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whats your main based off of something in your life??


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I have seen many "help me choose a main!" etc etc...but this one isn't asking for help but more for your reason why? and an added criteria...is your main your "main" based off of anything that is correlated with your life? like "warrior because I feel like I run on adrenaline a lot and am angry..." or revenant "I'm rev because when I play basketball I feel like I can channel historical nba stars..." things like that!


or am I the only weirdo?


leave a comment lets hear what you guys got!

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Whenever i play any game that i can create multiple characters which involve combat, i will create multiple characters that base on the same crew of my most enjoyed activity in real life. In my place we call it WARGAME, some place call it survival game... or a very similar activity, pink ball game. It is a group of player dressed in military gears, with airsoft guns, setting up fighting conditions, terms, setting up tactics and fight each other for the win. It is very similar to PvP/WvW in terms of gw2. Well, since my most enjoyed hobby is a simulation of war, wvw slowly became my most preferred game mode in gw2.


Because i have a very long history of playing wargame with a band of brothers for years, therefore, the group became the blueprint figures for my RPG, FPS, SIM games. Whenever i create a new character, after what kind of archetype i want to play, i will try to match it with one of my blueprint figures, when i find a match, i will base on that figure to create a race, appearance and name. I will have choice of weapon for the every created character, and i will stick to that weapon choice no matter it is mega or not, and i will die trying until i can make it work. If my weapon choice is not viable for a certain game mode, i will pass that game mode for that character, no harm done. I know many dude play female players, since my figure pool are mostly male, therefore, most of my characters are dude...


Do i have character that do not created following such rule? Yes definitely, especially when i failed to find a perfect match within my blueprint figure pool... What happens is, i am okay to level up such a class to lv80, fully geared.... and sit in character screen collect dust. It is because this character do not have a soul, and when i find a proper blueprint figure for the same class, i will make a new one anyway, and del the one without a soul.

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Ranger has been my main since GW: Factions.

I am well versed in survival techniques in the wild (yes even in the harsh Canadian winter) and I'm obsessed with animals of all sorts! I go hiking or camping whenever possible. Still a bit freaking out around spiders, but I've come to let them chill in my room without feeling the need to kill them or displace them.

I don't have a pet, but I keep like some 20 plants in my room of various size :)

I'm also really into astronomy and astrology as a hobby, and wasn't hoping for ranger to become Druid but here we are with a profession that's hand-tailored for me!

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Not really based on life experiences or whatever. Im a skinny dude with not much going on other than video games.. and I have mained 3 classes here so far, but since i went on a break to play Lol on the summer of 2016, and on LoL my favourite tipe of champs are the bruisers/fighters, ever since I come back to gw i allways play Warrior, and with Spellbreaker I dont think I will stop with warrior any time soon, the full counter is just like Fiora W on League and she is my fav champ so..


Idk if this helped with anything, just my experience with it.. and i honestly am happy with having taken the break, I went through the strugle of mains fot quite a while in Gw2, happy that is finally over.. well not being allways on like i used to also helped with the decition.. better have the mechanics on "point" with on class that having with none since my play time doesnt really allow me to play and learn all.classes

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My current job doesn't necessarily reflect what I main. I currently work in the medical field and I like to main healers and support characters. Although I interact with patients all day, I dont actually take care of the them...just work behind the scenes. I have a pretty warm and approachable personality IRL so perhaps there is a correlation there.

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I always play Cleric like things and have always loved it. Really like being defensive great-shield types or all-out fire and fury type clerics. I suppose it might be because I am religious and like to study religion and talk about the morality of the universe. Also my friends and I have a running joke that I am a secret religious zealot waiting for the next crusade but who knows lol. Neeless to say Im a guardian (firebrand) main.

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My mains in RPGs are always spellcasters, and most often based on elemental magic. Obviously, not based on my real life. A stylistic choice, I suppose. Using the raw elements is considered crude approach to magic in many magic systems, but I find certain elegance in its simplicity and a definite appeal in its visuals.

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I honestly didn’t expect too many people to comment on the thread but I’m glad you guys did! Fun stuff to read not gonna lie, interesting to see how others pick their “mains” especially more interesting when they try and find a relation to their personal lives!

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> @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> My current job doesn't necessarily reflect what I main. I currently work in the medical field and I like to main healers and support characters. Although I interact with patients all day, I dont actually take care of the them...just work behind the scenes. I have a pretty warm and approachable personality IRL so perhaps there is a correlation there.


behind the scenes is the most important part tho, i shadowed a heart surgeon and if it wasn't for the amazing people on the monitors operating the behind the scenes machines this poor child would have never made it. (as a gift i got him a copy of guild wars he now mains warrior lol)

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kk ill share, i hate zombies and anything creepy and un-dead. i love peace and meditation. so i main necromancer... i have a very dark personality and i listen to heavy metal because its what i grew up with, but i look soo peacefull on the outside that no one would ever think twice about the storm on the inside.

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