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Why reaper arent viable in wvw roaming (analysis)


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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Phoenix the One.4071" said:

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > I am not a necro player so can't say I know what the spec needs, but from the outside, it seems like they are still putting the spec into a box that requires a pocket support. One of the most puzzling balance changes in my eyes was adding perma-quickness in shroud onto Reaper's Onslaught. I actually detest this change because it trivializes quickness access (which should be a hard to access boon) and further makes it a melee powerhouse while doing nothing to address what makes the class struggle. To me this was a bandaid fix just like overtuning axe 2's damage. When I play soulbeast I feel for the poor reaper players because of how kiteable they are. There are only a couple that have blown me away with their wurm and walk usage and actually do pretty darn well given their disadvantage. With that said, I think that if they did ever give reaper more mobility, they would also need to tune down its damage. This is part of what balances it, but also part of what makes it not so well-rounded. A highly mobile reaper would be way too oppressive. And yes, with this change, other specs (like Mirage, Soulbeast, Holo, Firebrand) would need to be tuned down as well.

> > >

> > > Again, just my opinion from the outside.

> >

> > I live the perma-quickness, feels so good TO USE.

> > But not to have... it feels like I have to build around the shroud :/

> > I think the 15% even 20% extra attack speed would be fine.. even better? Why not just perma swiftness and just increase the overall attack speed for the attacks with 15-20%?

> >

> > Always hated attackspeed and CD reduction traits, as I feel these are such great QoL, and just be a part of the weapon.

> > Traits are for game changing, and funny effects imo.

> >

> > So yeah perma-quickness is over the top xD


> Then you need to hardnerf holo and soulbeast as well. They also have great Access to quickness while not being locked into a shroud or forced to build around the shroud.


> > And a bandaid.

> > Give us 15-20% more attspeed in reaper (without trait).

> > And move relentless pursuit to grandmaster, and add perma? Or semi perma swiftness in Shroud. (Bam mobility)

> >

> > Put Soul Eater to major adept (lets you chose between shout or GS focus).

> > Replace major master with Reaper’s onslaught, on hit cripple target in 2 sec 8 sec (cd), striking a movement impaired foe grants 3% Life-force.

> >

> >




Holosmith and Soulbeast need to be reigned in (as do several others) but not due to access to quickness outside of shroud (since they lack the mechanic). However, I'm not sure why they are relevant to this conversation. What other professions have doesn't really have much bearing on what Necromancer should have. Other professions will never be balanced in the same fashion that Necromancer does simply due to the fact that they have differing mechanics. The same is true across the board. They aren't going to balance Revenant the same way they balance Warrior since Warrior lacks Legends and Legend swap.

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