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Another Shortbow thread


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lest compare shortbow


**AA** - 0.67 cast time compare to ranger 0.54 cast time and thief 0.95 sec. direct dmg per second seems to be in favor of renegade. condition dmg while ranger has a trait which increase bleeding dmg by 33% while renegade only 25% (10% with kalla) and also another trait which increase its duration so overall ranger has bit more bleeding dmg. total dmg renegade has the best dps output from AA sb. sure versus golems.


dps renegade was 2.3k, ranger 1.8k with wizard amulet and krait runes.


poison volley seems almost like sevenshot. while poison volley spread 5 arrows from caster point to the area, sevenshot spread 7 arrows from the caster to 1 point in the area.


sevenshot pro: hit more foes in zerg situation and the more they are cluster together they take more dmg while poison volley spread the dmg and not focus it.

sevenshot cons: in smaller situation its hard to hit and usually only 1 arrow will connect. in melee range poison volley wins as all 5 arrows will punish melee range.

also poison volley has much more smaller spread area.

poison volley dont need to aim which give you another few sec over the aim system of sevenshot.

poison volley traited has 6.5 sec icd while sevenshot has 7 sec with 7 nrg which are about another 1.4 sec.

regarding dmg output 1 arrow hit results almost with the same total dmg out put. direct dmg favor bit more the renegade while condition favor the ranger

all in all poison volley is much better while sevenshot is bit useless atm in all game mode.


from now on its hard to compare sb skills to others.


you can see that renegade is focus more on pure hybrid dmg out put.

ranger has 3 skills with 100% combo finish and 1 with 20% renegade has only 2 20% combo finish... bad idea

ranger and thief has evade skill #3 while renegade has not which is another bad idea. while thief has also shadow step which is great design for a thief theme. renegade has none.


bloodbane path is a strong dmg skill again both direct and condition. even though its only 3 stacks of bleeding over 11 sec it can do nice 5k dmg which force anyone to cleanse and use skills. the direct dmg with wizard amulet was 1.9k on a 3 sec cd skill. with maraduer to compare it to a thief cluster bomb is does 50%-70% dmg. cluster bomb does about 4-5k dmg while bloodbane about 2.5-3.5k (might stacks vulnerability etc)


over all good skill


if i have to change 1 skill i would change sevenshot

ranger and thief are Adventurers while renegade is Soldiers type. so i would give him a block skill and not evade. assume a defensive stand with your bow blocking any attack. second act shot 7 arrows like now. first skill cost 8 nrg and second cost 7 nrg. cd of the skill 12 sec . i would be happy with only a block.

i think block or evade is a must (if its evade so dodge through the mist backwards 240 range cost 10 nrg and 15 sec cd)


and some quality of life change suggestions

bloodbane - reduce activation time 0.75 sec

spiritcrush - can be cast behind you and has 0.5 sec activation time (cause the animation is too slow or vise versa. animation much faster)



i wonder what would happen if renegade would play with string healer side by side (like necro and guard)






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I don't like about shortbow that most of skills is super slow and work perfect only on standing still target.


But damage is really good. In group content, like dungeons or fractals (if boss not on you) it output some really sweet numbers.

I find that sevenshot is a waste except of big packs of mobs.


I totally agree, sevenshot should be 100% projectile finisher. Especially good synergy with SB skill 4.


I like that SB have 2 sources of burning, beside Citadel Bombardment.

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> @"SirTomato.3627" said:

> I don't like about shortbow that most of skills is super slow and work perfect only on standing still target.


> But damage is really good. In group content, like dungeons or fractals (if boss not on you) it output some really sweet numbers.

> I find that sevenshot is a waste except of big packs of mobs.


> I totally agree, sevenshot should be 100% projectile finisher. Especially good synergy with SB skill 4.


> I like that SB have 2 sources of burning, beside Citadel Bombardment.


> Slight offtopic:

> In a past i used this build with bow (Dungeons and fractals):

> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQJAVmnfNWMTuJvmRHlZzskytZ4SZ3Mor8bmFUli9IeipINAKgE4fETxWE-jRSAQBHU9moo8DAXAAhoigAM/Fj9HCwDAADKBznOASBoomN-e


> It have runes of balthazar for almost 100% cheap burning duration (some expertise required)... build is just murderous.


> With v1 grandmaster trait you have even more burning, that is the strongest damage condition in the game. And with v2 invonation trait you have periodically extra 25 energy, for even more burst.


SB seems to be slow as it got first activation time and second a animation time thus i suggested 2 cuts to the current activation time for 2 skills

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Short bow skills adjustment suggestions:


General note – range should be increased from 900 to 1000

1. Shattershot – explosion should be increased from 120 to 140 and increase damage

2. Blood Bane Path - The arrows should path similar to guardians scepter auto attack, but should much fast to look more like they only fly straight. However, the arrows should start 100 units from the target and end 100 units on the other side, so basically covering every 60 degree angle and damaging any other foe within that radius. This also states these are barbed arrows, so should they cause cripple or explode at the end of their path with a 60 radius? similar to shattershot

3. 7 shot - should be more like the mordrem husk attack where it leaves a damage effect(s) on the ground for 5-7 seconds which gives torment and/or cripple

4. Spirit crush – I would like to see this as an immobilize or knockdown(kind of goes with the crush name) instead of slow with reduced activation

5. Scorchrazor – needs to travel faster and fire 3 waves that knock back at a 700 range to about 1000 if they get hit by all three (I did this on purpose so it doesn't knock them out of range for your other attacks) instead of only 1 that knocks down and this needs to be a targeted skill - not manually directional, which would help people to not fire the skill when foes aren't in range. As a large #5 skill it is really lack luster for how easy it is to dodge or side step to avoid.


Everyone says it needs an evade, but I think it needs to be more about crowd control and keeping the enemies distance, similar to that of the utility skills. The utilities need to have more traits that address crowd control. Currently, each utility has a 360 radius, but a 600 range for damage. The current trait 'All for one', grants protection in the 360 radius. Another trait should be a push or knockback to keep enemies out of the 360 radius, sort of like the tengu champ skill in the desert boarder lands air keep that traps you inside.


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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:

> Short bow skills adjustment suggestions:


> General note – range should be increased from 900 to 1000

not at all . 900 is fine. we have 1200 range and 900 range weapon.

> 1. Shattershot – explosion should be increased from 120 to 140 and increase damage

shattershot is already good skill as stated before. i would prefer it to hit faster than stronger.

> 2. Blood Bane Path - The arrows should path similar to guardians scepter auto attack, but should much fast to look more like they only fly straight. However, the arrows should start 100 units from the target and end 100 units on the other side, so basically covering every 60 degree angle and damaging any other foe within that radius. This also states these are barbed arrows, so should they cause cripple or explode at the end of their path with a 60 radius? similar to shattershot

sound to complicated. barbed gives bleeding not cripple. but it could be nice to put 1 sec of cripple as a cover condition to it while have some distance from your foe.

> 3. 7 shot - should be more like the mordrem husk attack where it leaves a damage effect(s) on the ground for 5-7 seconds which gives torment and/or cripple

i though so too. but again it would be easy to avoid. the problem of the skill is 1. you have to aim which takes time 2. slow movement animation so enemy can straff out of it 3. hardly hit more than 1 arrow so only apply 1 torment. its design to hit in a crowed environment till 1 foe takes all the dmg but also fail to do so. so i would give each arrow 7 torment stack but only can hit any foe once. so you can spread more torment aoe but gain back the dmg.

> 4. Spirit crush – I would like to see this as an immobilize or knockdown(kind of goes with the crush name) instead of slow with reduced activation

i wish too. slow is weird conditions hardly used. also this skill again too slow unless as you suggested will immobilize or kd first than do its aoe dmg on the area.

> 5. Scorchrazor – needs to travel faster and fire 3 waves that knock back at a 700 range to about 1000 if they get hit by all three (I did this on purpose so it doesn't knock them out of range for your other attacks) instead of only 1 that knocks down and this needs to be a targeted skill - not manually directional, which would help people to not fire the skill when foes aren't in range. As a large #5 skill it is really lack luster for how easy it is to dodge or side step to avoid.


> Everyone says it needs an evade, but I think it needs to be more about crowd control and keeping the enemies distance, similar to that of the utility skills. The utilities need to have more traits that address crowd control. Currently, each utility has a 360 radius, but a 600 range for damage. The current trait 'All for one', grants protection in the 360 radius. Another trait should be a push or knockback to keep enemies out of the 360 radius, sort of like the tengu champ skill in the desert boarder lands air keep that traps you inside.


to keep distance you have evade backwards, KB, cripple, chill, immobilize - renegade SB has none.




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> @"Rasp Sabreblade.5421" said:


> 5. Scorchrazor – needs to travel faster and fire 3 waves that knock back at a 700 range to about 1000 if they get hit by all three (I did this on purpose so it doesn't knock them out of range for your other attacks) instead of only 1 that knocks down and this needs to be a targeted skill - not manually directional, which would help people to not fire the skill when foes aren't in range. As a large #5 skill it is really lack luster for how easy it is to dodge or side step to avoid.


I really disagree with this. Scorchrazor is one of the few highlights of the sb IMO. I don't get why you would want to make an AoE skill targeted. Maybe I just don't understand what you mean with the whole 3 waves only knocking down at a certain distance thing. The fact that it's manually directional lets me place it where it can be most effective during a fight in WvW...as opposed to the skill tracking just 1 enemy. I'm guessing your talking from a PvP perspective though if people are dodging it that easily. In a zerg fight for instance, that skill does work.


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I like the shortbow and am steadily working my way towards c&c legendary for it. However if I were to personally make any changes it would be these.


Bloodbane path have slightly more focus on main target when other targets are nearby.


Scorchrazor add a small backstep/hop/teleport or whatever style works best for the same result and maayybe have it fire off or travel just a hair quicker, but that's debatable.


Sevenshot would be the biggest change.

I think this ability would be great if it surrounded target with the arrow portals, shot inward at the target, pierce and fly outwards like an asterisk* would look basically. This solves it's aiming nonsense, makes the skill viable on single target regardless of distance and still functions as a good aoe when used in a crowd. I honestly think this would be the best implementation of the skill and feel it's just a pipedream.


Outside of those changes shortbow is fine.

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> @"Haku.1648" said:

> Hello,


> I've never seen a shortbow renegade in fractals and/or raids and I'm wondering if it's really efficient. Is this build that inferior to the pure mace/axe build?


> Thanks for your advice.


dont do fractal or raids so cant comment about the dps


but here is dps test on the mist with SB

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