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Will we have a way to mark our progress within LW instances?

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I would like to know why we still don't have a way to mark our advancement within LW instances and quickly go back to the point we are interested to play. Since we can't skip dialogues and are subject to disconnection issues, this measure would allow a much more comfortable way of playing the LW instances. Also, this would allow us to focus on completing achievements within the instances without having to do the complete story again, once and again and again.


Some of the "motes" in LWS2 had a similar effect, and allowed us to quickly restart a challenging scene, instead of going back all the way to the start of the chapter. But then there wasn't any more development of these motes. Now LWS4 is again full of situations were I'm forced to listen to the same complete dialogue or run the same complete map before I can get to the ONE thing I want to overcome. Then I fail and need to rewind again, everything. Many, many times.


Will we have a way to mark our progress within LW instances?

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