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not so secret JP... Why did they put the diving goggles so hard to access?

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> @"Sonia.7910" said:

> @"ShiningSquirrel.3751" said:

> > There are usually mesmers porting the JP several times a day. If you do not see anyone advertising, either post in map chat or looking for group, there are still many players helping with this puzzle.

> Thank you very much! Hope we will find any!



Msg me anytime. As long as I'm not in an instances shouldn't be a problem. :)

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  • 3 months later...
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This JP is definitely NOT meant for rangers. I already hate jumping puzzles and this one seems just impossible. ;_; all I want is the diving achievement. Both me and my fiancé have tried for forever and I came close to crying lol. Does anyone still help out with this? I would seriously send you some black lion chests or something. I’m desperate.

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Why is it not meant for rangers? Is there any special reason? I can think of an adavantage as mesmer - if you can self port after falling down. Won't help at the harder points though if you die from falling damage. But for other classes it depends on the traits/skills you use. Walking speed increase does seem to affect the vertical jump pads that throw you forward. (And overshooting/overjumping more likely with that.) So better do disable this.


I guess pets are putting you "in combat" - but you can just stow them can't you? (Might be more a problem for necromancer with minions that can't be easily disabled when already in combat - afaik.)

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> @"Newteck.6403" said:

> It's like A-net just wanted to annoy people... All the 37 others locations for diving goggles (dive master achievement) are easy access. So why only one location is super hard to access? What's the thinking? PLZ I need help!


Hey - SOME of us were on 36 of 37 dive locations when they introduced the extra goggles...


I feel your frustration. I went from "I'll finish the achievement next time I log on" to "OMG, why am I even trying?" pretty much overnight.


Over several hours of repeated falls, I finally managed to get a mesmer to the gogggles - only to hit a pipe on the way down and die. Fortunately, a few weeks later a couple of kind souls helped me up there again, and I got it on the second or third attempt.

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It's different for different people. FWIW, I did the Not-So-Secret dive on my first try. Some was luck, some was accurate positioning at the platform, the other part was the hardest for me...not touching any movement keys during the descent. There was a really strong temptation to think, "If I just tweak this a tiny bit..." That said...the Prospect Valley Crash Site Dive site was a complete nightmare for me...I probably splatted literally 50 times before I hit that stupid miniscule bit of water at the bottom. No matter what I did, I'd either face plant on the cliff, or hit the timber just before the water. Amazingly frustrating. Point is, the relative difficulty of a given dive has a bit of subjectivity (and an element of luck) to it. Having a mesmer park at the platform for Not-So-Secret is definitely a plus though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> The worst thing about the diving goggles there is when you finally get there, and you hit something on the way down to the water... All that work...


Yes, but if you jump out right you will miss it all, with little or no adjustment as you fall :)

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> @"Kong.3280" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > The worst thing about the diving goggles there is when you finally get there, and you hit something on the way down to the water... All that work...


> Yes, but if you jump out right you will miss it all, with little or no adjustment as you fall :)


Is there a trick??? I've watched so many videos with no luck.

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> @"Kong.3280" said:

> > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > The worst thing about the diving goggles there is when you finally get there, and you hit something on the way down to the water... All that work...


> Yes, but if you jump out right you will miss it all, with little or no adjustment as you fall :)


Is there a trick??? I've watched so many videos with no luck.

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> @"Aru.4156" said:

> > @"Kong.3280" said:

> > > @"aspirine.6852" said:

> > > The worst thing about the diving goggles there is when you finally get there, and you hit something on the way down to the water... All that work...

> >

> > Yes, but if you jump out right you will miss it all, with little or no adjustment as you fall :)


> Is there a trick??? I've watched so many videos with no luck.


You can dodge off platform, but there's no fun in that. When it comes to jumping it's all a matter of where and how you jump out. Beyond that, it's practice, patience, and knowing what to do and how to do it.


When I help people get the dive done I explain exactly what to expect, where and how jump, then when ready I demonstrate the short jump off the platform. At least 75% tend to succeed on first try.

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Nowadays a Daredevil is your friend. You can use Staff 5 on almost all plattforms and thus avoid over- or undershooting. You can even bypass a few wheels but I don't recommend that as you'll NEED wheel experience later on. PP gives enough burst to clean up group targets when they interfere AND nowadays us thieves have a portal as well. So for all those struggling - give your thief a try with Daredevil and a staff. :) And use our new portal to show that thieves can be friendly too ... just make sure they don't remember to check their pockets ...

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