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A potential solution to "The Necro Issue"


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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > For Viper's I don't understand why you would be particularly interested in hitting the crit cap; you just kinda do it because there's no option other than Decimate Defenses. You have pretty underwhelming returns from critical strike chance; 1 bleed/3s 33% per crit isn't really impressive, and you have no Ferocity outside of Rev buff. Scourge is preferred over Reaper for Viper's builds and it smells to me like it's for a reason.


> Maybe because the power damage part of each skill still deal more damage when they crit than when they don't even without ferocity.


Also because barbed precision is a thing

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> @"nekretaal.6485" said:

> All of these bargaining posts just result in more nerfs.


> Instead, just make demands. Make the demands simple.


I whole-heartily agree with you, although I do understand why Necros do it. We (as Necro mains) do not have a particular history of being good at ... well, anything in endgame PvE (save from those _very_ niche examples) dating back from the VERY start of the game! Hell, even Revenants have been big META in raids for quite some time. Necros??? Maybe 2 weeks, before they fixed the _"bug"_! So it's not like ANet EVER listened to us, being it to: good argumentation, proof with statistical data or simple demands. They just don't listen!! So can't you imagine you would become desperate at some stage? Putting yourself in spots that you actually don't want to put yourself in, at the mere _hope_ that they maybe for once DO listen to you? Hence the bargaining!

Yes, we _should_ SHOUT for big demands, like: now its' time that for once we're going to be TOP dps with at least 10% difference compared to the other classes, we deserve it after all this time! OR: From now on we should be able to provide _the_ best support: offensive _and_ defensive to a 10-man group, at least for a while (longer than a couple of weeks) before they nerf us again. We deserve to be the absolute best of the best in Raids and Fractals NOW, because we have been the worst of the worst for so long now!

Guess what ... ANet is not going to listen!


So yea, even I say, please take away our one and only (very niche) advantage (Epi), in order to make us somewhat able to perform at least _next to_ the big guys (read: every other class out there!). It doesn't have to be with multiple viable roles, like Mesmer and Ranger do or outperforming the rest by far on a very important area, like Eles. No, we're humble, we just want you to listen to us! Please! Desperately, **please**!

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Personally, I'd adjust all of the grandmasters.


Reworked Sand Savant: (HUGE aoes)

Max Shades: 1

Enemy Targets Affected: 10

Allied Targets Affected: 10

Recharge Reduced: 20% (lower, placement matters)

Radius Increase: 180 (same size as meteor)

Range Increase: 300 (cast up to 1200 like you're an Ele)

Demerit: Shade Skills only pulse around the shade, instead of both the Necro and the Shade. (You don't get both circles, so you cant support and attack at the same time unless teammates are in melee)


Reworked Demonic Lore: (Heavy Condition Damage, Burn EVERYTHING)

Manifest Sand Shade causes burning. (only if you hit them with the summon, not with the F2-F5 skills)

Torment causes burning.

Burning causes AoE damage.


Reworked Feed from Corruption: (Boon control and sustain with power damage)

Skills that remove or corrupt boons remove or corrupt 1 additional boon.

When you remove or corrupt a boon from an enemy, gain that boon and some health.

Siphon health from enemies without boons. (Power ratio should be decent)


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