:

> >

> > - I have no friends who play this game and i dont like to play alone.

> > - i dont know if i should buy pof .

> > - i dont know which profesion and race i like to play.

> > - dont know how to make fun of this game

> >

> > can someone give me some tips and help me out? thanks


> Depends what you want to do in the game. Do you want PvP, fractals, raids, open world, crafting legendaries? I do everything and just got into crafting my first legendary weapon apart from the legendary sPvP wings. You need to get a feel for what end game content is like in GW2, luckily I did so much PvP and earned so many exotic armour/weapon chests and tomes of knowledge I only had to level one character up in the open world, now I have 9 level 80's and a level 53 for opening bags. In the process of course I took each character through the HoT hero points and had a play around with them, I also played around with each in sPvP so I had a good feel for each profession.


> So the only way I can see you deciding a profession is by doing a number of things. Try them in sPvP. Check out the metabattle.com site for the best builds in sPvP and fractals. You'll see all the top streamers names for twitch on metabattle, and you can check out the gameplay of the meta builds to see if you like it. Check out the top raid builds at snowcrows.com. When you know all the builds being used in endgame, get onto youtube and find videos of them being used in raids and fractals, and find DPS bench mark videos too. Just see what you think. I play all of my characters from time to time, at the moment I main between warrior (condition banner slave, or power spellbreaker banner slave) and druid (harrier healing). I have three sets of ascended in the bank waiting (IKR, for what??), so I'll gear my next chars/builds up when I've finished unlocking the PoF specs. I like to play all the classes, else I get bored.


> As for race, well, everything but human female looks horrible to me, excluding the one male charr rev I have, but I couldn't have more than one male rev as there's only one combo of armour that looks good on him. Human female has loads of armour combos that look great. All 8 of my human females have the same face, same blonde hair and the same body shape (big hips, big ...., big ...).


> For making friends, well I made a few back in my sPvP days, when people were less toxic and you could actually have a nice chat during games. Purely made the friends through communication and they thought I was good. Got into a nice guild, but got demoted for "giving advice" to a guild member during a game, so I left the guild after getting a mouthful. Then I started doing raids not so long ago, met some really nice friends there. Then I got sick of joining training runs that had clueless commanders, so I learnt every class and build in the game and their role in raids, learnt all of the raid mechanics, and learnt certain popular strategies from players in game. Started leading my own training runs and have met some really good friends now. Raids are a good place to meet people because you have to communicate, just try to find your end game content which is everything for me, and join a load of different guilds until you meet people who you can communicate with and have a laugh with.



thanks , this will help ig :)

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I am a wee bit socially awkward/uncomfortable as I am an introvert and will not map chat "Looking for Guild." For me, the more I engaged in open content e.g. HP trains through HoT maps, WBs and RIBA, the more I met people to run with and eventually guilds to join. That said, it takes somewhat of an open mind and willingness to jump in and join in order to meet people and make friends.


With regards to race and profession, back at launch, I created 1 of each race and played each for a few zones. My least fav is the Char and I only play that character for the cultural armour. :-) This really is a personal choice and if you have character slots free, I would just play each and get to know them. Look up guides etc. Keep in mind that this is where a guild can come in handy as they can help you by answering questions. My first 80 is now parked at a crafting station as it took me a long time to figure out that Druid was more my playstyle even though I am not a fan of healing in most mmos. I went through a number of professions before someone said "hey Zush, I really think you will like Druiding, try it." So I did, and I love it. ;-)


I recommend PoF as it opens up new maps for you and the mounts. To be honest, I see your post as you not quite ready to give up, but frustrated (for lack of a better word) with certain aspects of the game and the fact that you cannot find your "butt groove" with a profession/race. The elite specs in HoT and PoF may help you narrow down the choices of profession as well. Plus, it is a good story and there are groups running bounties all the time. Plus, once you get past PoF and onto LW4, there are metas in those new maps that tend to be pretty busy.


Not sure if this helps at all, but I thought I would share a bit about what I went through. Good luck and cheers,



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Sounds like finding a good active and friendly guild could help remedy several of your concerns. Finding one may take some research. I tend to find that older established guilds tend to be the best options since they have weathered and survived the various issues that can easily doom newer guilds to fail. Once you're in a guild, the in-game chat, guild forums or other chat methods they employ should be able to help you find new things to do with other players in the guild as well as offer tips on playing or helping you to level up and so forth.

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> @"Randy Pandy.2307" said:

> hey, i feel like im not enjoying the game anymore, while this is supposed to be my fav game. here are some things im stuggleing with:


> - I have no friends who play this game and i dont like to play alone.

> - i dont know if i should buy pof .

> - i dont know which profesion and race i like to play.

> - dont know how to make fun of this game


> can someone give me some tips and help me out? thanks


Think of GW2 as a filler game.


You don't need to farm nor grind, because the game is meant for exotic geared players ( and spvp has no equip at all! ), except fractals.

If you get bored about the game, to me it's simply normal.


When this happens, find something else to do when it comes to VideoGames ( maybe just continue to do the daily login if you want to save for the future some extra golds ), and come back when there's something new!


You don't have POF yet ( i don't know about HoT ), so at least the story and the living story could give you 30/40 hours of playtime ( even more if you want to explore the new maps and train your mounts ). Also work towards in order to get a griffon is a nice idea, because it's fun to dive in the skies watching the pleebs on the ground ( joke, but it's definitely fun even if it let you skip every encounter ).


As other have suggested, there's the possibility that a guild and some friends could renew you interest in GW2, so you should definitely give it a try.

But remember also what i said at the top of my post ( about the fact that you should try to accept GW2 as a filler game ).



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