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Redeeming IG whatever... is probably the WORST collection ever....


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> @"JoeBob Riggs.9136" said:

> I waited for the fishing event for 5 hours.. I did the rest of the collection well under that time. Also I read you can't complete Aurora now either.. Sad state.


Have you looked for the NPC where the race starts? People have been claiming that they’re there.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"JoeBob Riggs.9136" said:

> > I waited for the fishing event for 5 hours.. I did the rest of the collection well under that time. Also I read you can't complete Aurora now either.. Sad state.


> Have you looked for the NPC where the race starts? People have been claiming that they’re there.


Yeah, refer to:


NPCs are sometimes bugged though; browsing through different maps helps though.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"JoeBob Riggs.9136" said:

> > I waited for the fishing event for 5 hours.. I did the rest of the collection well under that time. Also I read you can't complete Aurora now either.. Sad state.


> Have you looked for the NPC where the race starts? People have been claiming that they’re there.


NPC indeed has a dialogue there BUT it duns to the fishing meta automatically and event trigger is on event spawn or it bugs out and stands near WP with event activation icon, but no interaction to be made.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > The idea to wait for events to pop up was a bad decision anyway. I always hated it. It's not fun at all. Never understood why they do that.


> Because they never created proper questing system and are trying to compensate with collections now.


What is meant by "proper questing system"? Because as I sit here thinking about it, it would seem that all of the elements that make up a basic questing format are not only present, but are handled far better here than in the vast majority of MMOs I've played.


For one thing, when you enter a heart zone, for example only, you don't have to worry that there are 20 people doing the same quest and that, if it requires you to kill x number, or gather x number of things, that you won't be able to complete. If you can get one of whatever condition, you're golden. It's like they're encouraging working together to accomplish things, w/out forcing the issue. As an aside here, it's a big relief to not have to race for crafting nodes too, because in other MMOs, if someone hits it just as you're walking up to it, you're hosed. Here, you can gather it as well, and I've seen as many as 5 people on a node at one time. In other MMOs, it's first come, first serve.


Events work in much the same way, you don't even have to really participate, except that if it's "kill x mob" and you want a drop, you're going to have to hit x mob at least a little bit. In other MMOs, this kind of thing leads to something called kill stealing, where you may not be able to out dps the party that shows up and takes your boss, and you're just out in the cold, waiting for a respawn. It's a lot less competition for PvE objectives, and more like cooperation for those objectives, and that's a refreshing change from other MMOs.


So what is it that you mean by "proper questing system"? As it stands, this belief that you hold seems to be more of the actual problem than a bugged event. It's obvious, by the post quoted here that you simply don't like the system, and took an opportunity to bash it, especially reading through the comments that have been posted since our last exchange in this topic.

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I did not mind having to do collections for this item however it was the alternate 'time gating' of events trying to figure out if and when they might spawn and waiting around sometimes for hours only to find out your ip was bugged that made this frustrating. For some events it was hard to figure out what might trigger the event. (and yes, I checked the wiki to make sure first) It felt like sheer luck to get in the right place at the right time when some of these events finally showed up.

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> About half-way through the 'recording' collection. Ugh. Serpent's Ire will be the worst. But, overall, I've found the community very helpful calling out and leading these quests.


> Thank God for that.


I myself am down to two recordings.

Serpent Ire, which I failed multiple times already. The difficulty of that one is kinda stupid... The worst part is that without this one Im carrying 12... TWELVE!!!! fucking recordings in my inventory....

And the Fishing event. From what I see people wait for 3-4 hours for this crap so I have low hopes of ever completing this one...

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> The collection itself isn't bad, but the fact they used bugged events for this is unacceptable. It feels like they learned nothing from legendary collections (which btw to this day are bugged).


> However... the most annoying thing that triggered me instantly is **THE REQUIREMENT OF DOING SERPENT'S IRE AGAIN**. I did this event 3 times already, never because I wanted or liked it but because it was tied to collections and achievement. I hate this event and everything it represents.


I think Serpent's Ire was the best part of the collection. The only event that takes some effort to complete and also has a reasonable chance to fail.


30min before Serpent's Ire started I created a squad and advertised it on lfg. Went pretty smooth with some organisation.

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> @"Aerinndis.2730" said:

> I did not mind having to do collections for this item however it was the alternate 'time gating' of events trying to figure out if and when they might spawn and waiting around sometimes for hours only to find out your ip was bugged that made this frustrating. For some events it was hard to figure out what might trigger the event. (and yes, I checked the wiki to make sure first) It felt like sheer luck to get in the right place at the right time when some of these events finally showed up.


That's my issue with these kind of collections in general, it is sheer luck; when you get to a map there's generally speaking no way to tell whether the one event you want is just about to spawn or has just finished.


So because you're trying to do your collection you end up hanging around waiting. Waiting around for an event that spawns once an hour or so, may have just ended or may even be bugged is not fun.


At least Serpent's Ire is on a timer, it's just a shame it has such a long winded pre and a high chance of failure due to the fact that it deviates so far from the tactics required in the rest of the game.

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I agree, been waiting a lot for this collection; plus all the bugs, omg, fishing was terrible.

But, I also got tired of all the ppl just sitting on a spot too, you know, doing nothing, waiting for other ppl to do pre just cause they're lazy or don't bother to look if the event had a pre or trigger npc.

BTW, the required fail on one desert event was REALLY bad. Please don't do that.

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> @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > @"Theocraft.6053" said:

> > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > Odd. Other than one event which got temp fixed, I was able to do all of the other events within a few hours. It should be even easier now as more people have unlocked that collection than last Saturday.

> > >

> > > Considering that it’s an optional collection for “free” ascended backpack, with a unique skin, I’d consider whatever time spent to be well worth it.

> >

> > I agree. Mostly on that this is free. And optional.


> How does it justify lack of testing and progression blocking bugs?


It doesn't, but ArenaNet can only test for so many possibilities, the player base in any game will do things that NO one ever expected, which is why events bug out...we've done thousands of things that weren't even considered and many of the bugs then end up being outliers and hard to reproduce...but I bet that thought never crossed your mind.


**This is an OPPTIONAL achievement, it's NOT required for anything other than an ascended backpack skin(even if it leads to a Legendary item, which is also OPTIONAL).**

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Theocraft.6053" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > Odd. Other than one event which got temp fixed, I was able to do all of the other events within a few hours. It should be even easier now as more people have unlocked that collection than last Saturday.

> > > >

> > > > Considering that it’s an optional collection for “free” ascended backpack, with a unique skin, I’d consider whatever time spent to be well worth it.

> > >

> > > I agree. Mostly on that this is free. And optional.

> >

> > How does it justify lack of testing and progression blocking bugs?


> It doesn't, but ArenaNet can only test for so many possibilities, the player base in any game will do things that NO one ever expected, which is why events bug out...we've done thousands of things that weren't even considered and many of the bugs then end up being outliers and hard to reproduce...but I bet that thought never crossed your mind.


> **This is an OPPTIONAL achievement, it's NOT required for anything other than an ascended backpack skin(even if it leads to a Legendary item, which is also OPTIONAL).**


AFAIK the particular event of freeing refugees in mine has been reported since shortly after PoF release. You can say their testing capabilities are limited, but this is just event not working. There is nothing magical happening here or unique. The event doesn't work.


An argument that "it's optional" doesn't work. Everything beyond story mode (also broken in some cases) is optional. Gear is optional. Skills and traits are optional. Raids, fractals, pvp, wvw - these are all optional things. How is this an argument?

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > @"Theocraft.6053" said:

> > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > Odd. Other than one event which got temp fixed, I was able to do all of the other events within a few hours. It should be even easier now as more people have unlocked that collection than last Saturday.

> > > >

> > > > Considering that it’s an optional collection for “free” ascended backpack, with a unique skin, I’d consider whatever time spent to be well worth it.

> > >

> > > I agree. Mostly on that this is free. And optional.

> >

> > How does it justify lack of testing and progression blocking bugs?


> It doesn't, but ArenaNet can only test for so many possibilities, the player base in any game will do things that NO one ever expected, which is why events bug out...we've done thousands of things that weren't even considered and many of the bugs then end up being outliers and hard to reproduce...but I bet that thought never crossed your mind.


> **This is an OPPTIONAL achievement, it's NOT required for anything other than an ascended backpack skin(even if it leads to a Legendary item, which is also OPTIONAL).**


What kind of argument is "it's optional" ???

Everything in this game is optional... playing this game is optional...

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> @"Vova.2640" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Kheldorn.5123" said:

> > > > @"Theocraft.6053" said:

> > > > > @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > > > > Odd. Other than one event which got temp fixed, I was able to do all of the other events within a few hours. It should be even easier now as more people have unlocked that collection than last Saturday.

> > > > >

> > > > > Considering that it’s an optional collection for “free” ascended backpack, with a unique skin, I’d consider whatever time spent to be well worth it.

> > > >

> > > > I agree. Mostly on that this is free. And optional.

> > >

> > > How does it justify lack of testing and progression blocking bugs?

> >

> > It doesn't, but ArenaNet can only test for so many possibilities, the player base in any game will do things that NO one ever expected, which is why events bug out...we've done thousands of things that weren't even considered and many of the bugs then end up being outliers and hard to reproduce...but I bet that thought never crossed your mind.

> >

> > **This is an OPPTIONAL achievement, it's NOT required for anything other than an ascended backpack skin(even if it leads to a Legendary item, which is also OPTIONAL).**


> What kind of argument is "it's optional" ???

> Everything in this game is optional... playing this game is optional...


It simply means that not doing it will not have any impact on you elsewhere in the game.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> **This is an OPPTIONAL achievement, it's NOT required for anything other than an ascended backpack skin(even if it leads to a Legendary item, which is also OPTIONAL).**


That's redundant as everything in this game is optional. You don't have to do anything.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> Which recording requires a failed event?


He's talking about the gatekeepers in Desert Highlands. That's a myth and incorrect. That part can just take hours, but I assure you . . . failure is not required. That event will eventually spawn despite another event being spawned near on top of the former.


I know because I and a huge group waited. We got it without failure. And I now have the ascended backpiece. ?


Good luck everyone!

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> @"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > Which recording requires a failed event?


> He's talking about the gatekeepers in Desert Highlands. That's a myth and incorrect. That part can just take hours, but I assure you . . . failure is not required. That event will eventually spawn despite another event being spawned near on top of the former.


> I know because I and a huge group waited. We got it without failure. And I now have the ascended backpiece. ?


> Good luck everyone!


Maybe some maps just bug out then. I waited for 2h+ hours with a group of other peoples and nothing happened

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I think a lot of frustration is happening because events are taking so long to spawn and there is little to no information for some of them as to whether you have to find an NPC somewhere to get it started or if it just happens periodically. The Gate Keeper one is a prime example. The Wiki shows the assault the mordred encampment where you have to talk to NPC Second Lieutenant Sefu who is suppose to be with Scout Kamara. When I was looking for the event I needed I checked the wiki and figured based on what I was seeing that most likely the first event (the assault) had to spawn and most likely fail in order for there to be hostages and gate keepers. Based on other events in the past you would think that would be true.Turns out neither are apparently connected to one another even though they do follow each other. I guess Anet decided to do it this way so that it was not gated behind a failed event which really is not a bad thing since we have been complaining about things being gated behind failed events.


When I was looking for Lt. Sefu and Scout Kamara I went all over the area and never found them and this was across several days and IPs. The one event I finally stumbled into someone must have found him and got the first event started. The whole time it was going on no one there knew if the event needed to succeed or fail so we decided to let it fail just in case since most of us had waited days to find the event we needed. So I can see folk being frustrated with lack of knowledge when an event might spawn and how often and if it is actually connected to the event that happens just before it. I also realize a lot of these maps are new and it will take some time for the wiki to catch up.

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