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Please make Forced Engagement unblockable


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In the upcoming wvw and pvp split Forced Engagement is to get double the cooldown for reduced energy cost.

But the real problem with this skill in competitive is not it's energy cost but very low reliability.


Compared to other "throw a hook" skills it's just below the standards:


* Dragon hunter's spear of justice is unblockable. And it's a pull - much more potent cc.

* Thief's scorpion wire has the advantage of being on a thief - he can cast it from stealth....and it's a pull

* Necro's spectral grasp grabs up to 5 targets in huge area. Oh. And it's a pull.


Meanwhile our forced engagement is a taunt (far easier to break free from, and much less potent at pulling enemy to us, especially ranged one), is blockable, and generally too often gets bloked because in group setting there's always a guard/fire brand throwing aegis around like candy.


On 10s coodown i can still understand such a setup. But on 20s cd i expect more. I expect a reliable interrupt (beucase in competitive that's what it basically is). Especially since unlike any other profession i cannot just take it off Jalis's utility bar and replace it with something better.


So please make that thing unblockable and with it actually useful for competitive use!



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Nah. Unblockable CCs are bad for the game. Honestly DH should have it removed as well. Also they changed the FE update to 15s CD ( See bens latest post ) So it's more of a direct buff now than a sidegrade.


What FE could use if anything, is adding revealed. It's super easy to outplay Jalis simply by resetting the fight with stealth due to its poor mobility.

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I initially thought that it being unblockable would be a good idea, but I don't think it needs that. I think it be healthier for it to just not count as a projectile and also for it to travel faster. The reveal idea is cool too!


Also comparing it to thief's Scorpion Wire is no good. That skill is an unreliable piece of kitten. What's that, a pebble in your path? Sorry, no pull for you!

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> Still vote for the AoE taunt that gives us a block bubble similar to guards.

> Together with a circular PbAoE inspiring reinforcements.

> I would play the kitten out of jalis if i could be an upfront face tank that can cast everthing arround him the mess with ppl.


Yeah, but do remember how terribad Rev's ranged play is. He needs some sort of fast ranged cc to score those interrupts, or break enemy boss bars in cases when we can't go face-2-face.

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