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Legendary Pets


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Even if it’s just a really cool looking skin, it’d be a neat idea to have “legendary pets” Rangers can quest for. Nothing so intense as a legendary weapon or armor. Just a few a simple quest lines that maybe gets into some cool GW lore. Maybe a few collections thrown in there.


You must put together a collection to offer the legendary pet to persuade them to join you. You have to impress them by defeating powerful enemies. You have to purify a corrupted place or retrieve an ancient treasure.


Then you can have a Kirin as a companion, or a Phoenix. Something neat like that. Maybe not much more powerful than a regular pet, mostly just a cool aesthetic.


If nothing else “Legendary Tamer” could be a future elite wherein the ranger could summon or swap in a powerful “legendary creature” they’ve made some kind of pact with.


Not expecting this to happen, just a fun idea.

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No, I think this concept is worth looking into and building upon.

However, I would extend the concept of a Legendary Pet system to an 'Evolved Pet' system (Pokemon Joke here). Allow me to pitch the concept.



Ranger Pets:


Juvenile Ice Drake ----> Evolved (Elite Spec. Condition ?) ----> Brood Mother Ice Drake

Juvenile Cheetah ----> Evolved (Elite Spec. Condition ?) ----> Earthen Stalker

Juvenile Fern Hound -----> Evolved (Elite Spec. Condition ?) -----> Mordrem Wolf



The point would be to offer a new variety of pets without straining AreanNet's work table. Larger versions of most Juvenile pets already exist in game, it would only require programming to allow for the 'Evolution' system (or something like it) to make its scene.


Re-skins are fine. Dyes are fine. But its not going to happen as quickly due to the amount of color channels each pet would need to implement or the time it will take to reskin each category of Ranger pet. The larger versions of each model already exist, some would just see a size increase or color difference, but ultimately, it could work. (If its just appearances. )


Meh, that's my 2 cents.

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Maybe they can tie a legendary pet with a new e-spec weapon collection? It's safe to assume if there were to be another x-pac, a weapon collection would be there for new e-specs again, so this can add to it.


The legendary pet could be a different aesthetic from one of the new pets tamable in the new zones with a different effect on its F2. Seems reasonable and obtainable if they go this route, as they won't have to do any story instances and the collection itself can be tweaked a bit for pet-taming flavour.

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OH! That's great too! How about additionally, a side quest / mission to achieveing a unique weapon skin where you enter a specific instance to obtain (X) item for the achievement (and here is the twist ) a Legendary Pet that will spawn randomly from a list of 5. Each one spawning at different times of day or perhaps triggered by a specific action in the instance? The sky is the limit!


Side Note: I suddenly thought of a Legendary Pet that has an F2 to access temporary bag space? Eh? Eh?! Nah? ...alright.



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> @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> > @"Svennis.3852" said:



> How about you pump the brakes on the caplock key there super chief.

It was supposed to be a joke, but I guess humor doesn’t read well via text. /shrug


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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> As a ranger/druid main, I love the idea. I have some doubt that Anet would go to the effort of creating this awesomeness for just one profession, though. Wouldn't every one who doesn't play rangers have hissy fits? There would have to be some sort of alternate bonus feature for others


Yeah I’m sure there would be salt over it unless there was some equivalent perk for other classes, which is where my suggestion of a “legendary tamer” elite spec comes from (accompanied by new elites for the other 8 classes). Of course that’d nix the idea of collections/quests most likely, since people would want their paid content immediately.


Unless it functions similar to the elite spec weapon set collections.


My main idea though is that this “questing” would be similar to the “caladbolg regrown” event Anet introduced a while back. It was a small, albeit true, questline. It was refreshing.

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Regardless if there is 'salt' or not, Ranger players should be able to request / push for uniqueness in the game we are paying (including micro transactions). I am with you on adding something greater than just the Ranger pets we currently have and I understand that some will fight Ranger players on why ArenaNet might not comply...but the truth is, if we don't start coming up with fun requests, no one will. Unless we depend on Warrior Players to dictate Ranger dynamics...?! HECK NO! No.... no.

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Hmm. On THAT note - Maybe ArenaNet should make taming more fun? Make it a bit more competitive or perhaps a challenge of sorts? Kind of like a Hero Point challenge? Or maybe we have to complete a heart - buy a specific something - use that something at X spot and fight a challenge?


More food for thought...

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I think personally that rangers could certainly use some love in regards to the pet system, and love the idea of adding new "legendary" creatures for us to go out and tame. To avoid the potential salt, why not make the collection unlock minis and have the penultimate reward be a mount re-skin that can be unlocked. They way I could see it working is that you first have to go out and collect the young pets (minis). Once the minis collection is finished, it unlocks the next tier which would be a collection around proving your worth (i.e. killing bosses, doing open world missions, etc) and that unlocks the final collection where you have to craft a few things, tame the few legendary creatures and upon completion a mount skin gets unlocked that is a larger "fully evolved" version of one of the creatures.


(edited to bring the idea more inline with what seem to be anet's goals) Additionally, the player home instances could also act a bit like your menagerie. Giving you the option to have a few of these pets wandering about. This would enable non ranger players to complete the collections, and once they claim the new pets, those pets could be waiting in that players home instance, account wide for their ranger character to tame later. If the player doesn't have a ranger, they'd just have a cool pet to hang out in their home instance, a la the cats that can be tamed.

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> @"MrGhosty.4296" said:

> I think personally that rangers could certainly use some love in regards to the pet system, and love the idea of adding new "legendary" creatures for us to go out and tame. To avoid the potential salt, why not make the collection unlock minis and have the penultimate reward be a mount re-skin that can be unlocked. They way I could see it working is that you first have to go out and collect the young pets (minis). Once the minis collection is finished, it unlocks the next tier which would be a collection around proving your worth (i.e. killing bosses, doing open world missions, etc) and that unlocks the final collection where you have to craft a few things, tame the few legendary creatures and upon completion a mount skin gets unlocked that is a larger "fully evolved" version of one of the creatures.


> (edited to bring the idea more inline with what seem to be anet's goals) Additionally, the player home instances could also act a bit like your menagerie. Giving you the option to have a few of these pets wandering about. This would enable non ranger players to complete the collections, and once they claim the new pets, those pets could be waiting in that players home instance, account wide for their ranger character to tame later. If the player doesn't have a ranger, they'd just have a cool pet to hang out in their home instance, a la the cats that can be tamed.


I'm glad SOMEONE is still thinking about mini's around here! Thumbs up!


Also, maybe a combat system for minis? That might be fun! ( Something other than Pokemon style though. That's too old of a concept. )


EDIT: OH! LEGENDARY MINIS?! Eh??? EH???? Yes? No? meh.

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> @"Mecha.7301" said:

> > @"MrGhosty.4296" said:

> > I think personally that rangers could certainly use some love in regards to the pet system, and love the idea of adding new "legendary" creatures for us to go out and tame. To avoid the potential salt, why not make the collection unlock minis and have the penultimate reward be a mount re-skin that can be unlocked. They way I could see it working is that you first have to go out and collect the young pets (minis). Once the minis collection is finished, it unlocks the next tier which would be a collection around proving your worth (i.e. killing bosses, doing open world missions, etc) and that unlocks the final collection where you have to craft a few things, tame the few legendary creatures and upon completion a mount skin gets unlocked that is a larger "fully evolved" version of one of the creatures.

> >

> > (edited to bring the idea more inline with what seem to be anet's goals) Additionally, the player home instances could also act a bit like your menagerie. Giving you the option to have a few of these pets wandering about. This would enable non ranger players to complete the collections, and once they claim the new pets, those pets could be waiting in that players home instance, account wide for their ranger character to tame later. If the player doesn't have a ranger, they'd just have a cool pet to hang out in their home instance, a la the cats that can be tamed.


> I'm glad SOMEONE is still thinking about mini's around here! Thumbs up!


> Also, maybe a combat system for minis? That might be fun! ( Something other than Pokemon style though. That's too old of a concept. )


> EDIT: OH! LEGENDARY MINIS?! Eh??? EH???? Yes? No? meh.


Maybe the could add in Polymock that allows you to choose from your minis instead of polymock pieces? I would love to see a "honey I shrunk the kids" style combat zone.

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I love the ideas here:

* For the next spec could be a beastmaster which allow the ranger not to have juvenile anymore. Although IMO first Anet should make the actual pets to work reliably in PvP.

* For the pets to have different skins. Some legendary skins could be offered in gemstore.


However i think the skin system would need also a small rework in how the pets work. Maybe the pet archetype is defined by the F2 skill instead the pet itself so its easier to have all 5 archetypes for all pets. IMO even the amount of families \ pet categorisation could be reduced so it's easier to work with them.



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The salt people might get shouldn't even matter. In PvP, all skins unlocked. If the legendary pet (skin) is not optimal/meta/whatever, then people would either pass it up or grab it for the achievement. If it is, then people would go out of their way for it anyway. No need to consider the other professions when in WvW and PvE, they don't have to go out and find the other portion of their dps/utility/class mechanic to be effective.


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Step 1 - Put this thread into the gw2 discussion subforum

Step 2 - Let people hammer how much they are ready to pay for it

Step 3 - Anet release next x-pac with "awesome" feature of making your mount a pet in PvE that assist you in combat to all professions (which mean a 2nd pet for ranger)

Step 4 - X-pac have a few new mount/pet available.

Step 5 - Gain a chance to have random pet skins to your pet when you open a black lion chest.

Step 6 - Legendary mount/Pet can be crafted by completing all achievement from this x-pac raid set.


How I forgot the step where PvP player cry due to the fact that they can't use it and they end up making a legendary PvP mount/pet that you can only use in PvE but is only available if you manage to be a top PvP player.


NB.: They ain't gonna make "legendary" pet for a single profession.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Sandzibar.5134" said:

> > Id rather just have pet skins you can dye.


> And something like a wardrobe system where you can swap petskins in between family members.


This will never happen. PvP is still appearenced based if you can swap the skin your enemy doesn't know what skill your pet has. Same reason why we can only transmute to the same weapon type.

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