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How to fix current defensive gameplay.


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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> I think the main problem with catas is that enemy can just stealth or portal on them and kill them instantly with the powercreep we got. Also 2 acs can literally kill them in a few seconds. Health increase is to counter that. In exchange they could make trebs, ballistas and mortars deal 50% more damage to the catapults.


**Power Creep**

Ok, First I'll comment on the Power Creep. I feel like the Power Creep is a beast of it's own kind. That need's to be dealt with in it's own unique way and I can not agree to beef up the given siege in that way to help compensate for it.

- **"In exchange they could make trebs, ballistas and mortars deal 50% more damage to the catapults."** I feel like this could go against the title and purpose of this Post. There is quite a bit that can be said here. But I will try to keep it short. 2 of those have a great CC aspects ultimately available to them (Treb and Mortar) among other useful skills. Bali has [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Greater_Reinforced_Shot](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Greater_Reinforced_Shot "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Greater_Reinforced_Shot") ultimately as well. Some cost more supply than others for a reason as we both know, etc. Point is each has enough going for them in their own value. That it wouldn't be worth "50% more damage" "in exchange". If the goal is to "**fix current defensive gameplay**". Hope none of that came off as rude. Just trying to be straight and to the point.


**Stealth and Portal for Seige**

Next, is that I definitely agree with the stealth and portal thing you mentioned. In the fact that in can happen. Now, how often does it happen? I couldn't tell you as I feel there will never be a set number times. I can however, speak on experience and say that most of the siege I see die or go to waste. Is due to other siege countering it or players outright over powering you. Usually do to bigger numbers. More or less in such cases you have to abandon the siege just because of that, if able. So with the Stealth and Portal thing. I personally don't see it happen enough times to see it as the main factor, or at least one big enough, in relation to siege destruction. A guess as to why. Is because of the **Risk** that may be associated in any given/related situation(s). Also the **Worth**, the **Need**, (a few other factors that aren't worth going into here) more than often, seem not to be great enough. Point is, is that I find the Stealth, Portal thing(s) such a rare occurrence in the broad spectrum of situations that can occur. As well as enough factors taking place within those situations. That help limit it from actually happening. More importantly, creating such a need for it to happen in the first place . Let's just say I see that tactic used much more in _fight's_ as the priority rather than _siege destruction_.


**Arrow Carts against Catapults**

2 AC's can more or less kill them in seconds. I agree. Arrow Carts also have a range of 2,800 [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arrow_Cart](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arrow_Cart "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arrow_Cart"). Catapults however have a range 4,000 [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Catapult](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Catapult "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Catapult") and can knockback when possible. To add, [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_Boulder](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_Boulder "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fire_Boulder") under the "**Notes**" states " "**Range depends on how long the skill is charged for, and also on the catapult's elevation; placing it higher up will increase its range**". AKA, using "**strategic location(s)**". This advantage should give you enough distance between most encounter's of AC Fire. As there can be a significant distance between ranges. So if you can't however use a possible location, strategically. Then it could possibly fall under Bad Siege Placement or Bad Terrain design. Unless you're not meant to have an advantage in a given location. In which case it's not for me to decide.


> @"Threather.9354" said:Yea, main thing with the shield generators would be to reduce the fact that 2 gens can keep up perma bubble. Just some reduction to radius (to stop them from blocking treb/cata fire and duration is enough.

Yea, definitely a possibility. I believe there was a similar forum to this, that was made. I found it after your's though ->[i-think-we-strongly-need-for-the-alliance-change](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32362/anet-siege-changes-i-think-we-strongly-need-for-the-alliance-change#latest "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32362/anet-siege-changes-i-think-we-strongly-need-for-the-alliance-change#latest") I just added my 2 cents there to siege as a whole.


Thanks for the reply

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