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This conversation from the Southsun event never fails to make me laugh!


" Job-o-Tron: Just—a—few—basic—questions. First—question: What—is—your—occupation?

Tergvi: I'm an adventurer. I roam the globe, taking what I can find and living off the land.

Job-o-Tron: Recording—response: "Raider."

Tergvi: I'm no raider. I kill dangerous beasts and those who do evil. I defend the innocent.

Job-o-Tron: Updating—response: "Muderous—raider—with—delusions—of—grandeur."

Job-o-Tron: Next—question: What—is—your—dream—job?

Tergvi: To be a traveler. I've been from the Shiverpeaks to the Sea of Sorrows, but there's so much more to see.

Job-o-Tron: Recording—response: "Hobo." Next—question: What—is—your—greatest—professional—accomplishment?

Tergvi: I'm not answering any more of your questions.

Job-o-Tron: Recording—response: "No—professional—accomplishments." Now—tabulating—results...

Job-o-Tron: Update: We—currently—have—no—opportunities—available. Please—re—apply—when—your—skill—set—has—improved."

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_Old Lion's Arch - Canal Ward_


**Adventurer:** Hey, which way to the outhouse?

**Citizen:** We don't have outhouses. We have water closets.

**Adventurer:** Like latrines?

**Citizen:** Nope. They all flow into the same sewer system, and that all goes out to sea.

**Adventurer:** That's more than I really needed to know.

**Citizen:** Hey, you asked. Just don't ask me if anything lives down there.

**Adventurer:** You've got a deal.

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> @"HellBeast.6320" said:

> I haven't located the actual names/who says it and it isn't posted dialogue in the chat box but...In the new LS episode in the Omakhan village, sometimes when I run by I hear two members of the tribe talking (one male and one female). They are talking about you and basically start fanboy/fangirl'ing over you. It's one of the many conversations in game that I have stopped what I was doing to listen to but definitely one of my favorite on how it plays out. I also have only been to Sandswept on a male Charr so it makes it even more enduring to me. But the first time I heard it, I stopped to listen to it play out <3


The fun of that conversation is that it varies by what race your character is. :D There was actually [a whole thread about it](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/32177/gossiping-charrs "a whole thread about it") a while ago.


It's not exactly background conversation, but I think one of my favorite in-game quotes is: "I have a name. Shiny Head is not it." (That whole event chain is hysterical.)

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> Lionguard Tyrro: I'm glad to see the city up and running again, but it isn't the same.

> Alainn: What's wrong with it? It's grander than ever!

> Lionguard Tyrro: That's my point. The old LA wasn't grand. It had character. It has spirit. It had grit. This just isn't the same.


I used to hate old LA but since the day I've entered new LA for the first time I miss old LA...

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Ferocious "Bear": Come on, let me out! I'm not really a bear!

Prison Warden Zikki: Keep it down, talking bear. You're going nowhere.


Prison Warden Zikki: Hey, "Doc," your talking bear is at it again.

Mad Scientist Bluup: I already told you the talking bear isn't one of mine, you imbicile


Prison Warden Zikki: When you're done pacing down there "Doc," can you get your talking bear to shut up? He's riling up the other inmates.

Mad Scientist Bluup: You fool! He's a norn!

Prison Warden Zikki: Ha! Oh, you crazy scientist. It's that kind of lunacy that has you locked up here.

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Krewe apprentices in the Luminates Plant.


Apprentice 1: (Sigh) I'm bored.

Apprentice 2: I dare you to stick your finger in that socket over there.

Apprentice 1: I'm not going to stick my finger in that socket! YOU go stick your finger in that socket!

Apprentice 2: Are you crazy? I'm not going to stick my finger in that socket, either!

Apprentice 1: (sigh) I'm so bored...

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