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amulet enrichment?

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Mea.5491" said:

> > > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > > Wouldn't you rather open up that slot for another skill instead of equipping the signet just for speed?

> >

> > **E x a c t l y** . It's why I want it as an enrichment. Sure, we have mounts but that 25% is nice to have when you're stuck in combat for a longer time, especially in meta events. I hate wasting skill/trait slots for more speed.


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Speed

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Rune_of_the_Traveler_(disambiguation)

> There you go no need for a speed enrichment


I can't use those runes because I use the Balthazar ones on my Firebrand main and I refuse to change them. I'd totally give up on my MF enrichment for 25% speed, though.

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tl;dr karma enrichments by default; keep spare amulets in the bank for special circumstances

(and some important niche cases when MF or a WvW bonus is better)



* Karma: as @"starlinvf.1358" says, primary sources for karma are events & hearts; the karma boost helps

* MF: this helps with any foe that drops loot. If you don't kill many foes, it's useless.

* Gold Find: this is not very useful, although the benefits are super hard to measure. It also only affects foes that drop loot and only when they drop raw gold instead.

* XP: in my mind, this is 100% useless. The amount of times that people with laurels-to-spare are going to need help with XP is extremely limited.


There are also two enrichments exclusive to WvW:

* WxP enrichment: great if you are starting out, because rank determines access to other rewards and how quickly you accumulate skirmish points. All-but-useless to veterans

* WxP Reward track: essential to anyone who is working on any goal in WvW, especially Gifts of Battle.



I recommend the following:

* Keep extra amulets in the bank: one with MF, one with Karma, and one with WxP reward track (if you wvw)

* Outfit your toons with karma, except for those who farm events with loot-bearing foes in droves (they get MF)


It is rarely the case that someone ends up saying, "Oops, I wish I had 20% more MF for the last week," but I see posts all the time where someone wishes they had more karma saved up

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> Magic Find enrichment is the only one worth while. Experience is not very interesting because you now get empowerment. Karma isn't interesting because it doesn't affect Karmic Retribution.


Saddly im finding the karma one more worthwhile due to needing Obi shards and trying to unlock all the cultural weapon skins+karma minis and backpacks and it does affect all the events you do, and the new maps have a ton of events, of which..not everyone of those events has mobs that drop loot which makes MF less effective.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > Magic Find enrichment is the only one worth while. Experience is not very interesting because you now get empowerment. Karma isn't interesting because it doesn't affect Karmic Retribution.


> Saddly im finding the karma one more worthwhile due to needing Obi shards and trying to unlock all the cultural weapon skins+karma minis and backpacks and it does affect all the events you do, and the new maps have a ton of events, of which..not everyone of those events has mobs that drop loot which makes MF less effective.


I'd probably agree with you if I didn't have more karma than I'd know what to do with. No idea what to do with 14,000,000 karma. The PoF maps really make you a ton of karma FAST. Like I said, to me, the karma emrichment has outlived it's usefulness. Just farm the Season 4 maps and you'll make more karma than you know what to do with.


Haven't even claimed this yet... ![](https://image.ibb.co/mD5SRz/Naamloos123.png "")


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> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > > Magic Find enrichment is the only one worth while. Experience is not very interesting because you now get empowerment. Karma isn't interesting because it doesn't affect Karmic Retribution.

> >

> > Saddly im finding the karma one more worthwhile due to needing Obi shards and trying to unlock all the cultural weapon skins+karma minis and backpacks and it does affect all the events you do, and the new maps have a ton of events, of which..not everyone of those events has mobs that drop loot which makes MF less effective.


> I'd probably agree with you if I didn't have more karma than I'd know what to do with. No idea what to do with 14,000,000 karma. The PoF maps really make you a ton of karma FAST. Like I said, to me, the karma emrichment has outlived it's usefulness. Just farm the Season 4 maps and you'll make more karma than you know what to do with.


> Haven't even claimed this yet... ![](https://image.ibb.co/mD5SRz/Naamloos123.png "")



Well, i still need..half the asura weapons, all the human, norn and sylvari ones(all tier 3, so 63k a piece.), all the minis from all the new LW maps and POF maps. that 14 million karma would be gone very quickly xD But yea, if you have all that unlocked and dont need obi shards its more or less useless.

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> @"Mazreal Blackknight.1564" said:

> For pve its always Karma my MF is maxed so I don't need that. But I also have another amulet that has my WvW Reward Track infusion.


Amulet enrichment is not affected by your account mag find. If you have 300% it will get you 320%

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