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Fishing Event (Redeeming IG-6417) bugged [merged]

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After the week long time gated period of having to install the other components IG-6417 refuses to accept the final module necessary to complete the achievement.


After having acquired an "Inquest password" then installing the following modules over the next 7 literal days time-gate MV-337, GP-739, HR-874, ZN-290, JT-609 and KL-411 the golem in Sandswept Isle by name of IG-6417 located south west of the POI lab sigma-5 refuses to accept the Module XD-356 EVEN AFTER having taken it to Hero-Tron in lion's arch to get the "Revised Module XD-356"


As a result the item sits dead in the inventory unable to be turned in nor the achievement to be completed.


Speaking to IG-6417 only results in the dialog "Error: Systems diagnostics failure. Software Model XD-356 corrupt."

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Same. I have the revised module and it doesn't work.


I hope they fix this before the META in Istan that is necessary to do dies (again).


Update: OK, seem's I had to visit the broken golem first, then visit hero tron, then go back to the broken golem. As per [this post](

"this post") on reddit, if you go to hero tron without talking to the broken golem first it breaks the quest chain.


I had to go and get another module and then it worked fine.

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As many know by now, the fishing event in Sandswept Isles has got to be bugged. People (including myself) have spent hours sitting at their screen waiting for it to pop. We've had people on 15+ different maps, with tons of variables. It seems as if only a fresh map can trigger this event, and after it ends it can't respawn. Please fix this. There and tons of people waiting to finish this event as their last Mark Y collection piece.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Did you speak to the NPC that starts the event?


The NPCs are bugged. Teyrna (the child) never goes up to Kel (the fish seller). The child is always standing by the water or next to Kel, but never interacts with Kel. Their interaction is supposed to trigger the option to start the event. I've attempted talking to both. Kel has no interact button. The child does, but the interact yields nothing; they say and do nothing and remain in place.

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I've been in a squad trying to get this event to spawn for hours today, and for several hours last night. We've tried everything we can think of to get it working. We've spread out across several IPs, we've tried zerging to force a new IP, we've done the meta, let the meta rest, tried day, night, rain, no rain. We can't get Teyrna to talk to Kel at all.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey everyone,

Thank you for your reports. This event was temporarily disabled last night due to an element in the event causing a server crash. We missed some steps that would have helped us in getting this messaged out to the community. We know that this will block many of you from being able to complete the collection for a bit, but we hope to have a fix out with our next release. We apologize for failing to get this information to you sooner and thank you for your patience while we work on getting this fixed asap.

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That's great Dara, thanks so much for letting us know!


I'll watch for people asking about this in game but it'd be good if you guys had a way of communicating these things to players in-game in order to reduce player frustration.


Maybe something like an interact-able object like a sign-post on the beach that pops up a message. If that's too awkward then maybe send people an in game mail about these issues.

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Thanks, Dara. Yeah the communication is really frustrating though. Many people, including myself, waited for hours yesterday; stayed up especially late hoping it would come up. Not only that, but now many people are stuck with 9+ inventory slots taken up by modules you can't input until after you turn in the fishing recording. Ideally it wouldn't be bugged, but the majority of player frustration is definitely in lack of communication. It's been days of people sitting and waiting. Also, what constitutes a release? Would it be lumped in with a bug fix quick patch, or would we have to wait weeks/months for the next large release? :(

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so in bug report it gives option for blocking progress why not mass send out the item to all those on the final part with a sorry in the in game mail cause asking us to wait for two and a half months when its a fishing event , why did a fishing event get tied to a meta event in the first place , cant the fix just be to have the fishing even spawn every 10-15minutes as its not like people wanna fish we want an inquest robot back pack lol

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isnt there away to fix it like the old nevermore bug where you just redo a working event twice to get the item @"Dara Potocska.8196" or even just take it out the collection full stop and you guys fix the event when ever and the community can move on cause people arnt there to wanna fish my self im happy to just be mailed the item or redo the gathering storms meta event, kill all the bounties on the map again ,even kill all bounties on all the POF maps ,even play through the whole story start to end than wait two n half months lol

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> @"Greyling.4768" said:

> I assume the next release would coincide with the Super Adventure Box festival that starts around April 1. That's two weeks away, give or take. Festivals start without having to patch them in now, so I don't know if that counts.


Could be Tuesday.

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> @"PeskieDoodle.7824" said:

> isnt there away to fix it like the old nevermore bug where you just redo a working event twice to get the item @"Dara Potocska.8196" or even just take it out the collection full stop and you guys fix the event when ever and the community can move on cause people arnt there to wanna fish my self im happy to just be mailed the item or redo the gathering storms meta event, kill all the bounties on the map again ,even kill all bounties on all the POF maps ,even play through the whole story start to end than wait two n half months lol


I got lost after the first line. There were a lot of bugs in this A Bug In The System. They are working to solve them, sooner or later (https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231272908-Known-Issue-Tracker). I guess the storyline has the priority (I waited 1 week before starting it, 'cause I was sure that something might have been bugged). I'm also waiting for the fishing event and the 3 golems, but let's be patient a bit.

Good thing that some player posted a group in LFG saying "Fishing event temporarily disabled", yesterday, so at least many of us avoided to wait for nothing (not all of us check the forum everyday).

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> @"Dara Potocska.8196" said:

> Hey everyone,

> Thank you for your reports. This event was temporarily disabled last night due to an element in the event causing a server crash. We missed some steps that would have helped us in getting this messaged out to the community. We know that this will block many of you from being able to complete the collection for a bit, but we hope to have a fix out with our next release. We apologize for failing to get this information to you sooner and thank you for your patience while we work on getting this fixed asap.


Hey Dara,

your info is greatly appreciated (avoiding unnecessary waiting time).

But is there a specific reason this one never appeared on the known issue tracker? (https://help.guildwars2.com/hc/en-us/articles/231272908-Known-Issue-Tracker)

Should someone file an ingame bug report to get it on the issue tracker's list?


--Aloha, Mascaren.

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I really hope the fix comes this Tuesday, so that I can get this over with. The whole collection is not that well thought through to begin with. The fishing event recording is the only one missing for me, but I can't even run around holding the recording device, because every time I play with a different alt char I get a duplicate of a recording I already have (even ones I have already turned in) and waste one device. And until this is fixed all the recordings I can't turn in yet just take up inventory space, quite a lot of it actually.

Please do not do another collection after this pattern again until you have worked out these kinks, Anet. It is really a completely unnecessary bother.

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@"Galeskyring.9617" you were too fast. As you went to arc of lion before trying to give the regular version to Ig. Now in your bag you don t have it any more. Revised one isn t the regular one.

To solve go again take the old one ( i hope you still have the passeword) with the 2 in your bag it will work. I know cause i made same mistake

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