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PvP/WvW Skill Split Release – Part 2

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Urejt.5648" said:

> Anet forgot to nerf imba engineer auto-passive-dmg trait: "static discharge"


Definitely not an auto passive damage trait. considering a lot of the skills that utilize this are not targetable skills, static discharge fails to hit targets when using said skills because, again, the toolbelt skills themselves do not target enemies. so only skills useful for this is:

tool kit toolbelt

rifle turret toolbelt

photon wall toolbelt

ram head toolbelt

goggles toolbelt

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Elementalist Fresh Air changes are hurting the viability of multiple staff & sword/dagger lighting rod builds & potentially others, I understand being able to attune to air twice can proc electric discharge twice as a weaver, but you seriously aren't considering that fresh air ele & weaver are seriously bottom of the barrel in sustain & damage mitigation, and rely almost completely on kiting to survive in a competitive environment.


keep the damage shave on plasma beam - and either reduce the damage shave on electric discharge to 10-15% or remove the proposed nerf completely. nerfing core fresh air ele's AND weavers is not fair by any stretch. this is an extreme knee jerk shave to a spec that is already mediocre and niche in competitive play with extremely limited group utility & self sustain.


i mean seriously we're playing a spec with 1888 base armor and 11645 base health. Rock Barrier, Obsidian Skin, & Twist of Fate are extremely useful tools for survival, but (except for rock barrier) all have extremely high cool-downs that are only usable once per engagement at most really. the build HAS to practically destroy it's enemy before they know what hit them otherwise it's game over for the fresh air elementialist.


We have the lowest EHP, sustain

mediocre healing, condi cleanse,

middle of the pack mobility & AOE cleave arguably.

& high end SINGLE target DPS, which completely falls off if targeted or being pressured.


I'm just asking you to consider the severe trade-off in sustain & limited scope of use of fresh air elementalist has to live with when they decide to use this trait setup. FA ele NEEDS this high damage to stay somewhat viable.

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> @"Solori.6025" said:

> > @"Ragion.2831" said:

> > Soothing bastion. Lol please stop trolling Rev, it was funny for the first 6 months, now its getting old.

> >

> > This is supposed to be a grandmaster trait. That used to mean something

> >

> > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > @"Honor.1982" said:

> > > > to me it looks like you havent even attempted to read the communities posts and went ahead with with what you already had planned.

> > > >

> > > > btw thanks for the dagger buffs on necro while ruining power/support scourge

> > >

> > > Oh they did read the communities post.

> > >

> > > All the" nerf this/ Its OP " threads are well represented in this list

> > >

> > > --Feedback--

> > >

> > > Your goal to increase the viability of other builds falls so short it's appalling.

> > >

> > > You can not do a blanket nerf to one build without effecting others.

> > > You are not making more builds viable by nerfing one powerful build and then doing nothing to make other builds desirable.

> > > All you do is shift classes out of the meta entirely, while promoting the next best classes.

> > >

> > > You pattern for years has been as far as what has been OP or over represented in competative environments goes something like this.

> > >

> > > Too much damage--

> > > Your response is to nerf damage

> > >

> > > Too much support-

> > > You nerf support and leave damage in subpar levels

> > >

> > > Too much condi-

> > > You nerf condi and then buff power damage and support

> > >

> > > Repeat:

> > >

> > > Over and over and over again.

> > >

> > > Remember the first year of this game.

> > > too much damage-

> > >

> > > damage was nerfed-

> > >

> > > Cele bunkers become dominant-

> > >

> > > you nerf cele bunkers

> > >

> > > Condi mesmers become dominant-

> > > you nerf mes

> > >

> > > warr does too much damage now-

> > > you nerf war

> > >

> > > guardian does too much support-

> > >

> > > nerf guard-

> > >

> > > thief does too much condi-

> > >

> > > you nerf theif.

> > >

> > > repeat with different classes.

> > >

> > >

> > > At some point. Someone needs to break this cycle,

> > > When you nerf things, you need to look closer at the interactions of the class and make sure you are not simultaneously killing the class and ALL builds it could have.

> > > You need to not listen to every nerf me thread and instead try getting in the game, playing with the change.

> > > Even opening up a beta weekend and letting players play with the changes is much much better then totally leaving us with a broken meta for 6 more months.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > I'm sorry but this makes no sense. Its almost like this is the first multiplayer game you've played.

> sometimes I wish it was, would have saved a lot in sub fees.

> Please though be more specific about what doesn't make sense.

> Are you confused with the request?

> Are you confused with the pattern?

> What could be dumbed down so that it is easier for you to comprehend?


The entire comment is off

> >This is how balancing works.


> >Something becomes oppressive, it gets nerfed to give players more gameplay options.



> This is the issue.

> It doesn't give you more gameplay options, in fact it does the EXACT opposite.


> It jumps from one class being oppressive to the next.

> Is this the first time you have been in this game dealing with these repeat balance changes?


I'm referring to the point of balancing in general. Im not talking about what Gw2 does or doesnt do.

> > The entire point of this Nerf campaign is so we dont all have to live and die by the meta. Dont know what you mean by "leaving us with a broken meta"

> Read the history of Spvp from 2012. OR

> Ask your friendly neighborhood spvp vet about the repeat in the meta we have had since 2012.


> Research is easy when you actually try.


You have to read history patches, I was there. 2012 was a completely different era. Using old skills and mechanics to guess what builds will be meta is illogical.

> >We dont know what the meta is going to be after all the changes.

> It repeats usually so we most certainly do.


You dont seem to know what meta is. Meta are builds community has decided are the most efficient at being successful. They are builds. The builds we have now didnt exist back then which I guess you didnt gather from the history patch notes. You seem to be referring to playstyles (bunker, offense and support) when its the builds that make playstyles possible.

> Here I'll help you.

> If you nerf damage and don't nerf the ability for people to bunker points what is going to be op ?


> Again, you would know this if you researched it.

> Or experienced it for 6 years






I already said this several days ago that nerfing coefficients could potentially cause a rise in bunker builds so you are quite late. I didnt say this was definitely going to happen because a number of things are different. We also do not know exactly how much damage everyone is losing because we cannot visualize a damage nerf on this scale. So for all we know there might still be just enough damage to keep bunkers in check.


More importantly, i gave a solution not ramble on with no rhyme or reason. Damage cannot stay the way it is but we cant go back to bunker, so the only way is to make bunkers impossible by removing tanky amulets and then normalizing the damage and healing numbers so people arent getting one shotted.


It is a rookie move to be evaluating future meta builds when we dont know exactly what damage will look like. All we have are a bunch of numbers. Every so often you always have players simplifying combat down to DPS, then they have to be reminded that combat is a lot more complicated than how much damage you are doing.


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- Nerfing the damage on staff autoattack is really unnecessary, pls either revert this or give something in return for staff #2 and #4.

- Instead of increasing the Cooldown on CA, nerf the traits that are influenced by this, ergo Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow.

- I like the buffs on Axe

- I get the nerf on Grace of the Land, but I think the trait becomes pretty weak now, especially since the cooldown on CA goes up. You should give something extra to this trait or make it less reliant on CA in general.

- Might stacking hasnt really been an issue I think for ranger in PvP since the nerf on the zephyrs speed trait, so I don't get why you are so bothered by nerfing might on ranger (except for Grace of the Land).




- Increasing the heal per pulse of Well of Blood by 75% seems very high.

- Im curious about the Signet of Undeath buff. I don't know how this will work out yet, but seems quite (a bit too) powerful.

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> Why is this in spvp form only it would be nice to get the wvw point of view.


> Any way i see nothing to fix classes or deal with underline balancing problems just numbers adjustments no real effects updates.


Same problems in wvw just on a much bigger scale they just stack up scourges and arrow carts. Then start turning the buttons and see who wins. So yeah nothing game changing just minor statistical changes is what they are proposing unless they have been doing something else they haven't told us about yet but very doubtful being that for pvp and wvw some elite specs just need a complete redesign to even begin to work in either game mode.

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Please stop skill split worlds vs world/player vs player. I feel world vs world should get the same skill splits as player vs players. Make then me same, and please do something about those over powered ranger pets, I keep getting killed by some bunker rangers pet that is hitting me for 4-5k while ranger just tanks everything and heals and ccs you the whole time.

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I totally forgot to bring something important up for the **Necromancers**.

#add blast finisher to Necromancer’s warhorn

**Necromancers** have no reliable *blast* finishers.

>30th April 2013:

>[Call to Arms](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_to_Arms "") is now a blast finisher.


>23rd July 2013:

>[Call of the Wild](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Call_of_the_Wild "") is now a blast finisher.


>23rd October 2015:

>[sand Squall](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sand_Squall "") has been added to the game.


>March 2018(?):

>[Wail of Doom](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wail_of_Doom "") is now a blast finisher.


You really should add at least *one* blast finisher to one of the two **Necromancers’** warhorn skills. Although I’d prefer *both*, [Wail of Doom](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wail_of_Doom "") *and* [Locust Swarm](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Locust_Swarm ""), to count as *blast* finishers, since the **Necromancer** still lacks finishers at all.

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About time the patch got a release date coming I have been waiting. One thing though....Player vs Player is and World vs World are very similar. I think Player vs Player and World vs World all should be same skill splits. I think you could honest argue that in world vs world everything is even more op because if you have already lot sustain threw traits and if your running with another 10 players then you just become unkillable . I am new may not know much but every damage build I have ran into has lot auto traits going off and it's sad. I looked into my combat log once and warrior threw 1 axe and Air Sigil ,Loss of Aversion, Nourishment all hit me in the background taking my health from 10,000 to 0. Guy was fighting was extremely tank and basically didn't lose any hp and when did he regained 2% per sec and was up full hp. I am sure he had million traits going at once....least putting the cool downs like in the pvp section would help

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > Is this just a consolidated list of the previous 2 posts within the last one?


> Yeah.


Would it be safe to assume that every 2 weeks, we'd receive another revision of the balance changes?


When would the final iteration be?

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Defy Pain: Increased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Last Stand: Increased the cooldown from 40 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Shrug it Off: Increased the cooldown from 25 seconds to 60 seconds in PvP only

Dead or Alive: Increased the cooldown from 30 seconds to 60 seconds in PvP only



Eye for an Eye: Increased the cooldown from 45 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Versed in Stone: Increased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Soothing Bastion: Increased the cooldown from 25 seconds to 60 seconds in PvP only



Instant Reflexes: Increased the cooldown from 40 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Pain response: Increased the cooldown from 16 seconds to 40 seconds in PvP only

Hard to Catch: Increased the cooldown from 45 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only



Stoneform: Increased the cooldown from 70 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Shared Anguish: Increased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Protective Ward: Increased the cooldown from 18 seconds to 30 seconds in PvP only

Refined Toxins: Increased the cooldown from 5 seconds to 15 seconds in PvP only

Rugged Growth: Reduced healing coefficient contribution by 50% in PvP only

Grace of the Land: Reduced the number of Might stacks applied from 3 to 2 in PvP only

Fortifying Bond: Reduced duration of shared Might stacks from 10 seconds to 5 seconds in PvP only

"We Heal as One!:" Reduced duration of copied Might stacks from 10 seconds to 5 seconds in PvP only

Fresh Reinforcement: Reduced shared Might duration 10 seconds to 5 seconds in PvP only



Protection Injection: Increased the cooldown from 10 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP only

Self-Regulating Defenses: Increased the cooldown from 75 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Reactive Lenses: Increased the cooldown from 40 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only



Protection Injection: Increased the cooldown from 10 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP only

Self-Regulating Defenses: Increased the cooldown from 75 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Reactive Lenses: Increased the cooldown from 40 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only



Mirror of Anguish: Increased cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only



Reaper's Protection: Increased the cooldown from 60 seconds to 90 seconds in PvP only

Last Gasp: Increased the cooldown from 50 seconds to 75 seconds in PvP only


Make it apply to world vs world too, I don't understand why world vs world is different to player vs player. I have played guild wars since launch and never have I seen

traits auto triggering. It is ridiculous how many of there traits allow players to not only not play attention while playing the class but lot the traits allow you to be in full offence mode while not carrying about the damage. I have endure pain I can go full rage mode step into AoE take the power damage like no big deal. The auto triggers when you get CC are pretty annoying. Any new player I can see how you need this if your first starting off but soon they get a little since and start to learn the build then they just talk smack to you in pvp even if your skill level is better. Top all that any vet player that's played the class know the ropes alright and willing to play that auto traits just becomes unstoppable. There are lot warriors I have seen fighting 3 people with full hp bar in world vs world while damaging all them significantly.


Note: There are traits in Warrior,Guardian,Revenant, Thief and Necromancer allowing you to get 50% critical chance under a condition. Allowing you to build full tanky, with damage and defensive stats. You shouldn't be able to have best both worlds, just make it boring to play.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > Is this just a consolidated list of the previous 2 posts within the last one?

> >

> > Yeah.


> Would it be safe to assume that every 2 weeks, we'd receive another revision of the balance changes?


> When would the final iteration be?


This is, likely, the final iteration for this pass. We had to lock it down or risk missing our planned release. (Not announcing it yet, but it's not too far away assuming something doesn't go awry.)


This doesn't mean we're done with balance or with splits. We know we have more work to do.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > > Is this just a consolidated list of the previous 2 posts within the last one?

> > >

> > > Yeah.

> >

> > Would it be safe to assume that every 2 weeks, we'd receive another revision of the balance changes?

> >

> > When would the final iteration be?


> This is, likely, the final iteration for this pass. We had to lock it down or risk missing our planned release. (Not announcing it yet, but it's not too far away assuming something doesn't go awry.)


> This doesn't mean we're done with balance or with splits. We know we have more work to do.


Thank you very much for the quick response!


This is more of a personal request, but I've received a lot of great, positive feedback on the compiled list of ranger changes I've made.



I sincerely believe that this thread is a good reference point for ranger balance. If anyone at Arenanet could spare the time to look over it, it would be greatly appreciated. :)


Thanks again!

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Toron.4856" said:

> is the next balance patch going to be about number changes only? as in, is the next balance patch only going to include the changes from ths pvp/wvw skill split?


> or are we getting changes on skills/traits as well?


This release is nearly all splits, but it looks like we'll have some bug fixes going out along with it that are game-wide fixes. Don't ask me to go into specifics though.

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> @"Ragion.2831" said:

> > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > @"Ragion.2831" said:

> > > Soothing bastion. Lol please stop trolling Rev, it was funny for the first 6 months, now its getting old.

> > >

> > > This is supposed to be a grandmaster trait. That used to mean something

> > >

> > > > @"Solori.6025" said:

> > > > > @"Honor.1982" said:

> > > > > to me it looks like you havent even attempted to read the communities posts and went ahead with with what you already had planned.

> > > > >

> > > > > btw thanks for the dagger buffs on necro while ruining power/support scourge

> > > >

> > > > Oh they did read the communities post.

> > > >

> > > > All the" nerf this/ Its OP " threads are well represented in this list

> > > >

> > > > --Feedback--

> > > >

> > > > Your goal to increase the viability of other builds falls so short it's appalling.

> > > >

> > > > You can not do a blanket nerf to one build without effecting others.

> > > > You are not making more builds viable by nerfing one powerful build and then doing nothing to make other builds desirable.

> > > > All you do is shift classes out of the meta entirely, while promoting the next best classes.

> > > >

> > > > You pattern for years has been as far as what has been OP or over represented in competative environments goes something like this.

> > > >

> > > > Too much damage--

> > > > Your response is to nerf damage

> > > >

> > > > Too much support-

> > > > You nerf support and leave damage in subpar levels

> > > >

> > > > Too much condi-

> > > > You nerf condi and then buff power damage and support

> > > >

> > > > Repeat:

> > > >

> > > > Over and over and over again.

> > > >

> > > > Remember the first year of this game.

> > > > too much damage-

> > > >

> > > > damage was nerfed-

> > > >

> > > > Cele bunkers become dominant-

> > > >

> > > > you nerf cele bunkers

> > > >

> > > > Condi mesmers become dominant-

> > > > you nerf mes

> > > >

> > > > warr does too much damage now-

> > > > you nerf war

> > > >

> > > > guardian does too much support-

> > > >

> > > > nerf guard-

> > > >

> > > > thief does too much condi-

> > > >

> > > > you nerf theif.

> > > >

> > > > repeat with different classes.

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > At some point. Someone needs to break this cycle,

> > > > When you nerf things, you need to look closer at the interactions of the class and make sure you are not simultaneously killing the class and ALL builds it could have.

> > > > You need to not listen to every nerf me thread and instead try getting in the game, playing with the change.

> > > > Even opening up a beta weekend and letting players play with the changes is much much better then totally leaving us with a broken meta for 6 more months.

> > > >

> > > >

> > >

> > > I'm sorry but this makes no sense. Its almost like this is the first multiplayer game you've played.

> > sometimes I wish it was, would have saved a lot in sub fees.

> > Please though be more specific about what doesn't make sense.

> > Are you confused with the request?

> > Are you confused with the pattern?

> > What could be dumbed down so that it is easier for you to comprehend?

> >

> The entire comment is off


Again, the non explanation makes me think you honestly have trouble comprehending.


> > >This is how balancing works.

> >

> > >Something becomes oppressive, it gets nerfed to give players more gameplay options.

> >

> >

> > This is the issue.

> > It doesn't give you more gameplay options, in fact it does the EXACT opposite.

> >

> > It jumps from one class being oppressive to the next.

> > Is this the first time you have been in this game dealing with these repeat balance changes?

> >

> I'm referring to the point of balancing in general. Im not talking about what Gw2 does or doesnt do.


When we are talking about the balance of GW2 it doesn't help to bring balance from different companies or games as a counter weight to this discussion

We are talking about A-Net. No where did I refer to other game companies or games

I would appreciate it if you tried to do the same.


> > > The entire point of this Nerf campaign is so we dont all have to live and die by the meta. Dont know what you mean by "leaving us with a broken meta"

> > Read the history of Spvp from 2012. OR

> > Ask your friendly neighborhood spvp vet about the repeat in the meta we have had since 2012.

> >

> > Research is easy when you actually try.

> >

> You have to read history patches, I was there. 2012 was a completely different era. Using old skills and mechanics to guess what builds will be meta is illogical.


If a pattern repeats itself how is it illogical to predict the next block in the pattern.

Also I'm wondering if you actually read the post or just stopped at small snippets, it's fine if you don't read everything. I would love to know beforehand though so I am not completely baffled by your responses.


Do you know how patterns work?


> > >We dont know what the meta is going to be after all the changes.

> > It repeats usually so we most certainly do.

> >

> You dont seem to know what meta is. Meta are builds community has decided are the most efficient at being successful. They are builds. The builds we have now didnt exist back then which I guess you didnt gather from the history patch notes. You seem to be referring to playstyles (bunker, offense and support) when its the builds that make playstyles possible.


I have no words.

You seem to be at a disconnect or I am at a disconnect with you.

Yes, we don't know what class will have what build.

I'm pretty sure

But from the pattern of how Anet nerfs and buffs we can deduce that it will be some class, with some bunker playstyle.


That build/class will then go on to be a prominent staple for the meta for the game mode.


As _history_ has shown.

That isn't up for debate.

What about the pattern of this games history confuses you?


> > Here I'll help you.

> > If you nerf damage and don't nerf the ability for people to bunker points what is going to be op ?

> >

> > Again, you would know this if you researched it.

> > Or experienced it for 6 years

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> I already said this several days ago that nerfing coefficients could potentially cause a rise in bunker builds so you are quite late. I didnt say this was definitely going to happen because a number of things are different. We also do not know exactly how much damage everyone is losing because we cannot visualize a damage nerf on this scale. So for all we know there might still be just enough damage to keep bunkers in check.



That is a probability, but from the history that anet has shown I honestly wont bet on it.

But predictive analytics can be wrong with slight variations.


Do you trust A-net that much though?


> More importantly, i gave a solution not ramble on with no rhyme or reason. Damage cannot stay the way it is but we cant go back to bunker, so the only way is to make bunkers impossible by removing tanky amulets and then normalizing the damage and healing numbers so people arent getting one shotted.


> It is a rookie move to be evaluating future meta builds when we dont know exactly what damage will look like. All we have are a bunch of numbers. Every so often you always have players simplifying combat down to DPS, then they have to be reminded that combat is a lot more complicated than how much damage you are doing.



Cool story? I dont stalk people on the forums so I have the slightest clue where you stand or why.

Thanks for that though?


Also I'm not sure if you read the post you quoted. Which is fine, it's long so I wont fault you for it. ( please adhere to the upward request if you decide not to read everything)

But I proposed two fixes that would help break the cycle.

The one that I have seen proposed the most has been a PTS. Which would be imo the most beneficial

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> > > > @"Pterikdactyl.7630" said:

> > > > Is this just a consolidated list of the previous 2 posts within the last one?

> > >

> > > Yeah.

> >

> > Would it be safe to assume that every 2 weeks, we'd receive another revision of the balance changes?

> >

> > When would the final iteration be?


> This is, likely, the final iteration for this pass. We had to lock it down or risk missing our planned release. (Not announcing it yet, but it's not too far away assuming something doesn't go awry.)


> This doesn't mean we're done with balance or with splits. We know we have more work to do.


I love you. Btw can you take a look at skirmishing and marksmanship minor traits from ranger ? Someday maybe :)

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> **Necro**

> - Increasing the heal per pulse of Well of Blood by 75% seems very high.

> - Im curious about the Signet of Undeath buff. I don't know how this will work out yet, but seems quite (a bit too) powerful.


For Well of Blood, this is actually making up for the overall nerf Well of Blood got when they changed it from 10 seconds to 5 seconds duration. They forgot to improve the pulse values to an amount corresponding to the reduction in number, so the skill currently heals about 60% of what it used to on pulses. This increase is really just restoring the original total.


Signet of Undeath probably still won't see use because of a 3 second cast time on a class with horrid stability access. Even so, here's a case where the reduction doesn't actually mean as much as you would think because when traited, the skill can get reduced down to a cooldown of less than a minute anyway (on live servers, Scourge can drop it down to 42 seconds without alacrity, Core can drop it down to about 30 if not focused).

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Condition Mirage has already been nerfed hard with the changes to confusion. The changes to elusive mind has the potential to officially kill the Mirage profession when exhaustion triggers during a stun break. Please reconsider this change as condition Mirage isn't even meta anymore. Focus on the burst potential of the power mesmer while being Invisible, which has been overlooked by the balance team and abused in almost every game that I played in the last month of Season 10 PvP.

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The PvP changes to Druid are necessary. However those changes shouldn't disable Core ranger and SoulBeast Ranger too.


Please don't nerf the entire Ranger profession when the Bunker support Druid is the only problem in PvP games. No class should be able to survive 1vs 3, which is what was happening with only the Druid.


No one has ever complained about SoulBeast being overpowered lol.

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Also, the game should only be balanced based on intermediate and high level players.


Please start listening to the player base that actively plays PvP. There are players that will whine about everything.


For example, players were whining about the Deadeye profession when it first came out. But in fact , deadeyes are rarely seen in high level play and rifle damage should be actually improved!


Now I sincerely appreciate the effort that Anet is making to receive feedback from players on these forums. Just please don't over nerf a class unless it is actually warranted based on gaming data or win/loss information of the top 1000 players.

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> @"HeadCrowned.6834" said:

> **Ranger**

> - Nerfing the damage on staff autoattack is really unnecessary, pls either revert this or give something in return for staff #2 and #4.

> - Instead of increasing the Cooldown on CA, nerf the traits that are influenced by this, ergo Druidic Clarity and Celestial Shadow.

> - I like the buffs on Axe

> - I get the nerf on Grace of the Land, but I think the trait becomes pretty weak now, especially since the cooldown on CA goes up. You should give something extra to this trait or make it less reliant on CA in general.

> - Might stacking hasnt really been an issue I think for ranger in PvP since the nerf on the zephyrs speed trait, so I don't get why you are so bothered by nerfing might on ranger (except for Grace of the Land).



> **Necro**

> - Increasing the heal per pulse of Well of Blood by 75% seems very high.

> - Im curious about the Signet of Undeath buff. I don't know how this will work out yet, but seems quite (a bit too) powerful.


Problem with Signet of Undead is that you can afk to make a sandwich while it casts.

It has a longer cast time than Battle Standard, doesn't grant any boons, has a _tiny_ radius (basically have to be on top of the necro), revives fewer people, doesn't blast finish, (which as someone else said is an issue for necros), takes up one of three utility slots which are already heavily fought over and will likely be interrupted due to necro's limited access to non RNG stability. To reinforce that point further, warriors aren't running the banner. The only benefit is the tiny bit of life force regeneration which is basically nothing and will never be noticed in any group fight.

Couple that with the buff to well of blood and the transfuse + well of blood combo will continue to be the way to go.


~ Kovu

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