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Recent PvP Match Manipulation

Gaile Gray.6029

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It's great to see you finally take action.


But this is barely a punishment.


1) They can just keep doing the same thing on alts.


2) Some of these players already wintraded their titles seasons ago, removing them from the ladder barely does anything for them.


3) They get to play the game. What? That's like allowing a serial killer to roam free and slapping him with a "no killing for 3 months pls" as punishment. It's a joke.

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> You should consider permanent dishonor instead so these players never get to set foot in pvp


How will that make any difference at all after the team who got permabanned for AT fixing were allowed to play unhindered with new accounts with Anet's full endorsement?

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I been doing little pvp I know little about this but from reading the posts...just ban these players. I mean seriously a slap on the wrist won't stop them doing it again. Show them you are serious and want make the experience truly enjoyable. From new players perspective players tell me just do ranked have fun because people manipulated their way up. Might well get the goodies from the ranked chest. Just ban put the hammer down...

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> @"bluri.2653" said:

> You should consider permanent dishonor instead so these players never get to set foot in pvp


I’d rather they have a 3 months permenant dunce hat they can’t hide or take off to signify they cheated. See if they decide to wintrade after those 3 months of people generally saying “ look who it is, the wintrader” and seeing the consequences of their actions in all its glory.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> current season


>Dishonor for a period of three months




They've been doing it FOR SEVERAL SEASONS! They deserve a permanent ban. Not just permanent dishonor, but just flat out permanent ban from the game, fair and square. Make an example out of them. They've ruined so many other people's fun just for their virtual fictional little e-peens, yet the punishment is nonexistent.

This is embarrassing and frustrating all at the same time.


Also hacking. It has been rampant in this game FOR YEARS. And you've done NOTHING to solve it.

There're so many other wintraders and hackers left, so many others.

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What's the justification that ppl like Solmat and Miaz still got the title God of pvp?

Or that ppl like Tisar are not dishonored?

You just intervened now because the forums got too loud, ignoring 2 or rather even 3 seasons full of winrtading and matchmanupulating.


Also considering that Vaans did winrtade the previous seasons,as well, you can dishonor him for 9 months.

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3 months is nothing compared to the cumulative amount of time these players have wasted for others (and themselves). They're getting off lucky, and the same people will just be back in 3 months to start the routine over. In the meantime, they'll probably be replaced by different offenders that don't shout what they're doing from the rooftops.


A ban like this doesn't solve the issue at its core. Win-trading is still going to be prevalent, people are just going to be more discrete about it. Tossing out a ban to a few key-offenders every few months is a great way to make things _seem_ okay.

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> @"Bearbrunt.4196" said:

> 3 months is nothing compared to the cumulative amount of time these players have wasted for others (and themselves). They're getting off lucky, and the same people will just be back in 3 months to start the routine over. In the meantime, they'll probably be replaced by different offenders that don't shout what they're doing from the rooftops.


> A ban like this doesn't solve the issue at its core. Win-trading is still going to be prevalent, people are just going to be more discrete about it. Tossing out a ban to a few key-offenders every few months is a great way to make things _seem_ okay.


One wave of permanent bans would solve all wintrade problems , noone would risk valuable account for just title , do you understand that ?

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