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Warrior banners


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The general idea behind warriors in a fantasy setting is that they are the ones either taking or dealing lots of damage (sometimes both). Thet are supposed to have inspirational presence on the battlefield and in GW 2 the latter is achieved through banners. Now, after proving that I am a virgin still living in my mom's cold, dark basement, let's get to the point - banners are too small!

If you play max sized norn or charr warrior like many players do, the heroes tower over their own banners. It is ridiculous because those things are supposed to be very visible, to rally people around them. For max height characters the banner is just a tiny stick with some rag on it. Is it too much to ask the banner to be scaled properly? Besides, even with increased banner size, the skill itself could use better visuals - a bit thicker pole and more distinguishable flag appearance.


Now, this game is full of glowy, shiny, often eye hurting things commonly sticking from places where you wouldn't believe. Bigger and better looking banners may actually obstruct vision and become a nuisance. If you make the flag alone a bit transparent, with some slight, non-intensive glow to underline what is on it, it will be just great.


Of course, not gonna happen, but a basement dweller can wish, right?



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> @"Warlord.9074" said:

> problem with banners are they are a poor design based on stationary fighting that doesn't work well in fluid combat. many people suggested banners should just be done away with and gave warriors an aura similar to revs that can move with the warrior.


That will make them too guardian/paladin like.

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> @"Miko.4158" said:

> banners arent great, not even see battle standard for ages, you going to revive your allies in the midst of the red circle toasting in case they were already done?


Sounds like your side is getting stomped on every fight.


In general banners in wvw setting is bad unless you drop the healing banner

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The idea to be able to carry a banner on your back with some additional benefits for the warrior himself has been around for years. Might be time to bring it back up again. This would instantly give them a spot in Spellbreaker META builds for squad play in WvW. We would even see the defensive banners you never see in PvE.

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I think the problem is more along the lines they occupy some much-needed utility slots. Powercreep really phased them out; in the core game, things like AoE boons were supposed to be difficult to get, which rewarded bringing a banner and using its skills prior to an engagement. It's not the case these days at all, and even the stat bonuses are relatively low to 25 capped might and permanent all boons which pretty much everyone brings.


If banners were strong, people would run them and just pick them up when moving and put them down to fight like they're supposed to.

It's just that warrior has no real support build potential otherwise to justify effectively not taking utility skills.


They'd have a lot of flavor as an elite spec mechanic, such as something like the Tactician, which would provide ranged support by moving banners around akin to Ventari rev, but I just don't see them being utilized in anything but slapping them down for a boss in PvE given their relatively low reward for the massive investment required.

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