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What new spec DON't you want on your team

Faux Play.6104

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Deadeye. I honestly feel bad for anyone wanting to try it as I think there are certain expectations for the role thief fills in pvp, that straying from the norm hails doomsday from the beginning. Had one earlier today and he was getting kitten on by 2 others who were pissed with him playing it before we even started. The match didn't even go that bad, we lost but still ended with some 350+ by the end. I don't personally hate deadeye nor any class, I just feel at a disadvantage with team-mates not willing to work together and deadeye is visibly met with adversity going by this poll so far.

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So far...HoT specs > PoF for the most part. PoF sacrifices survivability but makes you more of a damage dealer. 1v1 situations are all over the place PoF v PoF, you have to teamfight. Honestly, I rather have a team of HoT specs than a team of handicapping PoF specs. Deadeye has to be the absolute worst, there are still thieves who still haven't heard of Sindrener...


Holosmith - Pop a reflect/block/Stability and they are pretty easy...or just focus them.

Scourge - Just fight outside the circles

Spellbreaker - Fairly easy to kite and seems far squishier. Stunbreak is their enemy.

Deadeye - Reflect/Block or just focus them. Daredevil is far better, PoF didn't improve anyone's mobility to keep up the decap game.

Firebrand - Just slap them, they'll die.


Rest are just really damage boosts and don't really change anything



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Right now, I'd only say Renegade. Glint is revenant; playing without it neuters the class.


Firebrand in a support role may be okay, but have to see. Deadeye could be useful, but it falls victim to the problem of most thieves being bad; the ones which could pull off Deadeye are more effective on a traditional thief build.

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Even though ranger's my main, I have yet to find a half decent soulbeast build. My guess is people will take advantage of the extra conditions rangers couldn't apply before and go back to SB trapper ranger, as I don't like condi builds I refused to try.


DH>Firebrand seems the worse of the lot in terms of HoT vs PoF, as the latter lacks in sustain and the former (cough op refresh elite) is overflowing with it.

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i dont understand whats the hate with DEs in pvp matches, i admit that bad deadeyes are horrible, gosh they are, because they try to play it as a thief class, runing into skrimishes and not understanding that its supposed to be played as a ranged offensive support or dont know how to re position and re ambush after they are targeted.


but good deadeyes are a incredible adition to the team, quickly detecting wich people are using glassy builds in order to down them fast from afar, horrible if ignored, causing enemy trops in skrimishes to scatter by making one or more having to disengage and separate from the group to go after them.


most DE dont realize that you dont need to re mark a target in order to use DJ on a different person, i played yesterday with a pretty awesome DE who was extremely hard to catch and stacked malice with a target, downed them, but allowed them to rot there in downed mode to finish charging malice and use it on a DJ to whoever tried to revive the downed mark or on someone with 50% or so hp downing them instantly

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at all still hacnt any in my group..but got many times as enemy and once I got to DE they was mostly from start loss in fight as for me so I dont want yo much to have other DE in my group as I see have they at all dont have to much burst on start of fight, worst mobility in this game ver as for that paper build class and as I know how is stealth working on thieves 75% of DE's with which I was fighting were in downed state while stealth expiring...as for me fighting agains DE even stealth dont helping to much for them

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I dont think Deadeye works well for Conquest just because of the nature of the game mode.

Soulbeast needs to be fixed and possibly buffed in some areas as it lacks a ton of polish with skills not working as they should.

Renegade is a meme in its current state, as its clearly PvE focused. Who makes a "Well" that you can CC/Damage, on top of energy costs+CDs on those skills and the Function key skills?

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I've seen quite a bit of Deadeye builds +1, fire a few shots, then leave dealing 11k++ damages while filling their role as a decapper. So definitely more from Deadeye than I have from Renegade, performance wise. But being in Plat, I understand if there are ever-more Deadeye Thieves in the lower divisions to turn such an opinion against them.


Even Firebrand has that off-placed _"Support"_ role in team fights (enough to actually make a difference) but Renegade, I can't say that particular class has proved prominent.



Please either nerf Scourge, or place one on each team :)

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Deadeye is a hard one to talk about. Against players who lack field awareness deadeye is absolutely amazing at +1ing and killing someone who is tunnel visioned on fighting a druid/DH/Spellbreaker/Engie/whatever . But it dies to 1v1s horribly. Like with D/P thief you can still 1v1 people if you are good at it but Deadeye just seems to die to everything no matter what uncontested.



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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Deadeye is a hard one to talk about. Against players who lack field awareness deadeye is absolutely amazing at +1ing and killing someone who is tunnel visioned on fighting a druid/DH/Spellbreaker/Engie/whatever . But it dies to 1v1s horribly. Like with D/P thief you can still 1v1 people if you are good at it but Deadeye just seems to die to everything no matter what uncontested.




The rifle would be a good secondary weapon for d/p users if they didnt have to spec deadeye and lose their steal. I was using it because pistols can be kited and easily out of range often. I was using rifle at one point just as a long range damage weapon switched to dual pistols on both sets. I'm voting soulbeast since it doesnt offer much and could use celestial ammy.

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Renegade seems like a weaker (in PvP) version of Herald. The short bow lacks defense/mobility and can't provide the same amount of damage as the mace and axe, so in the typical mace+ axe + staff is hard to find an excuse to wield that weapon, specially since half of the skills doesn't work on uneven terrain. Kalla skills are bland and expensive, so the only reason to run the Renegade is the traitline, and still probably a condi Herald has better tools in exchange of the damage disadvantage.


Deadeye should be my number 2 in the list: is way easier to fight against than the DD meta, and despite has big burt potential it melts under pressure.


Mirage should go third: as with the Renegade vs Herald, seems a less competitive variant of the Chronomancer.


Finally, I disagree with the Firebrand votes: seems that both the support builds and the burn damage builds can be stronger than the current ones from both core Guardian and DH. Maybe I'm wrong but I see lots of potential in the Firebrand.

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> @kKagari.6804 said:

> Power renegades are actually quite nice. I've been playing as one, and the elite skill easily wins team fights.


They are but I feel Renegade still consume like tons of energy especially on Soul Cleave, Citadel Bombardment, Razor Claw (Which is useless for power build anyways) and heroic command. especially the soul cleave which require hit to trigger with 9 energy consumption.

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